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Jimin was walking in his neighborhood knocking door to door trying to sell some chocolate

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Jimin was walking in his neighborhood knocking door to door trying to sell some chocolate. This was something jimins counselor said was a good thing to do 'try talking to people and see how it goes' and with that his counselor gave him a box of chocolates as a start and told him to get going. So here he was knocking on strangers doors trying to sell chocolate bars so far he had only sold four out of about five houses so he was doing good. "Y-you g-got this j-jimin" he said to himself for motivation. He got to the next door and rang the doorbell. When the door open jimin had began to speak "h-hi s-sir I w-was w-w-wondering if  y-you'd l-like to b-buy s-some c-c-chocolate" the man in front of him just looked at jimin as if he was speaking a different language. "Taehyung do want some chocolate"

"What!" Said Taehyung who jimin was assuming.

"Chocolate he's selling chocolate"

"What Is he selling"

"He's selling chocolate!"
Jimin started to giggle remembering that one scene from SpongeBob when him and Patrick were selling chocolate. The Taehyung guy had appeared from behind the door with a big goofy smile on his face. "So how much are you selling them for kid" Taehyung said laughing a bit. "I-i'm s-selling t-t-them f-for a d-dollar" jimin said with a smile. "Alright so I'll have two, joon do you want one" Taehyung said taking out some money "yeah I'll take one, I heard it makes you younger" namjoon said with a smile that showed off his dimple. Jimin got three chocolate bars out and Taehyung gave him a five dollar bill and told jimin to keep the change.


It was already getting dark so jimin decided to call it quits and go home. "H-hyung I-i'm h-h-home" jimin shouted when he walked through the door. "Hi jimin how did it go" jimin smiled "i-it went fine h-hyung I s-sold h-half the b-b-box" he showed Jin the box and was indeed sold half the box. "Where's the money jimin-ah" jimin showed Jin a zip lock bag with money in it that was hidden under the chocolates that weren't sold.  Jimin was proud of himself he honestly didn't think he would be able to through a sentence without someone shutting a door in front of his face. To his luck it only happened once but the lady opened it apologizing then slammed it again. "I-im g-going to my r-room h-hyung" jimin yelled walking up to his room "your not going to eat jimin." Jimin just shook his all the walking and talking he did tired him out and he really just wanted to sleep. "Okay jimin-ah just go to sleep I'll see you in the morning." Jimin said a quick goodnight and made his way to his room.


The next morning jimin woke up but he didn't his body was awake but his soul wasn't. Jimin had another session with his "counselor" today  like he did every other Thursday. So jimin decided to get ready for the day even though it was still early for his session. So he decided to go for a walk, he had left a note for his hyung that he was going for walk and then he would walk to his session.
He walked for a while passing by the  familiar white door that he stopped by the day before. He noticed that one of the boys were outside Taehyung he thinks thats his name. "Hey kid aren't you supposed to be at school" jimin stopped in his tracks and turned around and shook his head "why aren't you at school kid" jimin just shrugged he didn't like talking about how he had to go to a counselor for his speaking problems. "You know you have a nice voice I'd like to hear it again" jimin just did a half smile "I-i'm h-homeschooled b-because of my s-stuttering" Taehyung just gave him a half smile he felt bad for the kid he shouldn't have to be ashamed of his stuttering. If anything Taehyung thought it was kind of cute. "Where are you going right now then" Taehyung asked it wasn't safe for jimin to be walking by himself.  "I-i'm g-going to see my counselor f-for speech" jimin was very surprised that he didn't stutter that much like he usually does. "Oh that's cool I guess" by now Taehyung was standing next to jimin "i-it really is a-and my c-counselor i-is r-r-really n-nice to me" Taehyung smiled at jimin "if you don't mind can I walk you" jimin nodded it felt good having someone talk to him like a sixteen year old and not a five year old. The only people who talk to him right was his brother jin, his counselor, his friend jungkook and now Taehyung. People made it seem as if he didn't know what they were saying he had a speaking problem not a hearing problem. He was thankful that Taehyung spoke to him right it was rare when people spoke to him right. "So kid what's your name, I don't want to be calling you kid all the time"
"M-my n-n-name i-is jimin a-and I'm s-sixteen"
"Okay my name's Taehyung if you didn't know and I'm 17 so I'm a year older than you ha" jimin giggled at Taehyungs personality "y-you seem l-like a h-happy person" Taehyung shrugged "there's really nothing to be sad about I always look at the good side of things" jimin took a note of that because to be honest there was a lot of things for jimin to be sad about. "T-this i-is m-my spot t-thank y-you f-for w-walking me"
"It was no problem jimin. I can give you a ride home if you'd like here's my number" and so Taehyung gave jimin is phone number and jimin made his way inside the building smiling to himself.

New story boi!!!!

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