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About two days passed since the incident, Taehyung had nightmares but Jimin was there to calm him down, the only negative thing is that Jimin was starting to have a hard time getting words out. But they were okay, they knew for sure.

"T-taaehyung" Jimin called out from the living room and Taehyung came out of the restroom quickly. "What's up," he asked wrapping the towel around his waist, Jimin mentally cooed at his boyfriends soft tummy, "ju-jungkooks gi-girlfriend has to gi-give away her puppy, he-he wanted to kn-know if we wa-want it."

"Do you have a picture"

"Ye-yeah i to-took one with hi-him"

(A/n i just realized that they have a chewed up straw in their mouth and that jimin has makeup on one eye and nothing on the other)

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(A/n i just realized that they have a chewed up straw in their mouth and that jimin has makeup on one eye and nothing on the other)

"Wow isn't that the cutest little thing ever" Taehyung said "oh look the dog is there too" Jimin blushed and playfully hit his arm. "St-stop" he said dragging out the word. Taehyung smiled and kissed his head "never" Jimin smiled and pecked his lips.

"So-so do yo-you wan-want him" he asked and put his phone away. "yeah he's a cutie, just text jungkook and we'll go pick him up," jimin smiled and kissed him again "you finally sa-said it ri-right" Taehyung rolled his eyes and walked to the kitchen.

Jimin followed and sat on one of the stools, he was texting Jungkook telling him that they'll take the puppy. Meanwhile Taehyung was looking for jobs he could work at. Luckily there was a few he didn't mind doing.

"Hey minnie, i found a job for me. Doesn't require much talent. so~" Taehyung said while turning the laptop towards Jimin. The aforementioned looked at the screen and nod his head. "Se-seems co-cool, sh-should I st-start looking fo-for a jo-job?" Taehyung shook his head and placed a kiss on Jimins head.

"Let me take care of you okay?" Jimin gave a nod and looked for any messages about the puppy.

"K-kook sa-said that h-he'll drop off the pu-puppy" Taehyung gave him a nod and sat on the couch. Soon Jimin sat next to him, laid his head on his shoulder and wrapped his arms around him.

The two boys laid there while watching tv peacefully for about an hour.

Knock knock

"Jimin-ah i know you're in there," Jimin groaned and threw his head back and Taehyung watched in amusement while Jimin went to answer the door. "wh-what do yo-you- puppy!" Jimin yell opening the door further and grabbing the puppy.

"Did you already forget about him" Jungkook asked while laughing, "n-no I j-just did-didnt think you'd bring hi-him so qu-quickly" jimin said in a  matter-of-fact tone.

"Yeah yeah, anyways this is lisa and lisa this is Jimin" Jungkook introduced and Jimin moved out of the way and allowed them in.

"L-lisa th-this is my bo-boyfriend Taehyung"

"Say that again" Taehyung said while walking up to the trio"

"M-my bo-boyfriend?"

"I like that, anyways nice to meet you lisa"

"Nice to meet you too Taehyung" lisa responded sticking her hand out for Taehyung to shake. "Um that's yeontan, and we'll get his stuff and bring it up." lisa said, "me and Jimin will do it y'all two can talk and stuff" jungkook said grabbing jimin and dragging him outside.

"Stupid junglebook"

"I heard that!"

"I don't care!"

Jimin and Jungkook were in the elevator talking about the puppy.
"okay time to be serious, what happened to you and Taehyung" Jungkook asked leaning against the wall of the elevator.

"Wh-what are you tal-talking ab-about" jimin asked tilting his head to the side. "your stutter his worse and there's a bruise on your wrist" Jimin looked down and placed other hand on his wrist.

"Is he hitting you?"

"No its ju-just so-something happened co-couple ni-nights ba-back we di-didn't even no-notice till the day after"

"I'll kick his ass min, you know that" Jimin gave him a nod and walked to the car Jungkook gave Jimin the dog bed and the bowls while he took the food and backpack filled with dog toys.

When they got back to the apartment Jimin set the stuff down on the coffee table along with Jungkook.

"Hey Taehyung, can we talk, alone" once Taehyung saw that Jungkook was serious he got up and led him to Jimins office. 

"What's up" Taehyung asked closing the door behind him. "Be careful with Jimin. I saw the bruise on his wrist, he's stuttering like before, don't test me Taehyung if you hurt him in anyway I'll kill you. Got that?" Taehyung gave him a nod and jungkook walked out of the room he bid his goodbyes and left with lisa. 

Ten minutes after the left Taehyung came out of the small office and sat next to Jimin, who was playing with yeontan on his lap.

"I'm sorry minnie, for hurting you that night. I was angry and-"

"I fo-forgive you ok-okay, ju-jungkook was just be-being dumb"

Taehyung gave him nod then hugged him and placed a kiss on his forehead. "I love you baby."

"I lo-l-lo" breathe in breath out and start over. "I love you more Taehyung".

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