Dragon Tamer

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House:  You Choose

Blood Status:  You Choose

Warnings:  Swearing, References to Sex

A/N:  B/f/n = Best friend's name (Male)


Draco Malfoy has struck again, leaving an extremely broken up Hermione Granger crying in a girls' bathroom stall next to Moaning Myrtle.  She was one of Draco's last of many romantic victims and he had just broken it off with her.  Everyone in school knew that Draco Malfoy was the school player and he loved doing it.  He always seemed to have a new girlfriend or just someone he liked to sleep with and each time, it would go the same way.  They'd get together, be totally enamoured with each other for just less than two weeks, then Draco would find a new "better" girl on his own behind his girlfriend's back and dump the person he'd been with.  

Devastated, all the girls who had been with him ended up heartbroken.  Even though it was obvious to all girls how dangerous a player like Draco Malfoy was and still is, they fell for him regardless.  Even a smart girl like Hermione Granger, who takes great care in her relationships fell into his trap.  All of Draco's exes say they fell in love with him for the same reason.  They call it "The Quality", which puzzles the girls who haven't been with him yet.  

Now that Hermione's heart has been broken, everyone throughout the student body knows it's time for the Dragon to find a new diamond to call his own.

"Did you hear that he's with Ginny Weasley now?" b/f/n asks.

"Ugh.  Not Malfoy again!" you groan, putting your head down on your house table in the Great hall.  "I don't want to talk about him!  He's disgusting, throwing away girls like they're objects!  I don't care if you think it's funny to keep up to date with the game he plays, but it's disgusting and I don't want to hear his name!"

"I know it's wrong what he's doing, but there's nothing stopping him!  He's an absolute maniac!" b/f/n sighs.  Behind you, someone clears their throat.  You whirl around and look up from your seat.  It's Draco Malfoy, smirking.  You feel like screaming and turn back around promptly. 

"Y/l/n...," Draco says in a sing-songy voice.

"No," you say back sternly, not turning to him again.

"Y/l/n...," Draco laughs.

"No.  What do you want?" you hiss.

"I want to talk with you," Draco replies, sitting down next to you.

"No!  Go away, Malfoy.  You aren't welcome here," you grumble.  

"Oh, now, come on, y/l/n.  Can't I sit here?" Draco says smoothly.   You don't respond.  "Come on, y/l/n.  It's important."

"What could be so important that you talk to me for the first time in six months?" you sigh.

"I want to get to know you," he says, turning to face you directly.  "Go to Hogsmeade with me tomorrow?"

"No thanks.  I'll pass, Malfoy," you say, getting up.

"Wait, y/n!" b/f/n says abruptly.  "Do it."

"What?  No!" you gasp.  "I despise him!" 

B/f/n grabs your arm and whispers in your ear.

"If you go on a date with him, you can find out why he's doing this!  You could solve this!  You were just talking about how awful he is.  If you go with him, you can save a whole bunch of the girls from the same fate!" b/f/n says.  You shake your head.

"I hate him, b/f/n," you sigh.

"Give it a try.  You can make a difference!" b/f/n whispers excitedly.  

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