A/N: Welcome, Format Information, & Request Form

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Hi everyone!

Thanks for clicking on my Draco Malfoy Imagines book!  It means a lot and I hope you enjoy!  Here's how most stories will be formatted:

Description: (Present if applicable)


Blood Status:

Warning(s): (Present if applicable)

A/N: (Present if applicable)


(The dashes indicate when the story has begun or ended.)



.... means a time skip has happened.

I hope that helped!  If you have any questions, comment please and I'll get back to you!

REQUESTS CLOSED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE!  If you have a request, you can fill out the form and send it in once requests are re-opened if you'd like.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy my stories!

- Soiea

Request Form:

Gender of Reader:  (Female/Male/Nonbinary/Other-Please Specify/Gender Neutral Writing)

House:  (Slytherin/Ravenclaw/Hufflepuff/Gryffindor/Out of School/Ilvermorny/Reader Can Choose)

Blood Status:  (Pureblood/Half-Blood/Muggleborn/Reader Can Choose)

Point of View: (first person/second person/third person)

Plot:  Please give a short summary of what you'd like to happen.  Preferably have enough information so I know the gist what you want. 

Please note if something is left blank, I may or may not fill it in with something of my choosing so be sure to make sure that you request what you want! :) 

(Also please request in English because I don't wanna have to put something through google translate and have some important plot point get lost in translation.  Thanks again!)

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