Lune Pt. 2

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This imagine was requested by hpfan7352nerdynarwal528, and ashleyfanficreader!

House:  You Choose

Blood Status:  Pureblood or Halfblood

A/N: b/f/n = best friend's name (male)


"What's wrong with everyone?" you whisper to yourself, standing in the large doorway to the Great Hall.  Everyone is at their house tables, chatting with each other like normal and taking no notice of your presence.  Before, you never really cared if people looked at you or paid any attention to your presence, but this is out of the ordinary.  Usually, if something scandalous happened at Hogwarts, it would have spread like a wildfire.  The time Harry Potter defeated He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and Professor Quirrel spread around the students like mad in first year.  Even when something little happened with Harry Potter like him and Ginny having some sort of awkward moment or he and  Ron Weasley getting in a fight would be all over the school.  You thought surely something as dramatic as the Prince of Slytherin receiving a month and a half's worth of detention, you ending up in the hospital wing with more cuts and gashes than students at Hogwarts, and you turning out to be a werewolf would have caused a large commotion, but no.  Nothing out of the ordinary.  It's just like the other night never happened at all.

"You okay, y/n?" one of your friends, Mariella says, coming up behind you.

"Yeah.  We've been looking all over for you," b/f/n says, coming up behind Mariella and facing you.  You laugh weakly and turn to them to look directly at them.  "Why are you staring off into space.  Is something up?"

"Oh.  I'm fine," you reply with a casual shrug.

"Y/n...  I know you," b/f/n sighs.  "When you say you're fine, something's going on.  Come on. We're your friends.  You can tell us."

"Well...  I was wondering.  Do you know about what happened to me the other night?" you ask slowly, a bit hesitant.

"No, y/n....," Mariella says slowly, eyeing you weirdly.  She crosses her arms and looks into your eyes.  You stop breathing for a second.

"Is this why you're acting weird, y/n?" b/f/n asks, walking up to you and grasping your shoulders.

"So there have been no rumours about me?" you ask.  B/f/n and Mariella nod, still looking severely concerned.

"Why would there be?  Nothing out of the norm has happened lately...," Mariella says, looking up at the ceiling to think.

"Mariella, you're forgetting that Blaise Zabini put a frog on Ron Weasley's chair yesterday," b/f/n laughs loudly.

"Well that's Zabini for ya, so I didn't count that!" Mariella sighs with an eye roll.  You step back, dismayed.  Even your best friends don't sense anything different about you.  Normally when you transform, they ask about your injuries, but this is far worse than normal because normal transformations wouldn't put you in the hospital for two days.  As you think, Mariella and b/f/n squabble in the background about Blaise Zabini's life and habits for some strange reason.  You snap back up and look at both of them.

"Hey, I'm gonna go.  I gotta find Draco.  Catch you later!" you call, rushing between them and down the hall.

"Wait... DRACO?!" they both gasp, but you're too far down the corridor to hear.

"Why'd she call Malfoy 'Draco...?'" b/f/n ponders.

"... and why's she looking for him?" Mariella adds.

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