I'm Here, Draco

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House: You Choose

Blood Status: You Choose

A/N: e/c = eye colour h/c = hair colour


Third Person POV:

The vibrantly coloured fall leaves float gently across the Hogwarts grounds with the wind. Lying down under an oak tree, Draco Malfoy sits pensively, looking up at the autumn sky. Whisps of clouds float overhead and the wind rustles the trees above and the grasses underneath. He is accompanied by a girl who is lying right next to him. She has dazzling e/c eyes and rich, h/c hair. She's absolutely gorgeous. Draco smiles softly as she sets her hand gently on top of his, entwining their fingers gently together. She grins at him kindly.

"It's a beautiful day isn't it, y/n?" he says softly.

"It really is, Draco," she replies warmly. "I'm so glad that I can spend it with you here."

"Thank goodness there aren't any classes scheduled for today. It would be such a shame to be cooped up in the castle on a day like this...," he trails off, feeling the girl gently stroke his hand with her thumb.

"I couldn't agree with you more, Draco," she adds. He feels her give his hand a light, loving squeeze. The leaves continue to whirl gently around the gigantic oak tree, dancing in the wind hypnotisingly with a certain unexplainable grace. The Hogwarts grounds are truly serene.

"Hey... Y/n?" he asks abruptly. Tilting her head gently to the side, she looks over at him. "How long have we been together?"

"About a year, Draco," she says. "It's been the best year of my life. I love being your girlfriend."

"It truly has been an amazing year, love. I remember during the winter holidays last year... We had our first date in the three broomsticks. We ate together, we took walks together... we did everything and it kept getting better from there..." he reminisces, smirking. "I love that we are always there for each other, y/n. It's truly special, what we have. I wouldn't have my life any other way..." Draco whispers softly. "You're what keeps me going. My one and only job is to care for you and make sure you're happy. I love you so much, y/n."

"I wouldn't have my life another way either, Draco. I love you, too, and that will never change. Know that I will always be here for you, Draco" the girl says, leaning in and rests her head on the ground right next to his, their lips almost touching.

"The world is a scary place, y/n. It's big and lonely, full of unpleasant thoughts and realities, but it's much better when you're with me..." he says quietly. She smiles back at him, holding his hand tighter now. He closes his eyes, savouring the moment, smirking. Whisps of chatter float into his ears. The soft patter of footsteps near, ripping Draco and y/n's perfect world apart at the seams. He opens his eyes reluctantly and sits up slowly. His friends, Theo, Blaise, Crabbe, Goyle, and Pansy are trudging up the hill, holing schoolbooks and bookbags.

"Hey, Malfoy," Blaise says nonchalantly.

"Malfoy!" Theo says. "Guess what Crabbe and Goyle tried to do at lunch!"

Draco looks down at his lap and shakes his head.

"They tried to eat whole pieces of cake in one go without chewing! It was a sight!" Theo exclaims, way too enthusiastic about, what seemed to Draco, as a totally idiotic story to tell. All the others, even Crabbe and Goyle, the idiots, burst out laughing.

"Ahem!" Draco says, clearing his throat. Everyone pauses and stares at Draco. "Can't you see I was in the middle of something?"

Blaise pauses, his mouth hanging open for a few moments. He shuts it hastily and then walks over to Draco. He kneels down at Draco's side cautiously.

"May I ask what you were doing, Malfoy?" he asks slowly, staring at Draco.

"I was having a lovely moment with y/n! We were making wonderful conversation until you showed up!" Draco says in a huff, irritated at his friend's inconsideration.

Blaise turns to the others, the tension in the air building steadily. He tries to says something, but cannot.

"Looks like it's happening again, Blaise," Theo remarks, walking over slowly over to kneel on Draco's other side. Draco looks up at them, still extremely annoyed. "Geez... I thought it stopped for good yesterday... Ahhh... God. What are we going to do now?

"I don't know.., Theo," Blaise says, his tone serious. "So... Draco... did you say 'y/n' just now?"

Draco nods his head angrily. "We were having fun until you guys came along!"

Theo exhales loudly and rests one on his hands on Draco's shoulder. "Come on, Draco. Remember what we've been telling you for the past week and a half?"

Draco shakes his head.

"Come on... Remember, Draco..." Blaise says carefully. "Please..."

Draco scrunches his face up in concentration, trying to recall the conversation Blaise was trying to make him think of. Blaise looks to Theo, telling him to say what's on both of their minds.

"Look, Draco...." Theo says. "I.. Uh... Gotta tell you something. And you have to listen to me carefully."

Draco nods half-heartedly.

"Come on Draco. I need you to really listen this time. It's important... Just like the last time I told you...," Theo insists. Draco looks him in the eyes and nods again. Satisfied with Draco's second response, Theo continues.

"You know, Draco. I'd never lie to you or give you bad advice," he says. "I feel that what we're trying to tell you may hurt in the beginning, but it's for your own good. This has gone on far too long. Blaise and I... all of us... have let this situation get out of hand. We're terribly sorry, Draco. It's not healthy for you."

"Come on, Theo. Tell me what it is...," Draco groans, impatiently.

Theo looks down at Draco, pity in his eyes for his handsome blonde friend, and says, "The version of the past year that you remember... isn't real at all.... It's all a fantasy... the parts with her."

There's a deadly pause.

"You've gotta stop imagining things, mate."


A/N: This chapter was 1,042 words long! Thanks for reading! Requests are open!

- Soiea

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