Immortalize Me Pt. 1

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House: None

Blood Status: None (you'll understand later)

A/N: This is extremely long for a pt. 1. Please do read though. I'm especially excited about this idea!


First Person (Your) POV:

I sit cross-legged on top of a hunk of space rock and look down at earth, my mind drawing a bit of a blank as I watch the white clouds move slowly over the mess of green and blue.

"How can so many of them coexist on one planet, Father?" I ask, looking up at the stars.

"They don't, y/n," he whispers back.

"Then, how do they sustain their existence?" I reply. He is silent. "What did you say you wanted me to do?"

"Go down there. Pose as one of them. Do not interfere with their natural lifestyle or any of the vital happenings of their society. Just observe, y/n," he says calmly. "Us being Us, it is important for Us to watch them and how they function to add to our understanding of the universe our Elders created. You must stay there for many years, y/n. You will pose as a young adult woman. You, of course, will need to change your appearance to look human. Understand? They have never seen the likes of Us before."

I nod. I look down at my translucent presence. I sigh. I'll miss this form.

"You will be a part of a certain type of human. You will be a witch, those who possess what they call magic," my father says.

"Do you mean those who possess fragments of the powers of Creators through interbreeding?" I ask.

"Yes. Since you are one of Us, you will very easily be able to pose as one of them and simulate their powers. Try not to use the Database too much. It's a learning experience for you, too. Now go. We will see you again very soon."

I wave up at my father in the nebula. By "soon" he means at least 60 earth years. My father and I are part of a species of beings unknown to humans. We are called Creators by those who know of us throughout space because that is what we are. We were there before the start of everything. We made the planets, the galaxies, the black holes, the asteroids, everything. Ever few thousand years, we exercise an evaluation of everything we've ever made. I am an extremely new Creator. My father and mother made me just 897 earth years ago. That's nothing compared to the Elders. They've been around since before the dinosaurs, literally. This is my first real evaluation assignment: The Human Race, more specifically the Wizarding World. I gently kick off from the asteroid I sit on and float down toward earth, the gem on my forehead glowing, leading me through the emptiness. I approach the atmosphere and stare into the clouds. A satellite whizzes by. This must be created by the non-wizards of this world... I brace myself for a second and then shoot myself down onto the sky towards a land mass. I'm not sure which one it is, I just go. I spin around, disguising myself from the eyes of the living beings below and feel the air make my wisps of hair flow behind me as they do when I fly. I smile as I begin to see the cities below. Where to land... where to land... I spy a large, grey looking clock tower and touch down carefully. I look around to make sure nobody is watching. I spin around and turn change appearance swiftly into that of a young woman.

"So this is Earth," I say to myself. I look up and see a sign. "London" it reads. Nodding, I close my eyes. "Creator 701, Log 1."


I sit down on a bench and address the Database of Knowledge we Creators have access to through our powers. I know my father said not to use it too much, but I have to start somewhere. The Database holds all of our accumulated knowledge. What would a female such as myself who is a witch be doing at this age? I shuffle through the documents from the last time one of Us came to the wizarding world. Information flashes in and out of my mind. Hogwarts... Diagon Alley... Houses... wands.... 7 years.... Magical Education.... Ministry Of Magic. I blink and get up. I know what I need to do now. I let my senses guide me through the streets. I head down a dark and wet one. I listen as the gutters leak. I spot a sigh reading "The Leaky Cauldron". That's where it is. I rush in and continue back to a brick wall. I press down on the bricks and a wall opens. I go through the passage way and dash towards the wand shop. That's the first thing I need. I go inside and a lovely man helps me find my wand. After multiple tries, we finally find the right one. "Ten galleons," He says. I nod and rub my fingers together under the table out of his view and produce golden coins in my hands. I hand them over to him and he accepts them. I wave goodbye and exit the shop door with my new wand in hand. Continuing into the crowd, I accidentally bump into someone.

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