Diamond in the Rough

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This imagine was requested by BARLAY123!  Thanks for requesting!  This will be a oneshot (no part 2)!

House:  You Choose

Blood Status: Pureblood

Warnings:  Swearing


Sighing, y/n falls back against the wall behind her, remembering she has an essay due in Umbridge's class in a few days.  After she sinks down to the ground, she grabs her bookbag and pulls it towards her unhappily, digging around in it for her Defense Against the Dark Arts.  Normally, she would have jumped at the chance to get a bit ahead in one of her classes to uphold her reputation as the witty, smart, and pretty exchange student from the United States, but the determination just hasn't been coming due to the fact that Umbridge has taken to making life practically a living hell. 

"Fifth year will be the death of me," she mumbles to herself, uncorking her bottle of ink.

"Hey, y/n," a voice hisses from above y/n, causing her to drop the bottle onto the floor where it shatters and spills all over the stone.

"Correction...  You will be, Malfoy...," she gripes, taking out her wand. "Scourgify."

As the ink seems to melt into the floor and disappears into nothingness, Draco Malfoy laughs.  "What's got your panties in a bunch?" he smirks, looking down at y/n with his hands in his pockets.

"Ew.  Don't talk to me.  Go away, Malfoy," y/n hisses, shoving the things back into her bag and getting up off the floor.  Draco takes a step closer to her, a smile still plastered onto his face as he towers over her.

"Aww... Don't be like that y/n...," he laughs.  "There's no need to be so defensive with me."

"I have to.  You've given me no choice.  It's natural to be defensive when faced with the elitist asshole you are.  You make life harder.  You bully my friends and me mercilessly," she spits back.

"...friends who don't deserve you," Draco adds on, causing y/n to groan out loud in exasperation.  "They're scum.  The mudbloods aren't even in your league and the boy who lived is a weakling.  The Weasleys are damned blood traitors who don't know their place is under true purebloods."

"There you go again, insulting my friends like always.  Get your narrow-minded, privileged ass out of my face!" she exclaims, clenching her fists.

"You're being idiotic, y/n!" Draco responds.  "Those Gryffindors don't deserve you!  They're beneath people like us!"

"Goodbye, Malfoy!  I'm gonna go find Harry and tell him how much of an ass you are! ... Again!" she shouts, storming away towards the library, just quick enough to not see Draco tense as Harry's name escapes her lips.  Watching as her rush away, Draco's face droops into a frown, but his heart flutters as he sees her go.  He notices how her hair flows easily behind her and the way she gracefully carries herself down the hall.  Feeling his cheeks blush a light pink, he lets out a sigh, simultaneously hating himself that she's going to find Harry Potter of all people.

Draco gravitated to y/n as soon as she stepped onto Hogwarts grounds, genuinely intrigued by her presence.  As one of the very few students participating in the exchange program between Ilvermorny and Hogwarts, she wasn't hard to pick out of the crowd.  She was different from the Hogwarts girls in many ways, from the way she walked, the way she talked, to the way she held herself; everything was new and interesting with her and completely out of the ordinary for Draco.  Because of this, within a span of only about a week and a half, y/n became known all over the school as the pretty, smart exchange student from the States that anyone could go to for help or a friendly face. 

Draco Malfoy ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now