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Dongmin walked in his new room with a smile, he saw yugyeom and Jimin hanging some pictures and putting away his stuff. Jimin was the first to notice him. Jimin walked over to him and bent down slightly. "What's up flower," he asked, dongmin just shrugged and laid his head on Jimins shoulder.

"Have you nap-napped yet," he asked and dongmin shook his head "been helpin' ucle jinnie," he whispered rubbing his eyes.

"C'mon let's go pu-put you to na-nap," he said as he slowly stood up and walked Dongmin over to his bed. After tucking him in dongmin quickly fell asleep, jimin smiled and rubbed his head.

Yugyeom cooed at him "he's really cute," he said as he looked at dongmin. Jimin nodded agreeing with him, he got up and walked away from Dongmin.

They both decided to take a break, and left the room. Walking out of the room Jimin was happy to see that the house was almost done. Jimin walked around the house and in some of the rooms.

His room was done, the restroom, and the living room. As far as Jimin could see everything was looking good. He rubbed his stomach as he walked in the living room, seokjin was fixing everything up. "Hy-hyung wh--where is everyone," he asked with a sad look.

"Jae and Namjoon are getting the last of the stuff out, kook and tae went to get some food and soo is fixing the office," he said pointing down the hall. Jimin nodded and took a seat on one of the chairs, just the jae and namjoon walked in with some boxes.  "This is the last of everything," namjoon said placing them down.

"Thank you hyu-hyung, thank you jae," jimin said. Namjoon nodded and walked to over to seokjin and pecked his cheek. Jimin smiled at him, "you look really cu-cute together," jimin said to them. Seokjin just stuck his tongue out at him but accepted the compliment.

The door opened up and jungkook and Taehyung walked in the apartment. They placed the food down and walked to their partners, Taehyung cupped Jimins face causing his cheeks to squish and pecked his lips.

"Where's my other squish," he asked looking around the room. "Taking a na-nap," jimin said sitting  up to peck his lips more. Taehyung smiled and pecked his lips some more.

"Ew they're being gross again," jungkook yelled, taehyung rolled his eyes but was happy when he saw yugyeom hit him on the shoulder.

Taehyung sat up straight and walked over to where he placed the food, and got out jimins food. Jimin smiled as he took the food, he thanked taehyung by giving him a kiss. 

"Gonna go check on Dongmin," he said breaking away from him, as he walked away Jimin smacked his ass causing Taehyung to blush and jump out of embarrassment. Walking in the room Taehyung saw Dongmin just waking up, he was stretching as Taehyung walked up to him. Once dongmin saw he smiled and waved at him "hi papa," he whispered. 

"Hey nugget, you still tired," he asked rubbing dongmins head. "Just a bit," he said as he started to sit up. He crawled on to Taehyungs lap and rested his on his shoulder. "Hungy papa," he whispered.

Taehyung nodded and stood up, before he walked to their office. The door was wide open and jinsoo was playing with yeontan while jaeho was hanging up some pictures. "Hey we got some food for everyone," taehyung said after knocking on the door.

After they nodded taehyung left the room and back to the living room. He placed dongmin on the couch and went to get his food. "Tank chu papa," he said grabbing them from Taehyung.

"You're welcome flower." 

Time Skip

After a while everything was finally in it's place. Seokjin and Namjoon had to leave due to them both having a early shift the next day. Jinsoo was laying his head on jimin shoulder as they watched a video. Yugyeom was on the other side of Jinsoo and his legs on his (jinsoos) lap. 

Taehyung, Jaeho, Jungkook, and Dongmin were all in the kitchen eating snacks. Dongmin was on the verge of falling asleep, his hair was still damp and he felt exhausted.  Taehyung was trying to get him to sleep before actually putting him to sleep.

"Papa, wanna lay down," he mumbled, Taehyung nodded and took him off the counter and walked him to his room. He laid him down and tucked him in "bear," he said pointing at the floor. Taehyung walked to where the bear was and picked it up handing it to Dongmin.

"Good nigh' papa," he whispered falling asleep. After he fell asleep Taehyung walked back to the kitchen. Jaeho was drinking a coke while Jungkook was getting more chips. "You're taking care of Jimin right," jungkook asked as he picked at the chips.  Taehyung nodded "of course," he said taking the chips.

He grabbed the bowl and walked to the living room, he took a seat on one of the couches. Jinsoo got off of Jimin and walked to Taehyung "go sit with him," he whispered.

Taehyung stood up and took a seat next to Jimin, who smiled and laid his head on Taehyungs shoulder. "Dongmin is asleep already," he whispered then planted a kiss on his head.

"You ha-have his mo-monitor," jimin asked, taehyung pointed on the top of tv. Then pulled out his phone to show Jimin the app he had on his phone.  The aforementioned smiled, he was happy that Taehyung was prepared with everything.

"Y'all still use baby monitors for him," Jungkook asked.

"Baby, Dongmin is three," Yugyeom said sitting up, jungkook nodded to what he said.

"Plus he ge-gets nightmares."

Jungkook nodded his head, he took a seat on one of the chairs closest to yugyeom. As soon as he sat down Yeontan ran out of the office and onto jungkooks lap. Jungkook smiled and pat his head a "hey there rat," he said to yeontan.

Yeontan let out a small bark and snuggled closer to Jungkook. "How close are you with their dog," he asked him, jungkook sighed.

"Uh...he used to be my ex's dog," he said. Yugyeoms face fell and slouched back and continued watching the movie. Jimin reached over and grabbed his hand, Yugyeom smiled and grabbed back. He was thankful for the comfort.

A/N i might go to NASA Tuesday!!!!

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