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About two hours later Jimin woke on top of Taehyung, "what is it do you want to talk about." Taehyung asked.

"T-tell me ab-about your par-parents." he said quietly snuggling closer to him.

"My parents were religious, so coming out to them was scary of course. Namjoon came out as bi to them, they took it well i assumed cause well its Namjoon of course they'll be okay with him liking guys. Namjoon was the favorite i know he was, it was always Namjoon. I was me and not Namjoon, i skipped classes, i had failing grades all the time i snuck out and partied." Taehyung took a break to check up on Jimin, he gave him a smile and let him continue. "So one day I was like fuck it and sat my parents and Namjoon down so i could tell them, when i saw their stares i froze. Namjoon noticed and rubbed my back to calm me down. 'Im gay' i said quietly i looked down and i was scared to face them. 'Taehyung look at me' my dad said to me, his voice was always so rough so. i was scared when he said my name." Taehyung took a deep breath before he could continue.

"I brought myself to look at him and my mom, i felt tears in my eyes. They didn't say anything for awhile 'mommy say something, dad please' i felt as if i was going to through up.

'We're okay with everything baby, we accept you. You know more than anything that your happiness is so important to us. So if you're gay then we're okay with it' my mom was so sweet minnie. She taught me how to plant flowers and she would take me to museums whenever she could. I love her so much. My dad on the other hand, he taught me to cook and how to fix cars all that junk. You already know how namjoon is. But me, i fucking sucked my family did so much stuff for me and i did nothing for them. I didn't deserve them i really didn't." Taehyung had tears going down his face, so did jimin. "After i lost my grandma i wasn't the same, i started smoking weed i would drink and they tried so hard to stop me before it got bad and they did. When they died, my parents, i had nightmares and i couldn't sleep sometimes. I got my shit together and picked up my grades and i graduated early. I love them so much, so did Jinsoo, he had shit parents, sometimes i thought he deserves a family like mine and i deserved to be with his. He's not a bad guy, i am" Taehyung was crying and so was Jimin. "Y-you aren't, ta-tae" Jimin said quietly while whipping his tears. Taehyung stayed quiet and cried, jimin was hugging him tightly and giving him small kisses.

"They would've loved you minnie, my mom would've taught you how to plant flowers too, i can see her calling you flower boy." Taehyung voice seemed happier then before Jimin smiled and let him talk more, "my dad on the other hand, he would teach you to cook he'll make fun of you but he wouldn't let you take it to the heart." Taehyung stopped crying he was rubbing Jimin head and had dried up tears on his face.

"I love you so much baby," his voice was raspy and Jimin loved it, he loved him. "I lo-love you too."

"No-now go sh-show me those co-cooking skills cause im hu-hungry" jimin whispered and Taehyung laughed.

The two got up and walked to their small kitchen, and Taehyung began to take some things out for him to cook.

"Is there anything specific you want," Taehyung asked before he started. "Chi-chicken Alfredo" Jimin said with a wide smile, "please~" Taehyung sighed and started getting the things out to make the alfredo.

Jimin went up to taehyung and hugged him from behind and laid his head on Taehyungs back. Not long after Taehyung turned around and hugged Jimin back. The aforementioned looked up and made a kissy face at Taehyung, said boy just smiled and kissed Jimin.

"I got to get the meat and sauce baby," Jimin let go and stood back so he can pass by. Taehyung started to cut up pieces of meat, after he finished he put it in the put in the pan. He put the lid on top of the pan and went back to Jimin, the aforementioned smiled and wrapped his arms around Taehyungs neck, Taehyung did the same but wrapped his arms around his waist.

"So beautiful," Taehyung before pecking his lips. Jimin smiled and gave him a kiss, Taehyung pulled away and walked back to the stove.

"Everything is done," he said while turning off the stove. "Ho-how do you kn-know the pa-pasta is done," Jimin asked while sitting at the table, Taehyung took a noodle(?) out of the pot and threw it at the wall and it stook on there. "If it sticks, it done" he said and jimin just giggled.

Halfway through eating Taehyungs phone started ringing, "wh-who is it?" Taehyung took out his phone and check the I.D.

"Jackson?" he said confused and picked up.


"Yo it Jinsoo, he needs you"


A/N i start school tommorow and i have a dentist appointment today so,,,,,yay

I colored my hair red and it actually looks good so yay pt2. 

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