Sudden Change Pt. 2

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This imagine was requested by Rhiannon_Malfoy_07ashleyfanficreaderMarchella_Edwardshpfan7352, and HarryPotterGeek1397

Thanks for waiting!

House: Slytherin

Blood Status: Pureblood


Third Person POV:

Browning blood drips between the floorboards in the drawing room of Malfoy Manor.   Clinging to y/n, Draco keeps his gaze locked downwards to y/n's head which rests on his chest as she shudders in shock.  The Dark Lord walks between the bodies, breathing heavily, relishing the moment in the smell of blood and death.  Goblins and Gringotts guards in their uniforms all lie on the ground, covered in their own blood and motionless; there must be at least thirty bodies.  With his gleaming crimson eyes, the Dark Lord looks to his companion, Nagini, and whispers softly to it.  The dark, iron chandelier above creaks back and forth until it stops as silence falls.  

Lucius Malfoy raises his head as Nagini swiftly slithers over a body to follow her master's blood-soaked robes and red-stained bare feet.  Narcissa Malfoy reaches out to Lucius and takes his hand in silence.  Stopping in the middle of the room, the Dark Lord talks to his snake again before continuing to admire the day's kill and Narcissa's eyes widen, tracing Voldemort's path.   A split second later, the Dark Lord is gone.

Shuddering, y/n finally lets out a wail of despair.  

"I-I don't want this, Draco!" she cries, holding him close.  "L-Look at all of them!  They didn't have to die!"

"I know, y/n...  I know...," Draco responds, unable to find out a way to console his girlfriend.  

"Draco, take y/n upstairs away from this.  We shall handle this from here," Narcissa says solemnly.   Lucius nods as he draws his wand, preparing to clean up the bodies.  Draco nods and takes y/n's waist and leads her out of the room.  They walk down the hall in silence, turning into Draco's room at the end of the hall.  Draco opens the door with one hand, still hanging onto y/n with the other.  After closing the door behind them, y/n goes over to the bed and lies down.  A tear rolls down Draco's cheek as he watches y/n.  After the end of sixth year, y/n changed for the worse.  She stopped smiling like she used to.  Draco can't remember the last time he heard the laugh he fell in love with and Draco knew the full reason why, but he knew couldn't do a thing about it without the risk that y/n could end up dead.

The last year has been excruciating for both y/n and Draco.  The reason pain began after y/n and Draco both told each other they were Death Eaters.  Following their confessions, Draco and y/n teamed up to complete Draco's mission together.  At the top of the astronomy tower, Draco saw the first change in y/n.  Seeing Dumbledore die was the trigger in a slow and painful downward spiral.  As the Dark Lord's power spread across Britain, y/n got quieter and quieter.  As she watched murder after murder over the months, she seemed to have shut down almost completely until she became unrecognisable to everyone else including Draco, but he loved her anyway.  The climate of the Dark Lord's reign had been eating away at her.

"Y/n...," Draco speaks up, listening to the door click behind them.  "I'm so sorry...."

"It's not your fault, Draco...," she responds.  "You can't do anything about it."

"B-But I hate seeing you like this!" Draco shudders, walking over and kneeling at her side.  "I want you to be happy again, and I'm powerless to change anything."

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