Solitude Pt. 2

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This imagine was requested by hogwartzamnossZoie1929, and ashleyfanficreader!

House:  You Choose

Blood Status:  You Choose

Warning:  Swearing


First Person POV:

Other students bustle by as Draco and I sit inside the Three Broomsticks side by side, sipping butterbeer.  He reaches towards my hand that's resting on the table closest to him and takes it warmly in his.  I smile at him and rest my head lightly on his shoulder while wrapping my arms around his.  Now it's been about two weeks since Draco asked me if we could keep talking.  Since then, we've both discovered that we actually both want something a bit more than friendship.  Today, we're finally going on your first date as an official couple.  Before this, we've kept it pretty hush-hush about the whole feelings and dating thing. I've also had no contact with any members of the golden trio.  I figured that if they didn't care enough to see what I'm up to now I shouldn't attempt to reinsert myself into their group like I was in the past.  This hasn't really discouraged me much.  I have Draco now, and his friends aren't that bad.  Sure, they can be asses, but I can straighten them out some of the time.

"You okay, y/n?" Draco asks, pulling me closer.  I nod and close my eyes.

"Mmhmm...  The potions test yesterday took it all out of me...," I sigh.

"good thing we don't have anything to do.  The teachers made it a no homework weekend with the exception of Professor Snape," Draco chuckles.  "He assigned a whole essay."

"Don't remind me, Draco!" I groan.  "I haven't started!"

"Naughty girl, not doing her homework!" Draco gasps in mock surprise.  "How are you going to get it done at this rate, y/n?!"

"I was hoping you'd help me!" I answer, looking into his eyes pleadingly.

"Awww... How can I resist my girl...?" Draco sighs, bringing me into his arms again.

"Thanks, Draco!" I smile as the bell on the door of the pub jingles lightly.  In step some other students, murmuring to each other.

"Let's sit over there," I hear a familiar voice sigh.  Hermione.  I perk my head up from Draco's embrace and see the golden trip heading towards a table.  

"Draco...," I hiss, trying to get him to look at them.  He opens his eyes slowly and I point to Harry, Ron, and Hermione.  They all look exhausted as they flop down in their chairs, Harry and Ron facing our booth and Hermione's back to us.

"Do you want to leave, y/n?" Draco asks.  "It's fine if you do... I-"

"Y/N?!" I hear Harry gasp.  His eyes lock onto me and I back up into Draco's arms a bit more, shielding myself from Harry's view.  Harry kicks out his chair ask he stands up roughly and strides toward my table.  I see that he's mad.  His eyes are flaring up again like they've always done when he's upset. 

"Eek," I whisper to Draco.  "We're in for it now, Draco."

"So, y/n.  This is where you've been all this time?  Snuggling in the enemy's arms?" Harry spits at me.  

"Harry, stop!" Hermione says, coming up to our table and standing next to Harry.  "You're overreacting again."

"Why did you leave, y/n?!" Harry says harshly.  "Just leave your friends in cold blood?  Start cuddling with Draco Malfoy of all people?!  You're despicable!  Do you know what he's done to us in the past?!  he's called Hermione 'mudblood' more than I can count and made Ron and my lives living hells!  All he does is insult and taunt!  He bullies first years!  You're insane for being with him!  You left us when we needed you most!  I was struggling with homework and with the tournament and you just vanish into thin air!"

"Hold it right there, Potter!  Don't talk to y/n like that!" Draco interjects.  "You were the one who left her!"

"What are you talking about?!" Harry hisses.

"You left her!  You and Weasley were fighting about god knows what and ignoring her while Granger was pushing her away!  She had no choice but to leave because you wouldn't give her any company!" Draco sighs in disbelief.  "You're so thick, Potter!"

"No.  I refuse to have you blame me of all people for this, Malfoy!  It's incompetence that's the problem with y/n!  If she was smarter she wouldn't be with you!" Harry shouts.  Silence falls over the whole Tree Broomsticks.  Only the clinking of glassware can be heard from the bar.  I roll my eyes and stand up.  I walk over to Harry and look up into his eyes and shake my head.

"Harry Potter," I sigh.  "Stop insulting my boyfriend and me!  Leave.  Us.  Alone!"

With that, I angrily grab Draco's hand and drag him outside into the streets of Hogsmeade, leaving the Golden Trio in the dust.  

As I pull him along, Draco looks back and forth between the Three Broomsticks and me.

"Ugh.  I don't want to deal with them right now...," I grumble, walking towards Honeydukes.

"Wait, y/n...  boyfriend?!" he gasps, grinning like an idiot.

"Is there something wrong with that, Draco?" I chuckle looking back at him.  He shrugs.

"No, no!  I just didn't know you felt that way about me...," Draco sighs in disbelief.  

"Well I do," I reply and within seconds, Draco is holding me tightly around my waist, kissing me with all the passion he can muster.  I relax and slowly start to kiss back.  I feel him smile through the kiss.

"You taste like vanilla," he smiles.

"What sort of a comment is that?" I joke and he starts to stutter and his cheeks turn red.

"I-I...  I just thought it was nice...  Sorry if that was weird... It's...," he stammers.

"Oh, I love you, you big dummy!" I laugh, throwing my arms around him.  "Come on!  let's go buy some candy and forget about Harry Potter."


A/N:  This chapter was 979 words long (yes, shorter than normal, sadly).  Up next is an original request made by barry_allen012!  

- Soiea

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