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When the three boys walked back in the room and dongmin immediately ran to Jimin. "Here you go daddy I got you flowers," he said handing them to him jimin happily took them and gave dongmin a peck on the cheek.

Taehyung helped him up on the bed so they were sitting next to each other. Hearing a phone ring taehyung looked around and saw seokjin on the phone.

After he finished his phone call he started packing his stuff "that the orphanage, they want to talk to us," Seokjin. Namjoon began packing everything up "be sa-safe hyung. I lo-love you," Jimin called out as he left.

Seokjin stuck his head in the room and smiled "you too and i love you more baby brother."

Jimin smiled happily then focused on dongmin who was coloring.

"Knock knock," jinsoo said when he walked in. Jimin happily waved at him "wheres the babies at," jinsoo looked for them (they were behind taehyung).

"You're like showered right," Taehyung asked before he even thought about letting one of them touch the kids.  Jinsoo gave him a confused look "um yes," he said.

"Good cause they told us about what happened the day the twins were born," Taehyung said moving out of the way, it took awhile before jinsoo understood what he was saying before he started to blush.

Taehyung picked up hana and handed her to Jinsoo, who  immediately cooed. "Where is Jae at," taehyung asked leaning back on the wall.

"Still at the studio being a little ass hat," jinsoo said in a baby voice.

"Bad word," dongmin yelled as he pointed at jinsoo. "Sorry baby," Jinsoo said. "Then I'll be back I'm gonna go drop these off, cmon dongmin," taehyung said going to pick him up.

He gave Jimin a peck on the lips then left the room.

"So wh-what's up," Jimin asked as he moved out of the way so jinsoo could sit on the bed with him. Jinsoo let out a sigh "don't you find it weird that I'm Taehyungs ex and me and you are like best friends."

Jimin shook his head "like that usually isn't a normal thing to do--"

"Ji-jinsoo if you hav-haven't noticed im not exactly normal," Jimin said as he pointed at his twins then himself.

"I asked jaeho if I should be feeling weird about it and i guess he somehow mistook it and started saying that I wanted to get back with him...Jimin I have no intention of getting back with him."

Jimin nodded along to what he was saying not at all feeling that jinsoo wanted him back. "It's just that I feel like it makes you feel uncomfortable and weird--it's not normal for us to be friends."

"Soo nothing about an-any of us is normal. No-not once have i ever thought that you wanted to take Taehyung away from me...if ja-jaeho thinks that he's the stupidest person. I know the way you both look at each other...you love him."

Jinsoo only nodded to his words and tried his best to hold in his tears, after all he was still holding hana. "How long as it been," jimin asked curious because he knew it was more than a day.

"La-last week," he whispered. "He hasn't been home for a week and he doesn't want to talk to me."

Jimin went ahead and took hana from him and placed her back in her bed. Then he hugged jinsoo, who had started crying.

"What if he want to break up with me," Jinsoo cried out. Jimin shook his head "He's dumb if he does," he whispered as he rubbed his back soothingly. He just let jinsoo cry as much he could.

"I don't wanna go back the house because everything is just a reminder of hi--"

"You can st-stay at our place okay, look i get discharged tomorrow so you won't be by yourself okay," Jimin explained as he rubbed Jinsoos back comforting. Jinsoo shook his head "jimin I can--"

"Yes you can, we'll be back home as soon as possible."

Jinsoo nodded with a smile, he was so grateful for Jimin.

Time Skip

When taehyung came back was when everything started to go south.  He stormed in the room, a scared dongmin on his hip.

"After all the shit I went through to get over you, you want to get back together," he semi-yelled as he harshly poked him in the chest. Jinsoo shook his head rapidly "you're a real bitch jinsoo."

Taehyung didn't stop, he kept going with horrible insults towards Jinsoo.

"Tae i did--"

"Get out Taehyung," jimin said before he could say anything else to Jinsoo.

The next day

Jimin didn't allow Taehyung to come back that night. Not until he apologized to Jinsoo. Taehyung was smarter than to think such things. When it was time to be released Jimin called seokjin to take the four of them to Seokjins house.

Luckily dongmin was asleep "Where's Taehyung," he (seokjin) asked. Jimin shook his head "w-we go-got in a fi-fight," he said sadly.

Seokjin only nodded. When they arrived to the house Jimin got Dongmin out while Seokjin and namjoon got the twins. Jimin laid Dongmin on the couch and covered him with his blanket. He woke up a bit and made grabby hands "i want papa," he whispered.

"I-i'll ca-call him in a bi-bit," jimin whispered as be rubbed his head. The night before wasn't easy for him, he knew something was up when taehyung started to yell at him.

When dongmin fell asleep Namjoon walked in the living room and handed him his phone its taehyung he mouthed. Jimin felt guilty, Namjoon was Taehyungs brother yet he was still with Jimin.

"He-hello," he stuttered out.

"You really aren't going to answer my ca--"

"I've ha-had my p-p-phone on si-silent," jimin said trying not to sound hurt. "When are you coming back,"  Taehyung asked, he sounded drunk, he wasn't but he he sounded like it. 

"I'm no-not su-sure, maybe un-until you and Ja-jaeho get your heads ou-out of your asses and apologize to Jinsoo. You both knew hi-his si-situation an-and ac-accused h-h-him of so mu-much shit."

"The bitch deserv--"

"N-no he-he di-didn't, if yo-you are gonna be li-like this th-then don't expect us to be b-back soon," after that jimin hung up. Standing up Jimin walked over to Namjoon and handed him his phone. He walked back to the bathroom and started to cry.

Dongmins birthday was in two weeks and Jimin was hoping everything would be okay by then. Walking out Jimin made his way back to the living room.

Seokjin was sitting next to Dongmin trying to comfort him. "I have a meeting tomorrow, if you want to come," Seokjin asked and Jimin nodded.

Later that day Taehyung had came over, he wanted to properly talk to Jimin. By the time he arrived Dongmin was wide awake "Papa, dee opened his and smiled at me," Dongmin said happily. Taehyung, who somehow managed to fix himself up, smiled and picked up Dongmin.

"That's good flower," he said giving him a kiss on the cheek. Jimin walked in the living with Hana still in his arms. Once he saw him Taehyung placed Dongmin down and walked to Jimin, he attempted to give a kiss but he quickly moved his head.

"Don't be like that."

"I wa-want to b-b-break up."

A/N can we get a BIG rip in the chat.

Also my reason for ending the story was because there was too many chapters and i didn't really like that. It just bothered me a lot.

Hope you aren't so mad about the ending :(.

But don't worry there IS a sequel in the making!

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