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A/N another filler with Jinsoo and Jaeho....sorry

Jinsoo waited in his car debating if he should go up to the door or just book it out of there. Recently jaeho had been wanting to talk about their relationship but Jinsoo wouldn't want to talk so he avoided it completely, but now, now he was ready to talk, well he thought he was. Sighing he decided to man up and walk to the steps. He hesitated before he knocked, but before anything could happen Jaeho opened the door. "I saw up waiting in your car for the past 30 minutes." Jinsoo nodded his head and walked

Jaeho led him to him to his couch then he walked to his kitchen to grab him a drink from the fridge. He walked back to the living room and handed Jinsoo a green tea. He smiled at the small gesture and gave him a smiled. "I know how much you like green tea, i brought the whole pack for you," Jinsoo smiled, Jaeho took a seat next to him but leaned up again. The atmosphere was uncomfortable, jinsoo just wanted to leave but he didn't want be selfish. So they waited for the other to say something but alas no one said nothing. After a bit jinsoo stood up, "this was a bad idea I gotta go-" his sentence was cut off when Jaeho grabbed his wrist. "No we need to talk, i just need to think of how to put this but i really can't say anything with out it being rude." Jinsoo took a seat again. Jaeho took a deep breath before he started. "So what-what the fuck soo, it's like you want to he together but-"

"I really do it's just..." the long pause was uncomfortable, Jinsoo didn't have a good excuse for anything. He just couldn't tell him how he felt. Jaeho shook his head, "im not gonna stop trying for this relationship...but i just really need to know." Jinsoo started to get emotional, he really didn't know what to say. He's just scared to fall in love...he's was just scared to hurt Jaeho like the way he hurt himself. "I'm sorry jae, i just really can't...hurt you i can't hurt myself again." Jaeho stood up and walked to the kitchen to get soo and napkin. "What's- why soo."

"It's just that...i don't wanna hurt again...and i don't want to hurt you again. Falling in love is scary to me jae, like remember how i used to read about it a-an-and write about it in high school," jaeho smiled and nodded his head at the memories of nerdy Jinsoo. "Well to me writing about love and reading about it is amazing...but actually falling in love scares me...it scared me because i saw that it never works out...and the moment i let my guard down my heart was broken." Jaeho looked at him with a confused look. "Before me and Taehyung i had met someone and we or i thought we both fell in love, i know i had loved him...but it wasn't mutual, it was just one sided. I think he had just tried to make an excuse to waste time...but after that i just felt like crap and yeah Taehyung and me did happen and i believed it for a bit but things happened and i started to cheat and i realized i didn't love him the way i thought i did. I ended up hurting him and breaking his heart...i did the same thing to him...the same thing that happened to me i did that to him. I don't want to do that to you." Jinsoo wiped his eyes with his hand as as he cried.

Jaeho walked to him and hugged him, Jinsoo was always looked at as the bad guy cause he slept around a lot. The poor guy just wanted to feel something, his heart was broken and Jaeho wanted to be there to pick up the pieces. "You know before him, i never really believed in love cause my parents didn't really work out." jaeho nodded his head maybe it was better for him to finally let it all out. Before he continued jaeho pick up his head so he could look at him. "Lets go lay down, so you can rest a bit while you tell me everything." jaehoo shook his head. "Im too lazy to move," Jaeho and shook his head with a smile, he put Jinsoo's legs over his then stood up. Jinsoo smiled as Jaeho picked him up. When they got to his room he laid him down then laid next to him. "Talk to me soo."

"Well my parents were high school sweethearts, my dad had scholar ships for football and academics and my mom she wanted to go in to the army...well in the end of their junior year my mom got pregnant and they had me, so she didn't go in the army like she wanted and my dad well i don't know he uh he um just didn't go to college. After a while a lot of things had happened and they just didn't stay together...i mean they're both healthy now but i just can't fall in love because of all the things i had witnessed. Im scared to fall in love again Jae, i don't wanna hurt you and i don't want to get hurt." Jaeho grabbed his Jinsoo and held him, once again he started to cry.

Jinsoo started to fall asleep slowly, he didn't want to tell Jaeho though, he liked being in his arms. Without another word Jinsoo fell asleep on top of Jaeho, who just held him closely and drifted off to sleep as well.

The next morning Jinsoo woke up to an empty bed, he sighed when he didn't see Jaeho next to him. He walked out of the room and made his way to the kitchen to get something to eat. He saw jae cooking in the kitchen, jinsoo cleared his throat to grab his attention. When Jae looked at him his eyes widen, "you ruined it, you were supposed to sleep for another hour." Jinsoo giggled at his reaction, he walked to the counter and rested his chin on it. "I was gonna bring you breakfast in bed, but you woke earlier then usual."

"You can cook?" he questioned Jaeho shook his head with a smile. "No but i googled how to make pancakes and it's no as hard as i thought it was gonna be."

"Well I'll go pretend to be asleep then you can surprise me when im done." Jaeho nodded his head, jinsoo smiled then walked back to the room and waited for Jaeho to come back. A couple minutes later jaeho walked in the room with a tray in his hands. "Good Morning i made you breakfast in bed," Jinsoo smiled and sat up. "Gosh really! Thank you so much you angle sent from above." Jaeho blushed at his comment and sat the tray in front of him. "You're welcome you devil child." Jinsoo laughed at scooted over so Jaeho could sit next to him. "Thank you, for everything jae."

"You deserve it soo."

A/N jinsoo isn't a bad guy, just badly loved.

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