Weasley vs. Weasley Pt. 4

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Description:  This imagine was requested by MalfoyTwin and Irene_Lycant!  Sorry for getting this up so late!  

House:  Gryffindor

Blood Status:  Pureblood


Third Person POV:

Charmed candles float gently around Malfoy Manor in the early dusk.  The sky slowly transitioning from blue to yellows and oranges is truly breathtaking.  Y/n looks out the window her hands folded gently in front of her.  She's dressed in a large white ballgown.  Her hair is done up neatly with flowers and a veil.  She has on the earrings that Draco bought for her after the war and behind her sits a bouquet of white flowers.  It's her wedding day.

"Y/n, dear!" her mother says, coming into the large bedroom.  "It's time!  The ceremony is about to start!  Are you ready?"

Y/n turns to face her mother and smiles.  

"I think so.  It's just so nerve-racking.  I know it's Draco, but I didn't expect it to come so soon...," she admits.  Molly Weasley sigh and grins at her daughter.

"I know, y/n, I know, but you love Draco, don't you.  I know we weren't originally that supportive, but we know now that you and Draco belong together."

"Thanks, mum.  It just makes it that much harder because Ginny's still being weird about it.  After all this time.  Even after the war, she's still stuck on the fact that I'm with Draco.  It sucks.  I miss my sister," y/n sighs.  

"She'll come to her senses.  She's here and she'll watch you walk down that aisle and see how happy you really are," Molly says.  "Anyway, your father and I have a surprise for you."

"What is it?  You guys didn't have to do anything for me.  The wedding's enough alone," y/n smiles.

"No, no we had to do this.  Well... It wasn't really us, though," her mother says, going over and opening the doors to the bedroom.  As the doors creak open, the click of crutches can be heard and there standing in the doorway is Fred.

"Freddie!" y/n screams, rushing forward to her brother, almost knocking him over.  "You made it!  I can't believe it!  I thought that you couldn't walk at all two weeks ago!"

"Well, I couldn't miss my sister's wedding, now could I?  No death eater's curse is gonna stop me from walking!" Fred laughs, wrapping his arm around his sister.  "You look amazing, y/n.  Draco's a lucky guy to have a fiancé like you."

"Aww, gee. thanks, Fred," y/n says back, still hugging him.  Fred looks around the room.

"No Ginny?" he asks.  y/n shakes her head. 

"Nah.  I asked her to be my bridesmaid, but she said 'no'.  She's still mad."

"Her loss.  Okay.  Let's get going.  Dad's waiting for you.  We need to get the ceremony started before it turns dark.  Y/n nods and her mother squeals.

"Y/n's getting married!" 

Y/n smiles and walks down the halls of the manor out to the downstairs area.  Her father takes her arm and her siblings go and sit down out in the garden where the ceremony is to take place.

"Okay, y/n?" her father asks as she grips his arm.

"Yes.  I really am now," she says, gaining confidence as she pushes the doors to the garden open.  She walks forward with her father past the fountains and the hedges to a small aisle lined with white, wooden chairs.  The ground is littered with white rose petals leading up to a platform.  Draco stands there with his friends, dressed in a cleanly cut black suit with a small white flower in the pocket.  A tear streams down his cheek as y/n steps up beside him.  Y/n takes his hands and smile widely at him.

"Hello, love," y/n whispers to him as the precessional music stops and the guests all sit down.  Y/n notices Ginny grumbling in the front row.  Fred nudges her roughly on the shoulder to stop and she hisses at him, eventually facing forward to look at the proceedings.  Y/s ignores her after that.  She's already married to Harry so she has no reason to be jealous at all and y/n couldn't care less.  Ginny already had her big day and y/n was supportive.  Now it's y/n's day and nothing's going to get in the way of her and Draco this time.


Mild conversation and laughter echoes through the garden, which has been transformed into a reception area and a dance floor with soft music in the background.  Clinks of glasses ring through the air as y/n feeds Draco cake off his plate, smudging a bit of frosting on his nose.  Fred, Percy, and all of y/n other siblings smile except for Ginny who's grumbling in the corner with Lavender Brown.

"Congratulations, y/n.  Malfoy," Harry says coming up to the newly married couple.

"Nice to see you again, Harry!" y/n says happily.

"Looks like we're brother in laws now, Potter," Draco laughs.  "Who knew?"

Harry shrugs and wishes them luck again and retreats to the corner to check on his unhappy wife.

"Awh!  My boy is married!" Narcissa Malfoy says happily, coming over and kissing Draco on his cheek.  

"Mother!" Draco groans.

"Oh!  I know I shouldn't embarrass you in front of your wife, but she's part of the family now," Narcissa says cheerily.  Lucus scoffs from behind her.  "Isn't she, Lucius," Narcissa says sternly, tugging on her husband's dress robes.  

"I still don't-" Lucius starts to say, the only t be dragged in the direction of the present table. 

"Oh, look, Lucius, there we must go and look at our son's wedding presents and leave the happy couple to themselves!"

Y/n and Draco wave goodbye to Draco's parents and stand up as the violinist and the pianist begin a new song.

"May I have this dance?" Draco asks, reaching out his hand to y/n.  Y/n curtsies and take his hand.  

"Awww," the twins sigh from the corner and you smile over to them.  Draco pulls y/n in by the waist and they start to slowly ballroom dance together as the candles levitate into the air, littering the sky with gently floating balls of light.  Y/n looks up into Draco's eyes and everything else melts away.  


A/N:  This chapter was 1,000 words long.  Thanks for reading! 

- Soiea

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