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A/N my comment section is starting to get dry 👉👈 please comment more.

Time skip a few months.

Jimin was now six months pregnant. It was april and pretty soon Dongmins birthday is coming up in july.

Taehyung already started to plan something for his birthday. If everything went well the twins should be born and healthy enough to be out.

Right now Jimin was getting dongmin ready to go to jungkooks and yugyeoms house. It was for a play date but really Jimin and Taehyung needed someone to watch him since they were gonna go to the doctors for another check up.

They were gonna leave dongmin with Seokjin and Namjoon but they were coming with the two boys. Todays the day they were gonna find out the genders but they wanted to do a reveal party.

They were nervous but excited at the same time. Namjoon and seokjin were there already, they were just waiting on the boys to finish getting dressed.

"Daddy where are we goin'" dongmin asked.

"Yo-you are go-going to Kookies house fo-for a bit," jimin answered.

"Where you goin'."

"To the do-doctors," jimin said in a whispered voice.

After they finished getting dressed they walked in the living room and saw the three boys in the room. "Mom is at the hospital already," seokjin said standing up, jimin nodded and grabbed all the important stuff he needed.

Taehyung went ahead and grabbed Dongmins bag then dongmin. "You got your bear flower," dongmin nodded and pointed at his bag. Taehyung handed him the bag, dongmin opened the bag and pulled out his bear.

"Okay let's go," taehyung said.

Time Skip

"It has his cup, some snacks, his blanket, and some toys....Oh um his blanket is there just incase he wants to take a nap. He hasn't taken one yet but--"

"Okay Taehyung i think we can handle this," Jungkook said taking the bag then dongmin.

"I'm being serious if anything happens to hi-"

"You'll kill me yes i know, now go before you're late to the appointment," jungkook said as he tried to push Taehyung out of the house.

"Okay bye kook, bye flower I'll see you soon," Taehyung said.

"Bye papa. Bye daddy!" dongmin yelled and Jimin waved from the car.

Taehyung have Dongmin a kiss on the cheek and then punched Jungkooks shoulder. "I'll text when we're coming back," Taehyung said then left to the car.

After that they left, dongmin slumped down and sighed, Jungkook closed the door and then placed Dongmin on the floor. "I miss them already," Dongmin whispered.

Jungkook nodded and ruffled up his hair. Dongmin whinnied as he tried to fix. "Yuggie is making some cookies in the kitchen," jungkook said as he reached out for Dongmins hand, they walked in the kitchen.

Yugyeom greeted dongmin with a hug and a kiss. "I just put them in the oven all we have to do is wait," he said booping his nose.

"I have some coloring books if you wanna color," yugyeom suggested, dongmin happily nodded. They walked in the living room and Yugyeom place dongmin on the floor while he went to the self where they had some coloring books for when he stayed over. 

He brought them to the table and sat next to Dongmin, jungkook smiled and took a picture of the two then sent it to Taehyung.

(Attached image)

Oh good some one responsible is there.

Jungkook rolled his eyes and took a seat on the couch behind the two. "What do you wanna watch min,"jungkook asked, dongmin shrugged.

"Paw patrol," jungkook asked, dongmin nodded. He was to focused on coloring to care.

Taehyung tapped his foot impatiently as he waited for the doctor. He was holding Jimins hand as they waited he would squeeze his hand everytime he heard foot steps.

But finally the door opened and their doctor came in, taehyung straightened up and waited for the doctor to check the heart beats and regular check ups.

"Okay, if you can lay back so we can check on the twins," the doctor said as they got the machine ready. That was basically the only time Taehyung let go of his hand, it was quick just to help Jimin pick up his shirt. Then he quickly started to hold on to his hand. 

She spread the the gel on him, which caused Jimin to squirm a bit. Taehyung smiled and kissed his hand.

"I love you," taehyung whispered. "I lov-love you too," jimin responded back. Everyone in the room smiled at the sight.

"Alright so i taking it as you want it to be a surprise," the doctor said, taehyung nodded. Seokjin and their mom walked towards the screen and looked at the monitor.

"This is the first twin, and the second one is right he-" she stopped when she heard Jimin groan.

"They kicked," jimin whispered.

"Yeah that one is the trouble maker," taehyung whispered.

The doctor was talking to Seokjin and their mom about everything then stood up. "I'll be back with the genders and pictures," she said then left the room.

Jimins mom reached over to grab wipes to clean Jimins stomach. After they finished cleaning him up Taehyung helped him with his shirt.

Taehyung pecked his cheek "pretty boy," he whispered to himself. Jimin smiled and pecked his cheek.

Soon the doctor walked in the room and handed the envelope to Seokjin. He took it and thanked her then she left.

"Ready boys," Jimins dad asked, both nodded Taehyung help Jimin off the bed. After they signed out they made their way to jungkooks house to pick up Dongmin.

"Do you want anything before we get dongmin," Seokjin asked.

"Uh cheese fries," jimin said. Seokjin nodded and started to make his way to a place that sales cheese fries.

Soon after they were back on their way to Jungkooks house to pick up Dongmin.

Getting to the house, taehyung was about to to knock but the door opened before he could. "He's asleep, kinda tired himself out," jungkook whispered opening the door wider.

Jimin and taehyung walked in and taehyung walked over to the couch. Jungkook gave Jimin hug and rubbed his belly. He felt a small nudge and smiled.

"Jerk," jimin whispered, "oh this one is gonna be a brat for sure," jungkook said.

Jimin nodded.

"Here's his bag and his cup," yugyeom said popping in to the room. Jimin happily took the stuff and gave yugyeom a hug.

Dongmin and him fell asleep with his blanket and bear. Taehyung threw the blanket over Dongmin again and grabbed the bear, stuffing it between each others body.

"Alright I'll see you guys soon take care," jungkook said giving Jimin another hug.

A/N what do you think the twins genders are?

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