Colours Pt. 1

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Description:  This imagine was requested by DRACOOOOLOVER

House:  Slytherin

Blood Status:  Pureblood

Warning(s):  Swearing 


You walk slowly into Flourish and Blotts, listening to the witches and wizards bustling around you.  You stare at the display of shiny grey and black books but continue to the back of the store.  You approach the counter of the help desk where a young woman sits, reading the latest issue of the Daily Prophet, reading Dumbledore:  Daft or Dangerous?

"Hello?" you say.  She looks up slowly and folds her paper in half with a reluctant sigh.

"What?" she snaps, giving you a harsh glare.

"Uhh...  I was wondering if you could help me find a book?" you reply, shying away due to her aggressive glare.

"Yeah?  What's the title?" she asks rudely.

"I don't know...  It's the standard Potions book for fifth years at Hogwarts...  Certainly, you've had others looking for the same?" you say.

"Hah," she says simply.  "You mean to say you don't know the title?"

"No..." you admit, shaking your head.

"Huh...  Have you ever seen a copy?" she inquires, scowling.


"Well, why don't you remember the title?"

"I wasn't paying attention.  My friend came to my house after she bought her books.  I wasn't really paying attention to her books becasue that was the first time we'd seen each other in two months!" you gasp, becoming slightly flustered.

"Well.  What colour was it then?" she grumbles.  You stare at her in silence.  "What colour was it?"

"I-I don't know..." you shakily state.  

"What the hell do you mean?  If you've seen it, you ought to remember the colour!" she yells.

"I-I did see it!  I just don't know the colour...  I can't see it..." you say, lowering your voice.  She stares at you, fuming. 

"Are you fucking colour blind?" she says through gritted teeth.  You nod.  She sighs in frustration and walks over to one of the other employees.  You hear her whispering.  "That girl over there is asking for a Potions book for fifth years but she doesn't remember the title and she doesn't know what colour it is...  She's colour blind."  

The other worker sighs and goes over to a shelf, pulls a book down.  She walks over to you and hands it to you.

"Sorry about her, dear.  The book's a galleon," she says, handing the book to you.  You reach into your pocket and hand her a shiny coin.  You place it in her hand and turn out of the store.  

Thank goodness no Hogwarts students were here to overhear that conversation.  I can't have anyone knowing... you think to yourself.  That would be disastrous.  Thank goodness I can trust Pansy with my secrets.


"Another year...," Professor Snape says slowly in front of the class.  "Do not think that this year will be easy in any way.  This is the year of your O.W.L.s and there is no room for error in your O.W.L.s."

He flicks his wand and the shutters close, darkening the classroom.

"Today you will be brewing the Mopsus Potion.  It is on page two hundred and seven of your potions books.  You have all period.  Begin," he says.  

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