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Jinsoo had got there shortly after everyone else so currently Jinsoo and Jimin were in the kitchen talking while the other boys were in the living room playing mario cart.

Dongmin was cuddled up and Taehyungs lap and smiled everytime he won a round. He claimed that his papa was the bestest ever at the game.

Of course everyone cooed at his cuteness, they really couldn't get over him. Dongmin was cute. There was no denying it.

"He's adorable Jimin," Jinsoo said staring at him as he smiled and clapped for Taehyung when he won the game. Jimin just nodded and agreed with him.

He walked to the other side of the room and went to grab a cup and a snack to eat. "So wh-where's the kids at," Jimin asked referring to his brothers and sisters.

"Oh well my mom took them back early," Jinsoo said a bit upset. He went ahead and decided to get himself something to eat and drink.

Jimin just nodded, he wondered why but he wasn't going to ask. Jinsoo already looked upset. The aforementioned looked down at Jimins stomach and smile "how's the little one," he asked going to rub his stomach.

"They're okay, been a pain in the ass but ok-okay," Jimin said. "We fe-felt a little nu-nudge ye-yesterday," Jimin said. Jinsoo gave a shocked face then smiled.

"So not that it's any of my business, uh is Jimin pregnant or he just gained," Jaehyun asked, turning towards Taehyung who was just too focus on the game. Taehyung just nodded "daddy has my baby broder or shister in there," Dongmin said to him.

Jaehyun just nodded and went back to watching them play. "Papa it's my turn," Dongmin said quietly to Taehyung. The aforementioned nodded then handed Dongmin the controller.

Dongmin just giggled as he went against Jaeho, Taehyung smiled and rubbed dongmins head. Dongmin laid his head on his chest.

"Yo-you look upset," Jimin said to Jinsoo. The aforementioned sighed and shrugged, he was upset but he just didn't know how to tell Jimin. It sucked that he didn't know how to tell people his feelings.

"You ca-can tell me soo," Jimin said quietly.

"Uh well my mom came for the kids this morning and her boyfriend too- he told me that he didn't want his kids near fags," Jinsoo said. Jimin just nodded and sighed, he remembered when they were telling them that.

"I didn't say anything but Jaeho got upset and like pushed him and then they started to fight- i just."

He stoped and rubbed his eyes, he tried to prevent himself from crying, he doesn't like to cry in front of people. Jimin shushed him and pulled him into a hug, "yo-you can cry s-soo," he said quietly.

Jimin just felt him nod and heard the quiet sniffles. "I go-got you," jimin said.

Taehyung looked towards the kitchen and saw the two boys, he noticed Jinsoo's red ears and tapped Jaeho's shoulder.

He pointed towards the kitchen, once Jaeho noticed he gave Jaehyun the controller then left to the kitchen. Jaeho pulled Jinsoo away from Jimin and hugged him, Jinsoo just cried in to his shoulder, Jaeho rubbed his head and repeated im sorry to him.

"I love you baby," he said and kissed his head. Jinsoo smiled and nodded "i love you too," he said

When they broke apart Jaeho kissed his lips and Jimin looked the other way. Taehyung walked to him and pecked his lips.

Time Skip

"Just put dongmin to sleep, anything you guys want to do," Taehyung said walking in the living room.

Everyone just shook their head and Taehyung sighed, jimin just laughed at his reaction and patted the spot next him. Taehyung walked over and sat next to him, he pulled jimin closer to him and rubbed his belly.

"So we're just gonna sit here and play dongmins game," He said. Everyone nodded and went back to focusing on the game. Taehyung sighed and just played with jimins hair.

When Taehyung accidently pulled on his hair Jimin let out a small whimper but only Taehyung heard it. The aforementioned just smirked and continued to play with his hair.

"What are you doing," Jaehyun asked. Taehyung didn't look at him He just stayed focusing on his hair. Jimin tried to look up but that would cause his hair to be pulled. "Wh-what is he do-doing," he asked.

"I'm making braids, what do you want from me," Taehyung said. Jimin just laughed and felt his head. He felt the small bumps and smiled, Taehyung smiled and held on to his finger.

"They're so cute. Now stop its making me sick," Jinsoo said.

Jimin just laughed "y'all spending the night or what," Taehyung said as he looked at the watch. "If Jimin is okay with it."

The aforementioned nodded.

"Then sure," Jaehyun said, Jimin just nodded and relaxed against Taehyung. The aforementioned smiled and continued to play with his hair, slowly jimin started to drift to sleep due to the soothing touch Taehyung was giving him.

Once he noticed Taehyung smiled and bent down to kiss his forehead. Standing up he went ahead and grabbed Jimin to bring to their room.

He had a bit trouble opening the door but once he got it open he walked to the bed and softly laid him on the bed.

Jimins eyes opened a bit and smiled when he saw Taehyung. "Thank you baby," he whispered, Taehyung smiled, he bent down and kissed his forehead. He went ahead and took off jimins socks and put the blanket over him. When he was done he kissed his stomach then pecked his lips.

"Goodnight baby," he whispered before he left.

Walking back to the living room Taehyung saw Jaehyun on the couch, Jinsoo and jaeho were missing. Taehyung have him a confused look, Jaehyun pointed to the kitchen.

Taehyung nodded and walked to the kitchen, Jinsoo was on one of the chairs while Jaeho was rubbing his forehead. Taehyung just smiled at them, he grabbed himself a snack and went back to the living room.

"I'll give you a blanket in a bit," Taehyung said. Jaehyun nodded and went back to focusing on the game.

A/N school sucks i wanna die

Also i went to military ball Saturday and i won duchess.

(Deleting later )

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