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Description:  This imagine was requested by DramioneFangirlSays!

House:  You Choose

Blood Status:  You Choose 

Warnings:  Some unpleasant themes, near depression, eating disorder-like theme

A/N:  If you're in another house other than Slytherin, you're going to sit at the Slytherin table in a few scenes.  Maybe you're a rule breaker?  :)


Third Person POV:

Hanging her head, y/n stares at the ground in front of her ask she walks to her dorm room after class.  As she continues, she brushes her hair in front of her face, trying to conceal her features from the world around her.  Y/n stumbles through the door to her common room and into her dorm room, laying down on the bed, holding one of her pillows against her chest.  A small tear trickles down her cheek and onto the fabric of her pillowcase as she takes in a shaky breath.  Most people would be confused as to why a girl like y/n would be crying.  To others, y/n y/l/n has a perfect life.  She's the top student in all of her many classes, not counting Hermione Granger, of course, she is a school prefect, and she has her dream boyfriend, Draco Malfoy.  Despite these truths, as y/n entered fifth year, she was suddenly stricken with an enormous lack of self-confidence.   As the days went on from the start of school, in her subconscious, she would criticise herself for all sorts of things.  From her grades to her looks, she would find something that she deemed wrong with herself and dwell on it to the point that it began to tear her apart.  In the recent weeks, this has gotten so bad that y/n has begun to feel like a constant could of sadness and regret hovers over her head.

Sighing and letting her thoughts eat her from the inside out, y/n stumbles out of her dormitory, back down the hallways and stairs to the Great Hall for dinner.  As she enters the Great Hall, Draco Malfoy stands up, smiling broadly and waving her over to his spot a the Slytherin table.  Y/n looks over to him and walks over to her boyfriend.

"Hey, love," Draco says, kissing her carefully on the cheek.  "You okay?"

Y/n nods, trying to dodge his gaze.  He pauses for a moment, not convinced, but pulls her down to sit next to him.  Dinner soon appears magically on the plates in front of you and Draco's friends eagerly dig in and serve themselves.  As Draco grabs a serving spoon, he looks over to y/n who hasn't budged or made any effort to feed herself. 

"Y/n?  Are you sure you're okay?" Draco asks, concerned.  "Aren't you hungry?  I didn't see you eat any lunch.  You must be positively starving by now."

Y/n shakes her head, staring down at the empty golden polished plate in front of her.

"I'm fine, Draco," she replies.  Draco shakes his head.

"You don't seem fine, y/n.  Please eat something," he begs.  Y/n does nothing and Draco serves her a small bit of food.  Y/n picks up her fork and continues to take small bites, but mostly plays with it for the rest of dinner while Draco stares at her anxiously.  At the end of dinner, y/n stands up and kisses Draco on the cheek.  he says a reluctant goodbye and watches as she heads down the rows of tables and into the hallway.  Making sure nobody follows her, she heads into the girls' bathroom and enters a stall, firmly closing and locking it behind her.  She kneels down and sits against the walls of the stall, staring at two of her fingers.  

Why is a guy like Draco with a girl like me? she thinks.  He's out of my league.  I'm too fat for him,  I'm too ugly for him.  I'm never going to be good enough for him or for anyone.

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