Solitude Pt. 1

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This imagine was requested by Zoie1929!

House:  You Choose

Blood Status:  You Choose


First Person POV:

"Hey, y/n!" a Hufflepuff third year calls to me with a cheery wave.  I smile towards him and wave back as he turns around and runs off.  As I walk down the hall further, more people say hello to me and give me kind looks.  It's been like this for a long time, ever since I made friends with Harry Potter and his friends in first year.  I guess being friends with the Harry Potter made you likeable automatically for everyone, except the Slytherins, of course.  They loathed Harry Potter and his friends regardless. Today is just another day at Hogwarts and as usual, Harry's dealing with his adventure of the year.  This time, he's part of the Triwizard Tournament.  He just can't have a normal school year it seems.  

"For the last time, Ron!  I didn't put my name in that cup!" I hear Harry shouting from around the corner.  

"Like I should believe you!" Ron shoots back.  I round the corner to find both Harry and Ron at each other's throats, having the biggest fight they've had yet.  Ever since Harry got picked, their relationship had been on the rocks.

"Ron!  Harry!  Stop!" I shout, rushing towards both of them.  Ron grumbles and walks away, joining Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas who are talking about Exploding Snap.  "Harry!  I know it's frustrating, but-"

Before I can finish my words, Harry turns away and heads down the hall away from Ron and leaving me alone.  I sigh.  It's fine.  Ron can be really annoying.  It's not a big deal at all.  I shrug it off and head towards the library, hoping to find Hermione there because I need help with the Transfiguration essay.  I skip down the hall as others surround me, all heading to different places.  As I round the corner into the library and through the large doors, I immediately see Hermione, studious as ever, sitting at the very first table.  Careful not to annoy Madame Pince, I tiptoe over to her and sit down across from Hermione.  She doesn't budge and keeps going through the pages of her book.  I sit there in silence for a second to see if she'll say anything, but she doesn't.

"Hey!  Hermione!" I whisper softly.  She jolts upright suddenly and puts her hand to her heart.

"Y/n!  I didn't see you sit down!" she gasps quietly.

"Sorry!  I should have announced myself more obviously," I say.

"Yeah.  You should have," Hermione sighs, putting her head back down to her book, reading again.  My heart sinks.  Hermione has never been this stand-offish to me ever before.  It's certainly new to me if she ever has been in the past.

"Uh, Hermione?" I say again after a few seconds of complete silence.  She tilts her head up reluctantly and looks me in the eye.  I hesitate.  She's glaring at me.  "I was wondering if you'd help me a bit on Transfiguration?  I'm a bit stuck."

"Sorry, y/n.  No can do right now. I'm to preoccupied with my own work and Harry and Ron's feud has really taken it out of me.  I still have to find a way to resolve this," she sighs.  "If you really want to improve our grades, try to pay attention in class.  It's not like you have the best study habits."

"What?!" I gasp a bit too loudly because all the heads turn my way.  Madame Pince walks over, crossing her arms. She silently looks me in the eyes and points to the door.  I hang my head and leave, looking for someone else who can possibly help me with my work. 


 The cold wind blows in my face as I rush down towards the Black Lake.  It's time for the second task now.  It's been weeks or maybe even months since my last talk with Harry, Ron, and Hermione.  In fact, it may be that long since we even exchanged hellos.  I guess I don't really talk to them anymore.  Ron and Harry made up a long time ago, evidently, but I didn't hear it from any of them.  Parvati told me it was after the First Task, but I don't know anymore.    Whenever I've tried to come up to any of them, they don't respond or just walk away.  Yeah, it hurts and part of me thinks there's a good reason for it.  Maybe they just don't like me anymore or I said something.  Maybe this is because of me.  I tried to give them space when they had their feud and Hermione had something going on for her, but I didn't ever expect this to happen.  Now I have nobody.  It's like I'm invisible.  I guess the only reason people ever talked to me because I was affiliated with them before and I'm not terribly good with making new friends or talking in general.  

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