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Both boys woke up on the bed wrapped in each others arms. Taehyung woke up first, seeing Jimins cheeks presses against the pillow brought a smile to Taehyungs face. He was happy he had the next three days off, Taehyung grabbed Jimin and pulled him closer to himself. Taehyung saw Jimin smile, he was probably still cold.

Soon Jimin woke up to Taehyung kissing his face, "there's a meteor shower, wanna take you to this hotel by the beach." Jimin nodded his head Taehyung laughed at his boyfriends tiredness. "I already booked us a room," once again he nodded his head. Taehyung kissed Jimins lips, Jimin smiled and kissed him back. Taehyung smiled through the kiss, licking Jimins bottom lip, asking for permission Jimin gladly accepted it. Jimin rolled over and sat on Taehyungs lap. They were gonna continue their session until a knock on the door stopped them. Taehyung groaned as he heard the knock on the door, "i swear if it is a little kid trying to sell us donuts im gonna-"

"Open the door for them." Jimin said while getting off of Taehyung, going to open the door Taehyung followed Jimin. Jimin opened the door and saw Jinsoo and Jaeho, Jimin smiled and waved while Taehyung just rolled his eyes. "What do you two idiots want?"

"Double date?" Taehyung pulled Jimin closer to himself and slammed the door. "Taehyung!" Jimin said while getting out of his grip he opened the door again "you guys come in, while i go get the mail." Jimin put on his slides and grabbed the mail key, leaving the apartment Taehyung growled at the two boys. "We were busy you assholes."

"You know what they say...you are what you eat." Taehyung rolled his eyes but laughed a little bit. "Okay but honest opinion...i got Jimin a ring" Taehyungs voice faded as he walked in to the kitchen. "You just leave it there for him to see." Jinsoo said.

"He's to short to even see that far." Jinsoo made and ahh sound then relaxed back on the couch. "Well anyways i plan on taking him to see the meteor shower tonight and i think we're both ready to y'know."

"Im taking him shopping-"

"No" both boys shouted at Jinsoo. "Please."

"Y'know what. Sure."

Jinsoo clapped his hands and Jaeho looked at him with a smile. "Just don't hurt the poor boy."

Jimin walked in with a couple of letters is his hands. Jinsoo took the letters from his hand and gave them to Taehyung. Jinsoo took him to his room and told him to get ready to go out. When they walked out of the apartment Jaeho looked towards Taehyung and put his hands up. "You understand he's actually crazy right."

"He's different with Jimin, i can trust him with Jimin."

"How do you know."

"Cause everyone is."

Jinsoo and Jimin walked in to the mall and looked around in different stores. "So i think...Taehyung wants us to umm," Jinsoo smiled at Jimins shyness.

"He wants to do the dirty." Jimin nodded his head as his cheeks went red. "Yeah and i was wondering, as weird as it might seem, i was wondering if you could tell me the stuff he likes." Jinsoo nodded, they sat on a nearby bench. "Well since it's your first time he will go at your pace, slow or fast as long as you are okay." Jimin nodded his head and he started to make mental notes. "Um let's see...he likes lingerie...i didn't like it the panties always went up my butt. We can try with you if you'd like."

"Will he like it?" Jinsoo nodded his head and grabbed Jimin hand. They walked in to a store that sold it, while they looked around a young lady walked up to them with a wide smile. "Can i help you two."

Jinsoo smiled back at her, "can he try some stuff on."

"Sure what are you guys looking for."

"Lingerie...do you guys sale that to males."

"We sell to everyone." she said with a wide smile.

Jinsoo and the lady sat on one of the waiting chairs and Jimin tried on the clothes. Jimin looked at himself in the mirror and sighed, he decided to put on the crop top that went with it. "S-soo, i think im ready."

"Walk out min, its just is three." Slowly Jimin walked out of the dressing room, he covered himself when he saw the lady and jinsoo staring at him. He was wearing black panties with thigh high socks that connected, underneath his white crop top was a black bra that crossed at the chest. "Put on the choker min." shyly he walked back in the dressing room and put the choker on. "Well fuck Min, Taehyung is gonna love it."

"Yeah i like it."

"I'll go ring you guys up."

After paying Jinsoo and Jimin walked around the mall and decided to get something to eat. Soon enough they were driving back home "Jae texted me and told me that him and Taehyung went to go get last minute things so get that stuff on real quick and put those clothes over." Jimin nodded his head then quickly walked out of the car and in the apartment.

Soon Taehyung walked back in to his apartment and saw Jimin on the couch next to Jinsoo, his hair was messy and wavy and Taehyung loved it. "Jae is waiting for you outside, me and min are going already, you have a bag packed right?" Jimin nodded his head and picked up the small duffle bag. The car ride to the hotel felt short, Taehyung felt Jimin grab his hand, with a smile Taehyung wrapped his hand and flipped them over so Taehyungs was on top. They grabbed both their bags and walked inside of the hotel. "I already got the key" Jimin nodded his head, walking hand in hand they made it in to the elevator. Jimin laid his head on Taehyungs chest, as they went up Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jimins waist and kept a tight grip on him. Jimin kissed under his chin to reassure him he was okay, Taehyung had a fear of elevators.

Soon night fell, Jimin and Taehyung were standing on the small balcony, waiting for the stars. After a couple a minutes they started watching the stars fall. "Y'know i always wanted to be an astronaut when i was younger."

"Yeah...i can tell everytime the topic of space comes up." Taehyung turned jimin around and kissed him, their lips moved in sync as they kissed. Taehyung leaned against the wall, he pulled Jimin closer and ran his hand down his back. "Wanna continue inside," Taehyung said after he pulled away. With swollen lips and out of breath Jimin nodded his head.

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