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Taehyung walked in his room an hour later. He sighed and took a seat next to Jimin, who was already asleep.

He messed up his hair and sighed, he couldn't find the bear. He walked to the bed post and turned on Dongmins baby monitor.  He could hear his small whimpers so he decided to go check on him. 

He walked in the room and took a seat next to him. He rubbed his head to calm him down. Dongmin slowly woke up and held on to Taehyungs hand.

"Miss my bear," he whispered. "I know flower, I'm looking for it still baby," he said. Dongmin just nodded, "can you sleep with me if you can't find it," Taehyung nodded.

"Let me go look again and then check on daddy then I'll be right back."

Dongmin nodded and closed his eyes. He slowly fell back to sleep.

Taehyung walked back in the bedroom and checked on jimin. He saw him peacefully asleep. He walked in the living room and started to look for the bear again, he looked all over the house looking for the bear. He sighed in defeat as he walked back to dongmins room.

He checked the time and saw it was ready two in the morning. He took off his shirt and laid next to Dongmin. "Didn't find it," Dongmin asked, Taehyung shook his head.

"I'm sorry flower," Taehyung said.

"It's okay papa, goo'night." 

He fell back asleep but holding onto Taehyungs arm tightly. Taehyung slowly fell asleep while holding dongmin close.

The next morning Taehyung was awake scrolling through his phone, dongmin was still on his chest asleep. Considering the fact that he kept waking up the night before he allowed him to sleep more.

The door opened and taehyung turned his head towards the sound. Jimin popped his head in and smiled "i th-thought you w-were in the office," he whispered walking in all the way.

Taehyung shook his head nut smiled "he kept waking up last night," Taehyung said, jimin nodded understanding.

"I'll or-order som-something," jimin said. He got up and left the room already bringing the phone up to his ear. Taehyung felt stirring on his chest, he looked down seeing Dongmin waking up.

"Gotta go pa-papa," Dongmin whispered, taehyung nodded and took him off his chest. Dongmin quickly ran out of the room and to the restroom.  Taehyung smiled and stood up too, by the time he got there Dongmin would be done and taehyung would brush his teeth.

And he was right by the time he got there he heard the toilet flushing and the water turn on. He knocked on the door then dongmin opened it.

"Can i brush my teeth with you flower," taehyung asked, Dongmin nodded and opened the door wider for him.

"You washed your hands flower," Taehyung asked, dongmin shook his head "was goin' to but you knocked."

Taehyung nodded and helped him on his stool. While dongmin started washing his hands Taehyung got their toothbrushes ready with toothpaste.

After he finished dongmin grabbed the toothbrush from Taehyung and began to brush his teeth. "Love you papa," dongmin said.

Taehyung smiled and returned the i love you to him. After they finished brushing his teeth Taehyung picked up dongmin and carried him out of the room.  They walked in the living room and saw Jimin talking to the delivery person.

For safety reasons Taehyung walked to the door and wrapped his arm around Jimins waist. He kissed his cheek and dongmin mimicked his actions.

"Taehyung behave," jimin said, Taehyung sighed and walked to the kitchen. He sat dongmin on his chair and got his cup ready with some juice. "Baby yo-you got a fi-five," jimin yelled from the door.

Taehyung grabbed his wallet off the counter and pulled out a five. He walked to the front and handed it to the delivery guy.

He closed the door and pulled Jimin close capturing his lips in a deep kiss. "I don't like the fact that he was looking at you the way i do," he said once they pulled apart.

Jimin blushed and nodded "okay," he whispered. Taehyung kissed him again then helped him carry the food to the kitchen.

Dongmin was sitting patiently waiting for both boys to come back in the room with him. He waved at both of them and his eyes glowed at the sight of the food. "Thank you daddy, thank you papa."

"You're welco-welcome baby," Jimin said planting a kiss on his head. Taehyung smiled and rubbed his back, "eat up and I'll take you to get a new bear--"

"Don't want a new bear, want my old bear," dongmin said not caring that he cut off Taehyung.

"Baby, i looked everywhere already," Taehyung said rubbing his head.

"Well maybe we should lo-look again maybe if we all look we can find it--"

"Flower I cleaned up the house three times last night, it's not here!"

Dongmin flinched at his harshness and only nodded. He began eating his food quietly, he wiped his eyes to prevent himself from crying. Jimin watched him sadly, he pulled taehyung out of the kitchen and in the living room.

"Are yo-you okay," jimin asked, Taehyung nodded confused of why he asked that.

"You kn-know why Dongmin li-likes that be-bear so much," he said. Taehyung shrugged, "that was the first bear we got him."

Taehyung nodded understanding now, he sighed and kissed his cheek. They both walked in the kitchen and found Dongmin crying. Taehyung was quick to comfort him.

"Spilt my ju-juice but you're ma-mad at me and di-didn't want to ma-make you more mad--i'm so-sorry."

"No it's okay flower, I'm not mad at you baby. I'm mad that i can't find your bear."

Dongmin nodded and wiped his eyes. "I'll find it okay, i promise I'll find that bear."

Dongmin nodded again. "Let's go change your clothes baby," Taehyung said picking him up. He didn't mind that his shirt was wet he just wanted to get Dongmin out of his dirty clothes.

"I'm gonna take you a bath since you're sticky," Taehyung explained as he took him to the bathroom.

After the bath they were back in the living room, Taehyung was finishing getting him dressed while Jimin made a list of what they needed. When taehyung finished getting him dress Dongmin requested for Taehyung to carry him.

He happily agreed with it and picked him up. He walked in the kitchen and saw jimin bent over looking in the refrigerator.

"Baby you almost done," taehyung said scaring Jimin causing him to hit his head. Taehyung quickly rushed over to comfort him. "Daddy are you okay," dongmin said reaching over to rub his head.

Jimin nodded "I'm al-almost done need to check one mo-more th-thing," jimin explained.

"Do you want us to wait or you got it?"

"No it sh-shouldn't be long," he said.

"Are you sure baby, cause we can wait if you like. We don't mind just incase you need some-"

"I'll be okay, im al-almost done."

"Okay well we'll be in the car."

Jimin nodded and pecked Taehyungs lips and Dongmins cheek.

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