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"Tae-taehyung i really don't wa-wanna do this," Jimin said as he dragged himself out of the car. Taehyung just laughed and shook his head "to bad Jimin, you're basically holding your pants with a rubber band."

It was a month later and Jimin was showing more and more, Taehyung decided that it was time to get him bigger clothes so he can stop trying to use his regular ones. "Pe-people are go-gonna stare Taehyung, plus i miss Dongmin," Jimin whinnied.

"You were the one who suggested to let Namjoon and Seokjin babysit him for a bit."

"Yes so we ca-can get grocery's, which we already did, i d-don't need an-any clothes."

Taehyung just shook his head and pulled Jimin along. The aforementioned just allowed Taehyung to drag him around the store and just like Jimin predicted, people were staring at him. "Ca-can we please hurry Taehyung, just get me three pairs a-and yo-you can d-do the rest by yo-yourself," Jimin said trying to hide away from all the stares. Taehyung noticed his distress and hid Jimin in front of him and tried to quickly pick out his clothes. "Pl-please hurry," Jimin said, his voice cracking in the end. 

"Do you think you can wait in the ca-"

"No i ca-can't go ou-out by myself," Jimin said. Taehyung just nodded and brought him close, they walked to the back where the dressing rooms were.

Taehyung let out a deep groan when he saw that it was full. "Im sorry Jimin," the aforementioned just shook his head. Taehyung felt a tap on his shoulder, he turned around a saw short lady with a bright smile.

"Hi i can help you two over here please follow me," she said. Taehyung gave her a confused look "we still need to try on some clothes."

"Please follow me," she said, sighing in defeat Taehyung and Jimin followed the lady to the back of the store where there were about four more dressing rooms.

Taehyung let out a sigh of relief and smiled "Thank you ma'am," Taehyung said. Jimin broke away from Taehyung and grabbed the clothes from Taehyungs hands. He walked in the room.

"Is he your boyfriend," the lady asked. Taehyung nodded "for three years."

"He's bimale huh," she said. Once again Taehyung nodded. "My brother in law is one too, he's also pregnant at the moment. I requested to get these installed because i know how overwhelming it can get for some people."

Taehyung smiled "well thank you for that."

Jimin came back out "th-they fit no-now ca-can we pl-please go." Taehyung nodded and took the clothes from him "thank you again ma'am."

"Here i can ring you guys real quick," she said taking the clothes and leading them back to the front. The both followed, after she finished they both left the store and went to go back to pick up dongmin. 

The car ride was silent, Taehyung was scared to say something and Jimin just didn't want to talk to him at the moment. Knowing that an argument might happen Taehyung called his brother.

"Hey...yeah we're good...nah i was just wondering if you can watch Dongmin for a bit longer...yeah I'll call...thanks."

"Why di-did you call."

"Cause i know you min, i know you're gonna tell me something and then we're going to start arguing-"

"I wa-wasn't even gonna sa-say anything."

"You're lying."

Jimin just stayed quiet.

Getting back home Jimin walked ahead of Taehyung and slammed the door in his face. Taehyung growled and rolled his eyes, opening the door he sighed when he heard another door slam.

Taehyung walked to their room and started to put the clothes up. "I'm sorry-"

"Sh-shut up," Jimin cut him off. Taehyung tsked and rolled his eyes. "I am Jimin."

"I to-told you Taehyung. Pe-people were st-staring at the grocery st-store and th-they were staring there."

Taehyung rolled his eyes again "i told you if didn't pay attention it wo-"

"To yo-you it wouldn't matter, you know why right."

"Why Jimin, why wouldn't matter to only me."

"Ca-cause you're no-not the freak who's pregnant- a male ca-carrying a fu-fucking baby." Jimin yelled, he was crying and red already. Taehyung rolled his eyes.

Already frustrated Taehyung hit the wall. "I get you're feeling like ten different emotions right now cause of you're pregnancy but it doesn't mean for you act like a bitch."

"Wh-what did you call me."

"A bitch Jimin, you're acting like a fucking bitch-"

"Ge-get out."

Taehyung snapped out of it, only now realising what he said. "Jimin i-"

"Get ou-out and leave Taehyung!"

"No min I'm sorry i didn't mean-"

"Get out before i call my brother."

Sighing Taehyung left the room, slamming the door behind him. Jimin sat on the bed and cried silently to himself. Jimin harshly rubbed his eyes and tried to prevent himself from crying anymore.

After an hour of crying Jimin walked out of the room and saw the apartment empty. Jimin let out a deep breath and sighed "I'm so-sorry baby," Jimin said rubbing his stomach.

It was their fifth argument that month and Jimin was starting to feel stressed about it. Sighing he pulled out his phone and dialed Seokjins number.

"Hey is everything alright," seokjin asked through the phone.

"Me an-and tae go-got in a ar-argument...i was ju-just gonna ask if you can drop off Dongmin." .

"Taehyung just came for him."

"Oh okay. W-well thanks."

Jimin hung up and looked at the door when he heard it the lock being messed with. "Daddy," Dongmin yelled once the door open to reveal Jimin.

"Hey fl-flower."

Seokjin hyung :)
Did you get ahold of Taehyung?

Yeah Taehyung just came back

"Oh and jinnie taught me how to paint today," dongmin said. Jimin just nodded and kissed his head. Dongmin smiled and ran off to his room. Jimin stood back up and Taehyung went to kiss him but jimin dodged it.

"Sorry im t-to much of a bitch to kiss you."

"Jimin I said i was sorry, i didn't mean it."

"But you still said it."

A/N it's 2:25 pm and I've been in bed all day...hi :)

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