I'll Wait For You

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Description:  This imagine was requested by saina___unicorn!

House:  You Choose

Blood Status:  Pureblood 

Warning:  Swearing


First Person POV:

I sigh as I flop myself over on my side on a bench in the halls of Hogwarts.  I exhale loudly, exhausted and close my eyes gently.  Today was one of the hardest days ever at Hogwarts I've ever had.  I'm only a second year, but classes are really hard, especially History of Magic.  Professor Binns rambles on for over an hour and then assigns an essay.  It's nothing else and it's so tiring to listen to him.

"You okay, y/n?" I hear a voice ask from up above.  I open my eyes back up and raise my head a bit to see who's talking to me.  

"Oh, hey, Draco," I say, looking up at Draco. Draco's been my best friend since we were kids and we're practically inseparable if you don't count when we're in our dorms and have different classes.  

"You okay?  You only lie down like that when something's happened," he says, sitting on the other side of the bench, pulling me up to a more vertical position. I slump myself against his shoulder.  

"Professor Binns' class happened.  You were there!" I say.  "It was an absolute snooze fest!"

He rolls his eyes, and takes my hands, standing up.  He starts to pull me away from the bench but I shake my head.

"No, Draco.  I like sitting," I say, pulling against him more.  

"Sitting kills you slowly, y/n.  You know it," he says, egging me on.  He finally pulls me up and drags me along.  

"Where are we going?" 

"To the Great Hall.  You need some sugar to perk you up," he says triumphantly.  We both continue down the hall, eventually breaking into a run.  He pulls me along and eventually I find myself giggling and smiling as we go along.  Draco and I have become friends becasue him and my parents had ministry business to work together on.  We've always been comfortable with eachother, giving each other hugs and tackling each other occasionally when we were little, which our parents thought was weird, but we didn't think anything of.  We both turn into the Great Hall.

"Come on, let's sit with me.  You can sit with your friends later," he says.  I nod and follow him and take a seat.  He reaches along the table and hands me a cup of pudding.  

"Oh, thank you!" I gasp, grabbing a spoon quickly.  

"Please also eat some real food after that," he asks and I nod enthusiastically.  He smiles at me and begins to serve himself dinner.  We sit in silence for a moment and I see him taking glances at me.

"What's up, Draco?" I say happily.  "You seem weird today, different than normal  Is it Harry Potter again?  I told you to stop messing with him becasue you'll be happier if you just leave him along." 

"No, y/n...  It's not that...," he sighs.  "Ummm...  Could I ask you something, actually?"

"Sure.  Shoot."

"Ummm.  Well, I was wondering...  What is this between you and me?  We're really great friends, but I can't help but think that there's something more going on...," he says shyly.  I look at his face, but he turns away after just enough time for me to see him blush.  I laugh happily.

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" I ask.

"Well...  What are you thinking?" he replies.

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