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It was a couple weeks later and jimin decided to go to his friend jungkooks house

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It was a couple weeks later and jimin decided to go to his friend jungkooks house. He got a text from him saying that he wanted him to meet someone and jimin was excited to see his best friend after a while. The poor boy was so busy with school as well as jimin he was busy with some assignments he needed to submit last minute. "Hey min how have you been?" Jungkook greeted as he opened the door for jimin. "I've be-been ok-okay k-kook, you-yourself" jungkook smiled at jimin and told him about the girl he liked and how finally got the courage to ask her out luckily she said yes. "Th-thats great kook-ah is sh-she nice to y-yo-you" jungkook nodded his head and jimin told him to continue talking about her and his week and that's what jungkook did and boy did he have a lot to say. It was nearly one and half hours later when jungkooks mom knocked on the door "jimin someone's here to pick you up" jungkook gave jimin a confused look jimin never left so early so jimin as well was confused. "Well we have a week off this week so maybe you can come over tomorrow?" Jimin nodded his said a quick goodbye to jungkook and a thank you to his mom as well as a thank you and made his way outside to be met with Taehyung waiting for him. Jimin smiled at him and waved he's been wanting to be hanging out with Taehyung but like I said earlier he's been busy with last minute work so he's really been stuck in his room for a couple of weeks. "I was worried about you min I've been texting you and you haven't been replying or anything of the sort" jimin started feeling guilty but in all honesty he was really busy with school he barely made time for Jin and that's because he lives with him. "I'm just messing with min, though I was worried you were stressing out to much"

"Wh-why did you pi-pick me up an-and ho-how did yo-you kn-know where I wa-was"

"I asked your brother and I picked you up because we'll just because...I missed you bub" jimin quickly hid his face, he was blushing like a trillion shades of pink. "I wa-wanna co-color my hair hy-hyung... O-or-orange" Taehyung nodded his head at this now Taehyung had an idea of where he wanted to take jimin.


Taehyung finally parked the car after what felt like hours to jimin. None of the boys got out of the car yet though "well this where I got my green highlights I'm pretty sure they'll color your hair the perfect orange...let's go" and so Taehyung got off the car but jimin didn't. Jimin was nervous what was jin going to think about all this, or jungkook, what if the person doing my hair messes up and I go bold jimin didn't want to have any of that happening to him but he knew he could trust Taehyung with all of this. So he got off the car and I slowly made his way to Taehyung "don't worry they're good at what they do." Taehyung can see on jimins face that he was scared of getting his hair colored in all honesty jimin didn't even think Taehyung was going to take him here he had just said he wanted to color him hair just to say it.
"Hi welcome to jessi's hair salon how can we help you Taehyung-ah" the lady greeted the boys well Taehyung mostly. "Hey Jennie my friend jimin wants to color his hair orange" jimin nodded in approval Taehyung must come here often if they already knew who he was and if he knew who they were. "Well then let's get him situated...um go to chair three and I'll be there and a bit" Taehyung led jimin to chair three and helped him get situated with everything "I-i'm sc-scared hyung" jimin whispered he's never really colored his hair like this before so he was worried that something is going to go wrong. "I already told you Minnie they're the best at what they do there's nothing to worry about" jimin nodded his head and relaxed a bit he was still worried but not as much. "Alright I think I pick out the perfect orange so let's get to it" it was a different lady this time she had blonde hair and had a nice tan. "Hi Jessi noona" Taehyung greeted her and gave her a hug and Jessi returned it greeting him back. "Hey Taehyung and Taehyungs friend let's get started shall we" jimin put alot of trust in to this lady alot of trust in to her he doesn't really let anyone mess with his hair so this was a big step of him. "So kid what's your name" she asked him while she was shampooing his hair "they like to have conversations with their customers" Taehyung whispered in to jimins ear this caused him to roll his eyes and gave Taehyung a look that said do I have to which caused Taehyung to nod his head and smirk. "My-my name i-is ji-jimin" Jessi nodded his head and continued to do what ever she was doing.


Jessi finally finished and told jimin to hop off the chair and go check his hair out (jimin had his eyes closed the whole time) but jimin shook his head-eyes still closed- "come on Minnie it looks great you have nothing to worry about" jimin still shook his head. "Please Minnie I promise you'll love it" jimin finally opened his eyes and took the hand mirror from Taehyung.

 "Please Minnie I promise you'll love it" jimin finally opened his eyes and took the hand mirror from Taehyung

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"I lo-love it, th-thank yo-you" he quickly hugged Jessi than hugged Taehyung. Taehyung liked seeing this side of jimin his happy side "I told you not to worry about it Jessi noona is the best at what she does" Taehyung patted her on the back as she said this "and this is why you're my favorite customer" she said walking to the cash register.
Taehyung paid for it and this made jimin a bit guilty and Taehyung saw this. "You don't have to feel guilty about it... I was the one who brought you here it was my treat" he said to jimin while walking out to the parking lot jimin didn't respond. When they made it to the car Taehyung opened the door for jimin "still" was all he said when Taehyung got into the car "jimin it's honestly nothing alright I have a discount there so it wasn't even expensive" Taehyung said a bit to harsh but hoping that jimin would drop it. "Th-thank yo-you" was all he said laying his head on the window. Taehyung didn't like the silence in the car it was very uncomfortable but he didn't know what to say so he just stayed silent. He was trying very hard to figure out what to say "uh Jin hyung is going to like it Minnie" jimin nodded his head not saying anything "I mean orange really suits you, you look very pretty" jimin smiled but hid his face "thank you" he whispered still smiling.


"You know I'd appreciate it if you didn't kidnap my brother all the ti- oh my god his hair is orange" Taehyung and Jimin shared a laugh at jins mini freak out "do-do yo-you like it" jimin asked with a smile on his face. "If you like then I like min but next time let me know in advance so I don't have a mini heart attack" he looked at Taehyung saying the last part of the sentence. The two boys walked to jimins room and jimin couldn't get enough of his hair he really liked it. "th-th-thank you Taehyung" jimin said once again touching his hair. "You're welcome Minnie...I have to go though joon wants me home for some reason I'll see you tomorrow yah?" Jimin nodded his head disappointingly they just got there and he has to go great.

Y'all it snowed last night shajasdf
(It was my first time seeing snow)

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