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Taehyung got a bit of sleep so he decided to go outside for a bit

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Taehyung got a bit of sleep so he decided to go outside for a bit.
He was outside for a bit when he noticed the familiar figure that belonged to jimin "hey park jimin what are you doing walking by yourself" he yelled from his porch running down and going to jimin. "I te-texted you, yo-you never answered ba-back" he said quietly with a disappointed look on his face. Taehyung gave him a confused look not remembering getting a message from jimin "I ev-even called you, fi-five times" he said holding up five fingers. "Min I didn't get anything from you" jimin nodded his head "check" Taehyung got his phone from his pocket to see if jimin was telling the truth.

5 missed calls from

New message

Tae can you walk me home after the session
Session is almost over
Taehyung so can you walk me home
Pretty please? 😄🤗
Ig not I'll see you on the way home then :|

Taehyung looked at his phone in shock "Minnie I'm so sorry I didn't see them or hear my ringer I'm sorry" jimin shrugged "you seem to be saying th-that alot lately" he whispered Taehyung gulped he felt bad and it's true Taehyung has been saying it alot lately but he was sorry.

"I mean I've just haven't been me lately" he said in full honesty "is there so-something happen-happening " jimin asked with no patience jimin was already having a bad day. Waking up with a headache, then hearing some lady shouting at him because he was taking to long to pay for the picture frame, Taehyung telling him to leave, and yoongi couldn't make it to work, and now this "an-and don't lie" jimin had an angry look on his face "I don't wanna talk about it right now Minnie"

"Don't call me that then"

"Jimin-ah please don't be like this"

"Like what you were the one who ignored me if anything I should be like this-"

"Minnie I'm having really really bad nightmares I literally just got some sleep I'm so sorry for not picking up" jimin stopped in his tracks not believing him but when he saw the look on his face he started to believe him "I started having these nightmares when my parents died they put me on some medication so I can sleep easier but they came back last night" he finish explaining himself jimin didn't say anything he just looked down at the floor then he sighed "ca-can I he-help in anyway" Taehyung smiled knowing he got on his good side "I don't know honestly, just please don't be mad at me" jimin nodded his head and continued to walk over to Taehyungs house "will cuddling with me-me he-help in an-anyway" he asked sweetly. Who's going to turn that down, no one so Taehyung nodded his head a grabbed jimin so they could cuddle on the couch and watch Netflix. Taehyung eventually fell asleep with jimin wrapped around his arms having no troubles what so ever.


Taehyung felt refresh when he woke up, looking at the time he noticed that he actually got some sleep. He also noticed a cute sleeping jimin on top of him cheeks squished up against his chest slightly snoring "minnie made nightmares go away" he whispered to himself like a kid stroking jimins hair softly kissing his head softly as well.

Taehyung spent about a good thirty minutes staring at jimin when he got a text. It was Jackson

Jackson  🙄🖕🏻
Let's double date today
Jackson 🙄🖕🏻
My treat

Who are you gonna be with

Jackson 🙄🖕🏻
Well I'm planning on asking out mark hyung
Jackson 🙄🖕🏻
Help me out and be a wing man

Yeah I'm down what time

Jackson 🙄🖕🏻
How bout in an hour?

Alright I'll ask min

"Minnie wake up, we were invited some where" jimin just groaned as a response slapping Taehyungs hand away "Jackson wants to ask out Mark and wants us to be there" jimin growled and got up "ho-how much ti-time do we ha-have" he asked rubbing his eyes "an hour" jimin nodded his head and made his way to Taehyungs room "I'm borrowing so-something of yo-yours" he said causing Taehyung to laugh.


The two boys sat in the booth waiting for Jackson and Mark to show up. The restaurant they were in was 80s themed and to be jimin loved it "we sh-should co-come here more of-often" Taehyung hummed then looked up when he heard the bell ring seeing Jackson and Mark walk it mark was currently blushing. "Guys over here" Taehyung shouted raising his hand to get the two (soon to be couple) attention. Jackson led mark to the booth letting mark go first then sitting down himself. "how's it going guys" jimin nodded his head not in the mood to talk while Taehyung talked about how it was going. After Taehyung finish talking it went silence it wasn't comfortable it was really awkward and jimin didn't like it. "so ma-mark how are yo-you doing these days"

"It's actually been going really good despite school stressing me out it's been really good"

"An-anyone ca-catching your ey-eye" Jackson and Taehyung both choked on their drink from the sudden question jimin asked. In all honesty jimin didn't want to be there he just wanted to go back to Taehyungs and sleep "I actually have my eye on someone we're really close to each other but I don't think he would feel the same" he said the last part quietly "i-is he cu-cute- ow!" Jimin asked but was interrupted but Taehyung hitting him playfully on the shoulder "boyfriend is sitting literally right next to you min" jimin playfully rolled his eyes "oh sh-shush you ma-make it seem like I kn-kn-know people" Taehyung opened his mouth wide obviously offended "sh-shut up you kn-know I like yo-you" Jimin put his attention back on Mark "so is he" mark nod his head smiling "ca-can I see a pic-picture pl-please" mark nodded his his and brought out his phone opening it to show jimin a picture once jimin saw the picture he gasped and covered his mouth jumping up and down in his seat from happiness. "So Mark, I was um I was wondering, Iwaswonderingif
youcouldpossiblybemyboyfriend" Jackson asked quickly afraid of rejection. Mark gave jimin a look of betrayal but smiled so jimin knew he was playing, the three other boys waited for Marks answer. Mark nodded his head with a wide smile "yes please" and with that Jackson hugged him. "Ca-can we go ho-home now" jimin whispered to Taehyung with a pleading voice. Taehyung looked over to Jackson and Mark and then back to jimin and nodded his making their way out of the booth Taehyung left a tip for the waitress and the couple left.

A/n something happened in chapter 21

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