Wedding Bells

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House: You Choose 

Blood Status: Pureblood

Warnings: None 

A/N: y/l/n = your last name b/f/n = best friend's name


The day is finally here.  The day you've been waiting for.  Your wedding day.  You stand in front of a large, standing mirror, surveying your wedding dress in a dressing room.  It's beautifully made from the finest silk fabric, Draco wouldn't let you buy anything less even though he wasn't there the day you bought the dress.  You wouldn't allow him to see you in it, fearing he might want to skip the wedding entirely and elope right there in the dress shop.  It was exactly as you had dreamed when you were a little girl.  Your hair was done up in a half updo and your light makeup was absolutely perfect.  This is really it.  In a few minutes, you're going to marry the man of your dreams: Draco Malfoy.  You go to the vanity and search through the makeup strewn across the table and check your hair.  Your mother walks in.

"Y/n!  The ceremony is going to start any minute!  Let's get your veil on!" she says excitedly.  She carefully grabs the veil from the vanity and carefully puts it in your har with some bobby pins.She looks back and sighs.  "You've grown up so fast, y/n.  I can't believe you're getting married already.  Where did my baby girl go?"

You laugh.  Your mother gets like this all the time.  Suddenly, your best friend and maid of honour walks in.

"B/f/n!  You look wonderful!" you say coming over to your best friend and giving her a hug.

"Now, y/n.  I'm the one who should be complimenting you.  It's your wedding day after all!"  she says.  "I just came to say.  we're going to start.  Come with me."

"Go take your seat, mom," you say.  Your mother nods and leaves excitedly.

You take a deep breath in.  This is really happening now.  You're excited, but also really nervous.  You follow b/f/n out the door of the dressing room and down the hall.  You turn the corner and come face to face with a single wood door.  You hear most of the bridal party is waiting outside in front of the another door.  The door to the ceremony room  

"Y/n?  Are you okay?" b/f/n asks, placing her hand on your shoulder.  "Are you having second thoughts?"

You look back at her.  

"Of course I'm not.  that would be ridiculous.  I'm just excited." you reply.  

"Someone will come and tell you when it's your turn, y/n," she says.  "I couldn't be happier for you."

"Thank you," you say calmly to her, trying to hide the butterflies in your stomach.  She nods and hands you a bouquet of white flowers.  You thank her and she walks through the door leaving you alone.  Within a few seconds, you hear the organ come alive and the Wedding March starts.  Seconds go by but they feel like minutes maybe even hours.  Slowly, you hear someone from the other side of the door knocking.  They tell you that it's time.  You open the door slowly and carefully and walk out into a large hall.  You see the doors and flip your veil over your face.  You precess on forward.  

The Wedding march gets louder and louder until you're standing in the middle of the rounded door frame.  Everyone is standing.  Looking back at you.  You proceed on forward.  You see your family and friends.  Your mother is crying into a handkerchief.  You see Draco's parents on the other side of the room.  They're standing strong and proud as they always do.  Your eyes drift up to the platform.  You look at the groomsmen in their light grey suits with white flowers.  You glance to the other side, looking at your bridesmaids in their dresses.  Your eyes lock on Draco.  He's standing upright, looking out at you.  His hands are folded, holding each other in front of him.  he stares intently at you and you can tell that he wants nothing more than to sweep you off your feet.  You reach the platform where the wedding party is standing and ascend the stairs and position yourself directly across from Draco.   He reaches out and removes from the veil from your face, unable to keep himself from looking at you.  He smiles broadly at you.  The music dies down and the wedding officiant clears his throat.  Draco takes your hands.

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