Promise Pt. 2

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Finally!  It's here!  This imagine was requested by amberxleavitt13ashleyfanficreaderTamarashabanawild_wilted_rose_Maya_Hogwarts_Marchella_Edwardshogwartzsnerdynarwal528TheDarkPrincess394,  KokaKola1976NRCQueenie, and EmoDemigodWitchOfMCU!

Thank you all for being so patient!

House:  You Choose

Blood Status: Pureblood

Warning:  Slight swearing and a bit of sadness


The rain pitter patters on the window outside your room in the Leaky Cauldron, the smell of burning paper filling the room.  Scorpius was put down abnormally easy tonight, despite the events of earlier today.  You sit in front of the fire, a warm fuzzy blanket wrapped around you.  From a box at your side, you grab an old picture. 

Another version of Draco smiles up at you, a younger you in his arms, laughing.  He's dressed in his Quidditch robes, holding the snitch while the members of Ravenclaw house fly around in the background.  As the camera flashes, he kisses young you on the lips.  The two of them break apart with a smile and wave enthusiastically at the camera.  A tear slips down your cheek as you exhale shakily, cupping your mouth with your hand.  Your grip tightens on the picture and you watch as the fragile paper crinkles and folds in on itself in your hands.

Closing your eyes, you dive into your memories, savouring the days you were with Draco at Hogwarts.  The gone days of love and passion swirl together and you remember how things were innocent back then.  From playing jokes on your housemates, laughing at Pansy's desperation to get Draco, it was all simple and fun.  Holding on to the whisps of the past still in your mind, you take a deep breath in and with a simple exhale, you reach out your hand and drop the picture into the fire.  Staring into the bright red flames, you watch as the past whithers away and the paper burns, the last of it turns to ash.  The embers fall and the ashes of long lost memories gather on the ground.


A banging on the door wakes you abruptly.  Across the room, Scorpius starts to cry loudly.  The nock comes again, only this time it's banging.  

"Y/n!  Please!  Open up!" a voice calls to you.  

"Draco...," you sigh, still groggy from your sleep and walk over to Scorpius's crib that you transfigured from a bedside table.  You pick up your crying son, cuddling him in your arms, feeling the warmth of his body against your chest.

"Y/n...  Please...  I'm begging you...  Let me in...," Draco cries, his voice breaking.  "I-I can't...  I can't lose you again...  Please!  I know made the same mistake again!"

"I'm not going to give in," you say to yourself.  "He hurt me twice.  I'm not gonna let that happen to myself ever again."

"I was a fool!  An arrogant buffoon!  I took you for granted again!  I was a dumbass!  When you agreed to come home again, I was happier than I've been in months!  You were coming home and everything would be normal again!" he shouts through the door, now fully crying.  You stand up and set Scorpius down.  You walk to the door, sliding the chain into the door and opening it.  You peer out into the hall.  Draco stands there, looking even worse than when he was at Gringott's.

"The lies you tell, Draco Malfoy," you sigh to him, shaking your head.  "When I came home, I saw her clothes on the floor.  You were enjoying it.  Yeah, I heard you, you pig.  You were praising her with all your might.  If you really wanted things to be fixed, you would have refused her request.  You don't just say you want to get back together with someone and then sleep with another person, Draco."

"I know...  I know...," he says. 

"Do you have anything more to tell me?  I have to get back to my son," you spit.

"Our son," Draco corrects. You both stand, looking into each other's eyes.  A broken man is standing before you, one who made mistakes.  

"What happened, Draco?" you ask simply, holding your son close.  "Why'd you do it?  Why'd you cheat on me?"

Draco hangs his head in frustration and sadness.  He opens his mouth, attempting to say something, but no words come out.  He's speechless.

"You don't know, do you?" you whisper through the crack in the door.  He shakes his head, finally admitting to himself he doesn't know what caused the worst choice of his life.  "I've always wondered, Draco, why you stopped loving me.  One day, you give me a ring, calling me a one of a kind woman, and then the next you're doing the same to a stranger."

"I never stopped loving you, y/n.  You're my angel." Draco gasps.  "You're my diamond in the rough, my salvation."

"And you threw it all away...," you finish coldly.  His heart sinks.  

"Listen, y/n.  This is going to sound farfetched, but I had a reason for all this.  Astoria's family, the Greengrasses...  You know them, right?  They were angry after the war was over.  They wanted me to be married to Astoria.  They wanted to hurt you, y/n.   They wanted to kill you for being with me!  They wanted what you had for Astoria so I made a deal with them.  I told them I'd be with Astoria until we had a baby so they could continue their line...  She'd take the baby and leave us alone.  I had to keep it secret from you...  If you found out, I don't know what they would have done to you.  I wanted to protect you, y/n.  Please believe that!"

Tears drip from Draco's eyes down his cheeks.  He's shaking with grief and emotion.  He teeters back and forth, his eyes glistening with sorrow and regret.

"I need you, y/n.  All I've ever wanted was have a life with you!  I wanted to have a family and have the happy ending everyone dreams about!" he cries, into his palms, dropping to the floor.   "But now it's too late!  You hate me and we have a son who I'll never know!"

You hands quivering, you remove the chain from the door and open it wide.  Kneeling down next to Draco, you wrap your arms firmly around him.

"I had no idea, Draco.  Truth be told, I've missed you, too," you whisper into his ear.   "I never stopped loving you, but it really hurt when you cheated.  I understand now that you wanted to protect what we had.  I'm still angry but know I still love you with all my heart.  You're my one and only."

Swiftly, Draco wraps his arms around your waist.  He presses his lips against yours and for a moment, everything is clear and calm.  

"I love you, y/n.  We'll fix this together, and this time, I'm going to be one-hundred percent honest with you," Draco says with a smile into your lips.  

You break apart and take his hand, pulling him into your room.  He walks over to the makeshift crib and sighs in satisfaction.

"What a beautiful little boy," he says.  "I'm so lucky...  Healthy relationships are built on trust, not lies.  I should have told the truth.  I was so blind and ignorant before."

"Like hell you were, Draco," you laugh.  He chuckles along with you as you climb into bed next to each other.  You roll over to look into his silvery eyes.  He wraps his arm around you firmly.

"I only slept with her that last time because she told me she wasn't leaving without a ba-" Draco starts to say, but you shake your head.

"In the morning, Draco.  I need to rest," you sigh.  He nods and brings you closer to his chest.  Before drifting off to sleep, you feel Draco's warmth beside you and all the sadness and pain of the last few months seem to slowly fade away into the darkness.


A/N:  This imagine was 1,269 words long!  Thanks for reading! More chapters coming soon!

- Soiea

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