Sudden Change Pt. 1

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This imagine was requested by Barry_Allen012!

House:  Slytherin

Blood Status: Pureblood


Third Person POV:

Sixteen-year-old Draco Malfoy sits on his bed in silence, not moving a muscle.  Something heavy's on his mind and he can't shake it.  He was so excited before for this.  He thought it was going to finally be his time, the time to reinstate his family's name onto the pedestal of glory, but something's stopping him. The opportunity for greatness and everything he's ever wanted to be is right there in front of him, but no.  It can't be.  

"I can't do it..." Draco mouthes to himself, massaging his left forearm.  He drags his sleeve up carefully, revealing the snake and skull burned into his skin, black as night.  "I thought I could, but I can't...  I can't believe I got myself into this mess!  I wasn't thinking straight and now I can't protect her..."

A subtle knock comes to the door of his bedroom.  Draco covers up his marking and uses one of the four posters on his bed to hoist himself up.

"Come in," he says solemnly.  The doorknob turns and the wooden door creaks open.  In walks his mother, Narcissa Malfoy.

"It's time to go to King's Cross, Draco.  Are you ready?" she asks her son softly.  Draco draws in a shaky breath.

"Yes, Mother," he replies, his voice meek.  Grabbing his trunk, Draco drags it out of his room for the sixth year in a row, but the weight of the trunk doesn't feel the same.  It's different this year. There's something more. This year he's carrying the weight of lies he will tell and the darkness that goes along with the mark on his arm.


King's cross is as busy as ever.  The new first years are bustling by with their parents, showing off their wands and pets to one another.  Draco is in the middle of it all, staring at the entrance to a train car, carrying a leather bag in one hand.  A luggage man takes his trunk from him and loads it onto the train.  His mother looks to him, worried.

"Draco...," she says softly.  "Please be safe this year."

Draco turns to his mother.  Her face is pale and sulky.  Her eyes quiver slightly and shine, but not as they used to.  

"Yes, Mother," Draco replies.  "I shall see you later."

Narcissa Malfoy nods, almost crying as her only son steps onto the train car with the weight of the world on his shoulders.

"Draco?" she calls out one more time.  Draco turns around and faces her from the door of the train.  "Please take care of yourself.  I don't want you to get hurt.  Since your father... left, you're the only person I've got.  Please...  promise me."

"I promise mother," Draco says quietly.  

Down a few train cars, y/n y/l/n waves goodbye to her parents, her father scowling into nothingness.  Her parents turn away as she steps onto the cars.

"Don't disappoint us, y/n," her father says harshly.  Y/n sighs as they apparate away without a simple 'goodbye' to their daughter.  brushing off the disappointment, she heads into the train, looking for her friends.  She passes by the Hufflepuff third years and a pack of Gryffindors.  The Ravenclaws are all hugging each other, happy to see one another.  Finally, she enters the second to last cabin.  There sit her friends like they have for years.  Millicent and Pansy are chatting quietly, Crabbe and Goyle are mumbling to each other, barely making eye contact while Blaise is telling everyone about his summer.  The only thing out of place is Draco.  He's staring out the window as the train leaves the station, his face expressionless. Y/n goes over and takes the empty seat next to him.

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