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Soon enough Seokjin came back in the room and Taehyung woke up. Dongmin was still asleep and both parents were contemplating if they should wake him up. Seokjin was just getting mad because jimin wasn't eating.

"I guess I'll wake him up," taehyung said walking over to the bed. He rubbed his stomach to wake him up, dongmin only let out a whine.

"Come on it's time to wake up flower," taehyung whispered dongmin shook his head.

"I'll get you some candy later," taehyung whispered in his ear. Dongmin shot up and smiled "goo' morning," he shouted causing hana to wake up crying.

Hearing her cries immediately made dongmin guilty and daeho wake up and start crying. So pretty soon all the kids were crying, both taehyung and jimin picked up the twins. Then taehyung walked over to dongmin to pick him up, seokjin was anxious when he saw that but taehyung took a seat so he stopped being worried. "Look dae is okay flower," taehyung whispered to him since he quickly stopped crying.

Dongmin shook his head "what about hana," he hiccuped out as he pointed towards his little sister, who was in fact still crying. "She's gonna be okay flower, she just tired," taehyung said kissing his head. Dongmin had finally stopped crying as well as hana, "here let us take them so you guys can eat," namjoon spoke up as he grabbed hana from Jimin and Seokjin doing the same to Taehyung.

All three of them began to eat, their food silently. Taehyung spent most of his time feeding Dongmin more than himself. "That's the first of many," seokjin joked to jimin.

"Papa, 'm full," dongmin said moving the fork away from himself. Taehyung nodded and continued to feed himself.  Dongmin cuddled closer to taehyung and drew little patterns over his chest. He was bored but he knew if he said anything they would have told him I told you so.

"I love you papa," dongmin whispered.

"I love you more flower," Taehyung said planting a kiss on his head.

"So do y-you kn-know wh-when mom and d-dad are coming," he asked but it sounded like he was scared to. Seokjin let out a sigh "they already left, earlier this morning," seokjin said sadly. Jimin nodded and continued eating, seokjin looked at him sadly.

"I'm sorry mi--"

"It's okay hyung, i sh-should've kn-known be-better than to ask," jimin said quietly as he stood up. He walked to the restroom and quickly shut the door before anyone could say anything.

"You okay taehyung," namjoon asked after seeing the expression on his face. Taehyung shook his head "He's crying, i know he is," Taehyung said in a angry tone.

Seokjin looked down "It isn't your fault hyung," taehyung said. Namjoon nodded along, agreeing with Taehyung.

"It isn't baby," namjoon said reaching over to hold his hand.

When Jimin walked in the room everyone went back to acting like normal. They all knew that Jimin hated the attention when things like this went down. He sat back on the bed and pushed his food away, he wasn't in the mood to eat anymore. Of course this got Taehyung even more upset, he stood up with Dongmin "I'm gonna take him outside for a bit, I'll be back okay," taehyung said walking towards Jimin and giving him a kiss on the forehead.

"Yeah let me go too," namjoon said standing up and handing Hana to Jimin, who happily took her.

"You know I'm really sorry--"

"It's fine hy-hyungie," jimin said wiping hana's face. "So ca-catch me up on ev-everything," jimin said with a smile.

"I'm pretty sure you bugged Namjoon about it but after some thinking I've decided that i want to keep the kids. I mean we can help each other out with everything and all so I'm gonna tell Namjoon later tonight."

(With taehyung)

The three boys were outside in the garden, dongmin was playing with his trucks near the flowers while both boys just talked.

"I mean c'mon Jimin is their child shouldn't they at least send him a text or call him."

Taehyung was angry, but he couldn't do anything about it. He didn't have a say about it, he just wanted to protect Jimin from everything. But he couldn't.

"I know it sucks, seokjin cries everytime they ask him to do it. He hates having to be the bad guy."

"He isn't a bag guy, they just suck," Taehyung said crossing his arms. Namjoon laughed and shook his head, "anyways me and Seokjin have been talking about adopting and well we got approval for two kids and well the mom couldn't take care of them so she doesn't want them to separate and well yeah..."

"Hyung that's great why didn't you tell me sooner," Taehyung said excitedly. Namjoon shrugged but he had a sheepish smile. "Everything was happening with you and Jimin i didn't want to ruin it by--"

"Shut up you deserve it to be about you for once," Taehyung said slouching again. Namjoon smiled and hit his shoulder, just then Dongmin ran up to Taehyung with flowers. "Got these for daddy," he said giving them to Taehyung, who smiled at him.

(Back to seokjin and Jimin)

"Do you think mo-mom an-and dad lo-love you more the-than me," Jimin asked very loudly. Seokjin sat up and quickly shook his head "Stop saying stupid stuff like that, they don't okay. They love us the same way!"

Jimin sniffled and nodded, he wiped his eyes and sat up straight. He was dumb for even thinking that "you know they still see you as a baby, me too. It's hard for us to do any of that stuff."

Jimin nodded to what he was saying, he didn't believe him but he didn't want to start an argument. He played with his fingers, then hana started to cry. Jimin sat up and grabbed her from her bed, then walked her back to his own. He unbuttoned her onesie to check if was wet or if she pooped. Not that.

She couldn't be hungry since they already fed and burped her. "Shh baby, daddy's here," he whispered to her. Though she calmed down a bit, she was still crying, Jimin decided to lay her on his bed and change the diaper either way. "Can you hand me the bag hyung," jimin said pointing towards the twins beds.

Seokjin stood up and grabbed everything for jimin then handed it to him.

Jimin quickly changed her diaper then went back to calming her down. And soon she did, "oh Princess you're he-head probably hurts," jimin whispered to her.

"It's okay daddy's here baby," jimin said softly.

"Jimin you're a natural at this," seokjin spoke up walking to stand next to him. Jimin smiled "thank you hyung," he said.

A/N my brother fucked up my whole mood so I'm gonna end the book tonight.

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