Welcome to Hogwarts Pt. 2

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Description: This imagine was requested by blackcat2995!

House: You Choose (Ilvermorny)

Blood Status: You Choose

Warnings: Cursing

A/N: I/H = Your Ilvermorny House


Draco's POV:

"I had fun, Draco," y/n says as we walk back slowly from Hogsmeade village.

"I did, too, y/n," I reply back to her. I slowly take her hand in mine and mesh our fingers together. Out of the corner of my eye, I see her smile at me and I give her hand a gentle squeeze.

"Come on, Draco. Dinner will begin in about a half an hour. We shouldn't be late...."

I nod and we slowly continue up the carriages that take us back to Hogwarts. Y/n and I get there just as the third to last carriage is leaving. Standing against the last one with arms crossed in Pansy Parkinson.

"Hi, Pansy!" y/n waves happily. Pansy scowls at y/n and her smile of delight slowly fades into a look of utter confusion. "Is something wrong, Pansy?"

"No, no," Pansy says sarcastically. "Everything is just... wonderful, y/n, wonderful! Absolutely marvellous!"

"Pansy...?" y/n asks meekly, letting go of my hand and walking towards Pansy. "What's going on?"

"How dare you act like this, y/n!" I hear Pansy shriek. "HOW CAN YOU STAND THERE, ACTING LIKE EVERYTHING IS NORMAL?!"

"I don't understand, Pansy!" y/n gasps. "What do you mean?"

"You knew I liked Draco, yet here you are holding hands and snogging!" she screams, reaching down to a puddle, taking a hunk of thick mid and hurdling it at y/n. It barely misses her and splats on the ground behind her.

"Pansy, STOP!" I shouted, rushing forward to stand in front of y/n. "How dare you treat y/n like this?"

"Pansy... I'm sorry! I shouldn't have! I did know you like Draco... I shouldn't be here...," y/n sighs, her head drooping forward in shame.

"Y/n... No...," I say quietly, wrapping my hands around her waist. I hear Pansy inhale deeply, in front of us, tensing up as she sees me hold y/n so. "You should be here... I need you to, y/n"

Pansy balls her fists up in rage and finally snaps.

"I SHOULD BE THE ONE HERE AND YOU SHOULD BE THE ONE WHOSE HEART IS BROKEN, Y/N!!! YOU'RE NOTHING COMPARED TO ME! I'M THE GIRL FOR DRACO, NOT SOME AMERICAN SKANK LIKE YOU! YOU SHOW UP ALL OF A SUDDEN AT THE BEGINNING OF THIS YEAR BEING LIKE 'I'M Y/N! I'M SO PERFECT!' BUT I SEE RIGHT THROUGH YOUR ACT! I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE UP TO, YOU WANT TO TEAR ME AWAY FROM DRACO, THE ONLY MAN FOR ME! THE ONE WHO I'M MEANT TO BE WITH!" Pansy wails, lunging at y/n. Y/n is ripped from my arms from Pany's body weight and I watch as y/n is crushed between Pansy and the ground. I whip myself around and pull Pansy off of her, Pansy's arms flailing forwards, trying to grab y/n by the collar.

"Pansy, stop this madness!" I say, pushing her away and turning to y/n. "C'mon, y/n. Let's go back..."

I reach my hand out and y/n takes it. I pull her up and back into my arms. Ignoring Pansy, we both enter one of the two remaining carriages.


Second Person POV:

"Attention students!" Dumbledore calls out the the Great Hall. "This is a very important announcement and the message I bear is not one of the happiest nature. It is mostly directed at the Ilvermorny students. I regret to inform all of you that one of your most beloved Professors, Professor Trueblood is now deceased. She did whilst fighting against an attacking monster and protecting a number of students that accompanied her while studying natural magical plants native to America. The current headmaster has requested that all visiting Ilvermorny students pack their bags tomorrow as this is the last evening for our American guests."

The crowd erupts in angry cries.

"This is rubbish!"

"No fair!'

"They can't leave! They just can't!"

"SILENCE!" Dumbledore booms, raising his hand. The students quiet down but some still murmur. You look over to Draco, tears welling up in your eyes. Why now? Why did this have to happen? Why the day that you finally get together with the guy of your dreams, you are suddenly ripped apart by unfortunate circumstances. Draco's shaking from anger. You can see it in his eyes that he's trying to hide it as best he can. You move your hand closer to his under the table. He takes it. You feel his hand shake and jerk in yours.

"Y-Y/n...," he whispers, his voice trembling.

"I regret being the bearer of such bad news... It is most ill-fated the circumstances our guests must leave us. I do wish that you all could stay for the remainder of the term, but this is out of my hands. I must ask each and every one of you who has made new friends this year with the introduction of our transfer students, please do not let these friendships go away. Never let them die. From personal experience, I remember that my friends throughout my life have been one of the most defining and key factors. True friends give us support when we need it. They will stand by our side no matter what and give us shoulders to cry on. They give us strength and, with their loyalty, help us through even the toughest of times. They help us create new experiences and memories. They are some of the most important people we'll ever come in contact with. It is important that we maintain our old friendships and make new ones. In the last four months, I must say... I believe we all have made friendships that will last a lifetime. Please do enjoy your last dinner under this roof Ilvermorny students. Never forget the experiences you have gained from Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

Dumbledore steps down and returns to his seat. Draco leans his head against your shoulder and sighs.

"I didn't expect to have to say goodbye so soon, y/n...," he whimpers.

"Draco... Don't be silly.... This isn't goodbye. Not nearly... It's simply... An 'until we see each other again.' Hmm?" you say, kissing the top of his head.


A/N: This chapter was 1,000 words long! Requests are open!

- Soiea

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