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After their shower both boys decided to cuddle on their bed and watch a movie. Taehyung kept a tight grip on Jimin, he hated the time they spent apart. He hated not having Jimin there when he had his nightmares. Jaeho didn't give much comfort and he didn't have anything to hold at night, that's why it looked like he hasn't slept. But now him and Jimin were okay again, that's all he could ask for.

Taehyung started to slowly fall asleep, but he stayed up for Jimin. "Taehyung, you ca-can sleep, I'll be rig-right here if you have nightmares." Taehyung smiled but nodded his head, sighing he let himself fall into slumber.

Taehyung woke up later that day and saw that Jimin wasn't next to him. He frowned and sat up, he stood up and walked out of the room and saw Jimin at the front door. He walked up to him and wrapped his arm around Jimins waist and buried his face in Jimins neck, he didn't like the look the delivery guy was giving Jimin.

Taehyung was possessive and he was going to finally show it. He picked his head up and gave the man an ugly look "he's paid already, give him the food then leave yeah." the boy rolled his eyes but did what he was told. Taehyung closed the door and grabbed the food from Jimins hands and walked back to the kitchen, Jimin followed behind and sat at the table. Taehyung sat next him and brought him closer, before Jimin could take a bite of his food Taehyung gave him a kiss. "I haven't seen you in a week and boys were looking at you like that tsk now I know to never make that mistake again." jimin blushed and nodded his head.

"I only have eyes f-for you." Taehyung smiled and kissed him again. "Good, now let's eat."

After they finished eating they walked back to their room laid down. Jimin sat on top of Taehyungs lap and rested his head on his shoulder "d-did a you sleep well." Taehyung nodded and kissed Jimins cheek. Jimin smiled and grabbed Taehyungs hand and played with his fingers, he stopped when he saw the bruises. He frowned as Taehyung took his hand away "ho-how Taehyung." the aforementioned shook his head, Jimin sighed. "Look Minnie, its nothing-" he stopped when he saw Jimin shake his head. "Do-don't lie to m-me." Taehyung shook his head and grabbed Jimins waist he moved his head so he can kiss Jimin but he refused. Jimin shook his head and turned it the other way, "I was punching the wall, I was mad and I just started hitting the wall."

Jimin sighed and got off taehyung "are you mad at me."

Jimin nodded and took a breath "And Jae! He was supposed to watch you. Soo told me you were doing okay" with an upset look jimin got off the bed and walked out of the room, taehyung followed out and grabbed his wrist. "Where are you going," Taehyung said.

"You are going to take me to Jaes house now." Taehyung sighed and allowed Jimin to drag him down stairs.

Taehyung tapped on the steering wheel, he looked at Jimin every now again to see if he was okay. Taehyung put his hand on Jimins thigh and rubbed it, hoping to make him feel better. Jimin let out a small groan and grabbed Taehyungs hand. He ran he his fingers across Taehyungs knuckles, he brought his hand up and kissed his knuckles. "Ha-have you done this before," Jimin looked at him knowing he wouldn't speak, Taehyung nodded his head. Jimin sighed and held Taehyungs hand "you ca-can't do this anymore, ok-okay." Taehyung nodded his head then pulled up in Jaeho's drive way. Before they got off Taehyung turned towards Jimin and kissed him. "You have to pr-promise me you won't do it again." Taehyung nodded his head again, Jimin smiled then got off the car. Jimin's whole mood changed as soon as he got off the car, he walked up the door and knocked harshly. A shirtless Jaeho opened the door "dude i swear to god if you and Jimin are having problems again-" he cut himself off again when he saw Jimin, he smiled the frowned when he noticed that he looked angry.

"oh what's up min- ow what the fuck." he rubbed the arm Jimin had hit and scrunched up hid head. "wh-why did you let hi-him do that Jae, y-you promised me he wasn't hurt." Jaeho was still rubbing his arm, "well in my defense it was either my face or the wall and i told him wall." Jimin put his hands on his waist and pouted, Taehyung finally got off the truck and pulled Jimin back and away from Jaeho. Jimin was still pouting when Jaeho let them in, Taehyung rubbed his head and messed up his hair while doing so. Jaeho sighed and sat on the couch, Taehyung sat down then pulled Jimin on his lap Jaeho rolled his eyes when he saw them like that. "So how are you and Jinsoo."

"Well to be honest...i'm not sure...i think we're together but he hasn't been answering my text, but he was online" Taehyung and Jimin looked at each other and then giggled, Jaeho frowned leaned back on the couch. Jimin smirked then stood up, "go-good luck with that." Taehyung smiled and followed Jimin out of the house, "take care of that tattoo Taehyung." The aforementioned nodded, waving a goodbye then left the house, they got buckled up in the car and left the drive way. Jimin grabbed Taehyung's hand and kissed it, "you have an appointment with Yoongi," Jimin groaned and threw Taehyungs hand away from him. Taehyung chuckled and grabbed Jimins hand again, "im kidding baby." jimin pouted but smiled quickly after.

Jimin put his hand on Taehyungs thigh and smiled, he starred at Taehyung with a wide smile. Taehyung looked at him and smiled back, he winked at him and Jimin blushed. Jimin scooted over a bit and held on to Taehyungs arm, he laid his head on His shoulder and smiled. "You won't do thi-this anymore okay? Do something else instead okay." Taehyung nodded his head.

"Everytime i'm upset I'll just kiss you." Jimin blushed but nodded his head.

When they got home Jimin went to his room while Taehyung went to the office, he decided to fill out the adoption papers. When he finished he went in to his room and saw Jimin sprawled out across the bed. "You can at least leave me some room." Jimin shook his head and smiled Taehyung returned smile then flicked Jimins head. "Taehyung!"

A/N omg it's been a year since I've posted the first chapter of this book. Okay so i was going to make a playlist but i procrastinated and haven't made it yet sooooo I'll give y'all my insta and twitter and then later I'll give you guys a playlist.

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