Meeting Her Pt. 2

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Description: This imagine was requested by Mother_Of_Scorpius!

House: You Choose (Ilvermorny)

Blood status: Pure

A/N: y/l/n = Your Last Name; y/d/n = Your Dad's Name; y/m/n = Your Mom's Name . This'll be a bit of a downer compared to what I usually write... Sorry..


Draco's POV:

"The act would put absurd financial stress on all other departments, Mr. y/l/n. This new proposal would cost MACUSA a fortune in gold," my father says, seated at his normal position at the head of the dining table.

"Yes, Mr Malfoy. I do remember seeing the amount of money enacting Mr Weasley's proposal would cost," y/n's father replies, nodding his head in agreement. I look over at y/n who is watching the conversation intently, occasionally taking small bites of her food. It's obvious she's been raised like me. She's sitting us straight, hands in her lap, not making a lot of noise...

"Yes. And it's quite a lot," my father reiterates. "Well! We've been talking about that Muggle Protection Act for long enough! Why don't we talk about something else?"

Everyone nods their heads in agreement.

"Y/n?" my father asks. She looks up slowly and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Yes, Mr Malfoy?" she asks. This is the first time I've heard her talk. Her voice is light, gentle, and kind.

"Why don't you tell us about yourself? I'm sure Draco and Narcissa, as well as I, are curious to hear about you. You've hardly said anything all night long," Father continues.

Y/n takes a deep breath and talks about how she plays Quittich with her Ilvermorny team, what she does in her free time, who her friends are, and what going to Ilvermorny is like. She's truly a wonderful girl and we have a whole lot in common. We all get us and head to the drawing room for more conversation.

"Hi, y/n," I say as I take a seat next to her on one of the couches.

"Hello, Draco," she replies with a smile. I notice a book sticking out of the bag she carries with her.

"What book is that?" I ask, pointing to her bag.

"It's just my potions book. It's one of my favourite subjects so I like to read the recipes for potions in some of my spare time. I forgot to drop it off so now I'm carrying it with me wherever I go," she laughs.

"That's really cool. I really like potions, too. I dare say, my professor really likes me," I chuckle back, attempting to start a conversation. In no time, we're finally talking. In the background, our parents are talking about stuff like money and laws, but it's not important. I can tell y/n and I are really in the moment with each other. For the next hour or two after that, we tell jokes, laugh, and talk with each other. I feel like I'm really getting to know her.

"Y/n?" her father asks suddenly and a bit angrily, causing our conversation to fade away.

"Yes, Father?" she asks, looking up automatically upon hearing her father.

"We'll be going now, y/n," he says, taking her hand and marching away towards the stairs. "And we won't be coming back."

I look in sadness and confusion as Mr y/l/n disappears down the stairs with his wife and, most importantly, y/n. She looks at me and mouths "Write to me!"

As I head the door slam below I turn to Father.

"What happened, father?" I ask.

"I angered him. I guess his family's values are not exactly aligned with ours, Draco...," Father says, shaking his head. "I have no idea what will happen with the Muggle Protection Act now..."

"What about y/n?" I say.

"What about her, Draco?" Father shaps. "She's his daughter! They have no place in our world!"

With that last comment, father storms towards the stairs.

"Goodnight!" he yells.


A/N: This chatper was 610 words long! Thanks for reading! Requests are open!

- Soiea

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