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Description:  You and Draco are rival seekers.  Draco has had a crush on you for a while, but never has admitted it becasue you don't really like him too much until one special Quidditch match.

House: Anything But Slytherin (You and Draco are rival seekers)

Blood Status:  You Choose


A/N: y/h = your house, y/l/n = your last name 

Used to be titled "Seekers".


Y/h's team captain blows his whistle loudly.  

"Alright, everyone!  Good practice!  I think we'll be able to kick Slytherin's butt tomorrow if we stick to the plan!" the captain of the y/h Quidditch team shouts.  You turn your broomstick around and land softly on the ground.  "Good job, y/n!"

"Thanks!" you reply, giving him a high five.  "I'm sure we'll win tomorrow!"

"Only if you catch the snitch, y/n!"

He waves goodbye and disappears with the rest of your teammates to the locker rooms behind the Quidditch pitch.  You flop down on your back next to your broom, a Firebolt, and stare up at the clear blue sky, watching the clouds move slowly across the sky.  The practice was absolutely exhausting.  

"Well, well.  If it isn't Y/n..." you hear someone drawl.  You sit bolt upright suddenly.  You hear him chuckle and you whip your head around.  There stands Draco Malfoy, the rival seeker.

"What do you want, Malfoy?  Were you spying on us this whole time?" you ask, scowling at the tall blonde as he saunters towards you.  

"No.  I just saw the last part where you fell on the ground," he says, smirking.

"I don't believe you," you say, dismayed.  

"You don't have to.  I was just coming to tell you that we, I mean the Slytherin team, are going to beat you tomorrow."

"Only in your dreams, Malfoy!" you shoot back!  "You and I both know that I'm far better a seeker than you!  if I'm remembering correctly, you've only caught the snitch once!"

Malfoy's ears turn a dark red and his face flushes a bright pink.  

"I'll get you for that, y/l/n," he grunts, turning away and storming off the Quidditch pitch.  You roll your eyes.

"What a big baby," you whisper to yourself.


Gameday.  The Slytherin students are all gathered in the Great Hall near their table, sporting the appropriate colours: green and silver, holding various signs that say messages like "Malfoy Rocks!" and "We SlytherWIN!"  You make your way over to y/h's table and grab some eggs and toast.  

"Y/l/n," a familiar voice says from behind you.

"What is it now, Malfoy?" you groan, turning your body around reluctantly to face him.  He's wearing his uniform already and is crossing his arms tightly in front of him.

"You should know... Slytherin is going to beat that lousy team of yours today.  I don't even know why you all try," he smirks.  

"Shut up, Malfoy," you say.  "I gotta go and I don't need your opinion."

You storm out of the Great Hall away from all the bustle and the chitter chatter of the rest of Hogwarts.  You walk slowly down the steps outside and towards the Quidditch pitch.  You walk into the locker rooms and change into your Quidditch robes.  You stand in front of a mirror and check to make sure each piece is secure.  You nod to yourself, satisfied with your uniform and walk to retrieve your broomstick out of the closet.  You open the wooden door slowly and it creaks.  You expect to see your firebolt there but it's gone.  You gasp and start to frantically run around the pitch and the locker room, desperately trying to find it.  When your efforts result in no avail, you run back up towards the castle, and accidentally smash into Harry.

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