Unbreakable Pt. 2

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House:  Slytherin

Blood Status:  Pureblood

Warning: Slight Swearing


Third Person POV:

The Hogwarts Express lurches to a stop and the halls of the train cars fill with students immediately.  Some carry their pets or a small bag of school books.  There's not as much chatter amongst the students this year.  There's something different in the air; it's a lingering heaviness filled with uneasiness and unwanted tension.  Albus Dumbledore is dead and Death Eater influence is growing.  People all around are scared and many of the muggleborns haven't returned this year for fear of persecution.  Hogwarts has changed.

His eyes glazed over, Draco Malfoy stands up and reaches in an overhead compartment for his leather satchel.  His friends follow his lead and start chattering about domination and how it's "Slytherin's time."  Pansy Parkinson reaches for the door, but the handle on the door moves before she can reach it.  Draco looks to the door to see who it is and quickly turns away to look at his bag, pretending to rummage for something inside of it.

"Hey, everyone," y/n says softly.  "Can I have a moment with Draco?"

Pansy hisses at y/n, but leaves the compartment.  Theodore Nott and Blaise Zabini mumble a few hellos and Crabbe and Goyle lumber away silently.  Y/n walks in, closes the door behind her, and goes over to Draco who still won't look her in the eyes.  Hesitantly, she rests her hand on his shoulder gently.

"What's going on, Draco?" she asks, her voice shaky and meek.  "I didn't hear from you all summer and you've been avoiding me since we saw each other on the platform."  She applies light pressure to Draco's shoulder and he turns to look into her eyes.  His gaze softens when he sees his girlfriend and a wave of relief goes over him as she smiles at him.  "I'm really glad to see you, but I don't understand why you're avoiding me, Draco...," she continues.  "Did I do something wrong?  Please tell me.  We're a team.  You could trust me last year with your mission from You-Know-Who.  You can still trust me now...  You're just different and you've never avoided me like this before.  I'm worried."  

She takes a step closer until they're only a few inches apart and reaches up to caress his cheek lovingly while her eyes bore into his, trying to figure out what's going on.  Instinctively, Draco's hands go to her hips and he runs his thumbs back and forth, massaging her waist.  In response, she wraps her arms around his neck and presses her forehead to his.  Draco takes a deep breath in.  Pulling her closer, he feels the warmth of her body against his.  Y/n smiles up at him and goes onto her tiptoes to kiss him on the lips.  Draco tenses up but relaxes at the smooth, blissful sensation of her touch.  He soon kisses back, getting more enthusiastic as his heart rate spikes and his cheeks turn pink.  He pulls her close and savours the moment until he finally breaks down, and kisses her deeply and fully, spilling out every ounce of passion and love he had for her.

It had taken all the willpower Draco had to not respond to y/n over the wile summer.  Each night, he would toss and turn, thinking about how much he needed her by his side, tempted to apparate away to wherever she was or send a romantic letter to her by owl saying how sorry he was. The hope and the moment of passion would fade as he remembered what his father said.  She would be killed if he had contact with her.  In addition, he was engaged to an American girl, Diane Winthrop.  After reminding himself of this, he'd fall down and cry himself to sleep from the pain, yearning for y/n's company.  He loved y/n with a burning passion, but he could do nothing to be near her even though he'd do anything to have a few minutes more.

Tears starting to dribble down his cheeks, Draco takes in the scene, y/n deep in his embrace and her lips on his.  Her hand is in his hair and he can feel the love in the air, but Draco reluctantly pulls away from the kiss, taking his hands off of y/n's waist.  Her expression drops as he sees her face.  She looks like he's on the verge of tears.  She opens her mouth, but Draco cuts her off.

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