My Hufflepuff Pt. 1

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House: Hufflepuff

Blood Status: You Choose (Muggle-born doesn't work, though.  Your mom is a witch)


During your first year at Hogwarts, you were sorted into Hufflepuff.  It wasn't that unexpected, your mother was a Hufflepuff during her schooling years, but you weren't like most of the Hufflepuffs.  You weren't shy or subdued in any way.  If anything, you were the most outgoing person in your year, which sorta didn't make much sense to you, but you earned to just go with it.   It was now your fifth year at Hogwarts.  Ever since third year, you have had a crush on Draco Malfoy.  You knew it would never happen.  He was the Slytherin Prince and you were a lowly Hufflepuff in comparison.  You sit down at the Hufflepuff table next to all your friends.

"Hi, y/n!" Hannah Abbott.  "How was your summer?"

"Oh, same old, same old.  Not much happened, to be perfectly honest," you reply with a nonchalant shrug.

"Oh, that's a shame," Zacharias Smith adds.  "My family vacationed in France.  It was wonderful."

"Did you hear about the stuff in the Prophet about Potter and Dumbledore?" Ernie McMillin asks the group.   "It says Potter's gone mad and that Dumbledore is looking to overthrow the Minister from office!"

"That's unbelievable.  Who wrote that trash?" you ask.

"Come on, y/n.  It's the Prophet!  What could be more credible?" Susan reassures you.  You shrug again.  The door to the great hall bursts open and this year's first years walk in.  

"Were we really that small?" you whisper to Hannah

"It's hard to believe isn't it?" she says.  After the first years are sorted, Dumbledore stands up and presents his usual speech.  He raises his hands at the end and the food appears in front of you.

"So, y/n," Zacharias Smith says, making awkward eye contact.  "I was wondering... Would you like to go on a date with me?"

"W-What?" you ask, surprised.  Where the heck did this come from?

"I just asked you out," he says.  "Will you?  Please?  You're just the coolest girl I've ever met.  No offence, Hannah and Susan...  I would be honoured if you'd go out with me during this weekend's Hogsmeade trip."

He raises his brow in anticipation, but you hear quick footsteps coming from behind you.

"Cut it out, Smith," a slow, drawling voice says from behind you.

"Malfoy?" you gasp.  You turn around in your seat and find a tall, blonde haired boy, sporting his Slytherin tie and robes standing directly behind you.  "What are you doing here?"

"Go away, Malfoy.  You aren't welcome here," Ernie says, harshly.  "You always come at the wrong moments!"

"Get away from y/n, Malfoy," Susan says.  "She doesn't want to talk to you!  All you ever do is insult us!  It's not a bad thing that we're in Hufflepuff."

"Well, it's not my fault that your house name sounds more like a marshmallow brand than a surname, now is it?" Draco smirks.  Susan's blood starts to boil and you grab her shoulder.  

"Come on, Susan," you say.

"There's no need to take his opinion so seriously.  Everyone can have their opinion.  That doesn't mean they're right..." Zacharias says proudly, glaring at Malfoy.  Draco scoffs and shakes his head.

"McMillin, you better not be asking y/n out.  She's mine," Draco says suddenly, turning on Ernie.  Everyone in the vicinity gasps.  Even you.  You're his?!  Is this a dream?  "The only one who can take her to Hogsmeade and show her a good time is me.  I'm the only one worthy of her."

With that, he lifts you up and spins you around, pulling you into his embrace and giving you a passionate kiss.  You listen as your friends gasp whisper around you.  You don't care one bit.  All that matters is that you're with him.  You're entitled to your opinion, after all.


A/N: This chapter was 667 words long!  Sorry for the shortness!  Requests are open!  I might write Hufflepuff again.  It was fuuuunnn.

- Soiea

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