It's My Fault Pt. 2

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Description:  This imagine was requested by cherylblossomed!

House:  You Choose (but you're dead)

Blood Status:  Pureblood (but you're dead)

Warning:  Unpleasant themes, depression, sadness, crying.


Barely holding on to his sanity, Draco Malfoy stumbles home to his large, empty manor.  He slumps himself against the door and pushes it open, listening to it creak.  A piece of him is missing and it can't ever be mended.  Y/n is dead.  He killed her.  He looks down at his blood covered robes and lest out a whimper.  He's still processing it.  How could he do such a thing?  Y/n and he were going to be forever and now... that's impossible.

"How can I face Scorpius?  How can I ever look my son in the eye?" he gasps.  He looks up and notices a light coming from the doorway to the kitchen.  He rushed forward, gasping with glee.  

Maybe she's still here! he thinks to himself.  She always is in the kitchen when I come home from work!

He dashes into the kitchen, only to find the lights on and the room empty.  He falls to the floor and lets out a loud, despairing wail.  She must have been in here when she was caught by Voldemort's guard.  

"Mr Malfoy?" the nanny says from behind him.  "My hours are up."

"Yes, Greta.  I'll send you your pay by owl," he says, staring at y/n's apron hanging on a hook by her coat while trying to conceal his bloodstained robes from his son's caregiver.  She leaves him and he heard the large double doors of the entrance hall close.  He's alone.  Scorpius is upstairs, but he's alone.  He gets up shakily and walks over to a chalkboard hanging on the wall where y/n would often plan her day.

1. Buy more eggs.

2. Send the letters.

3. Meet Draco at work and bring him the box.

"What were you going to tell me, love?" he asks, looking up at the ceiling. He turns around and begins to stumble up the stair to his bedroom, the loneliness of his large manor finally hitting him.  Opening the door to his master bedroom which he and y/n once shared, he begins to cry loudly.   He sheds his blood-soaked robes and walks over to the closet.  Inside, the first thing he sees are y/n's clothes.  Her rows of neatly hung up tops, the line of perfectly placed shoes, and the racks of pants and skirts.  The memories of peaceful mornings flash through his mind, Scorpius coming and bouncing on the bed while he and y/n would get dressed.  She would always choose an elegant outfit.  It was how she always did things no matter what.  The three of them would all go downstairs altogether after that and eat breakfast before he went off to work.  Draco's heart breaks at the thought of that never happening ever again.  Pulling down a new set of clothes, he uncovers a long-forgotten box in the back of their closet.  He pulls the small shoebox down and wipes the dust off of it.  Marked with black marker ink it reads:

Draco and Y/n's Memory Box

He slowly uncovers the contents of the box.  Inside are many photographs of them from their schooling days.  There are a few of y/n's drawings of them together as well.  A dried corsage from the Yule accompanies a stack of letters from their summers apart.  He lifts up a single photo, taken the last day of fifth year.  The y/n and Draco in the picture smile up at present-day Draco, holding hands and kissing each other once in a while.  The tears begin to roll down Draco's cheeks again, confronted by the idea that y/n will never come home to him again.   

Moments later, he exits the closet, the memory box in hand, with a new set of robes.  He hears a slight knock at the door.  He sluggishly walks over to the door, weak from crying and emotional exhaustion.   he opens the door slowly to find his two-year-old son, Scorpius, standing there with his blankie.

"Father!" he cries, rushing toward Draco and throwing his arms around his father's legs.  Draco brings his hand down slowly to run his fingers through his son's hair, on the verge of tears again.  "Father!  Where's mummy?"

It's too much for Draco.  He falls to his knees in front of his son, too young to understand what has happened and what his father really is: a murderer.  

"Scorpius..." he whispers, avoiding looking at his kid, afraid his heart might not survive the sting of guilt and the crushing wave of regret.  

"Where's mummy, Father?" he asks.  "Did she go to the store?"

"N-No, Scorp," he replies, shaking.

"Hey, Father!" he says suddenly.  

"What is is Scorp?" Draco croaks, barely being able to form words.  

"Mummy left us a present!" he cries, running forward to the king-sized bed.  Sure enough, on y/n's side of the bed is a black box with a silvery white ribbon tied around it.  It has a card.  With shaking hands, Draco reaches out and picks it up, and opens the envelope carefully, breaking the wax seal.  He opens the card, staring at y/n's familiar writings he reads:

Dearest Draco,

Here is a present for you and Scorpius.  It's only part one, though.  I think you'll figure out what part two is when you go down the hallway to the unused room.  Be sure to open the box when you're in the room.

All of My Love,


Draco takes the box and Scorpius's hand and leads him down the hallway.   He stands outside the unused room at the end of the hall.  He grabs the brass doorknob and turns it carefully.  Inside he sees a nursery, decorated in light, pastel colours.  A banner above white wooden crib reads:

It's a Girl!

Scorpius's face lights up.

"I'm gonna be a brother, Father!" he yells with glee.  "I'm gonna be a brother!"


A/N:  This chapter was 1,026 words long!  Thanks for reading.  Requests are open... but please don't make me continue this series.  My soul will not live!  More chapters to come!

- Soiea

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