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Once Taehyung and Jimin turned on their phones they were shocked when they saw many messages from Jinsoo and Jaeho. Jimin quickly went through the messages and told Taehyung to drive to their house.

He was confused but hearing the worried tone he nodded his head and drove in that direction. Jimin dialed his number and put his phone close to his ear, when it went to voicemail he sighed tried again. He kept trying till they got to his house.

When they pulled in to his driveway Jimin quickly grabbed Dongmin to take him to the house. He twisted the nob but was disappointed when it was lock. He knocked on the door and yelled his own name. "Soo i-its me- its Jimin," He yelled knocking again. When the door opened Jimin smiled and walked in.

"Wh-what happened ar-are you okay," he asked placing Dongmin on the floor allowing him to run to the kids. "My mom and the kids are in the other room. He-her boyfriend hit her and sh-she took the kids and le-left. Jae is fr-freaking and i di-didn't know who else to call," jinsoo said, he had tear stained cheeks and almost couldn't breathe. Taehyung went to put dongmin with the other kids. "Where's jae at," Taehyung asked, popping his head in the living room. "Our room," Jinsoo mumbled. Taehyung nodded and headed over to their room.

He walked in the room and saw Jaeho pacing in the room. "Hey hottie," Jaeho stopped and looked back at Taehyung shook his head.

"How you doing," Taehyung asked. Jaeho shook his head again Taehyung nodded. "Soo, how is he."

"He's freaked out but Jimins helping o-" Taehyung qas cut off by harsh knocking on the door. Both boys walked out of the room and back to the living room.

Taehyung told both Jinsoo and Jimin to stay put while Jaeho went to open the door. "Where's he at," the voice said.

"He's not here," Jaeho said. Taehyung pulled both boys up and sent them to the kitchen "oh fuck off dude," Jaeho said trying to push him out of the house.

"Jimin call the police," Taehyung whispered to them. Jimin nodded and pulled out his phone. Hearing crashes Taehyung ran to the front and saw Jaeho and the man fighting.

Taehyung stepped in and tried to break the two apart accidentally getting hit himself. Don't do it Taehyung- don't fuck it up Taehyung thought as he felt the blood drip down his face. "I'll kill you and those bitch-" he got cut off when Taehyung punched him.

Taehyung picked him up and threw him outside of the house. Jaeho followed behind him just in case. "What's up bitch-hit me you fucker," Taehyung yelled. He didn't hit him, he just stood up to him.

Jimin stepped out of the hallway after he sent Jinsoo to the room with the kids and his mom. "Jimin go back in the house," Jaeho said before Taehyung took noticed of him. Jimin just shook his head and held his stomach, "th-the cop-cops ar-are d-down the s-s-street he ne-needs to stop," he stuttered out, Jaeho nodded and went up to Taehyung once he heard the sirens himself.

When he didn't budge is when Jaeho freaked out. He stood back when he could see the red and blue lights. Letting out a deep sigh Jimin walked up to Taehyung and grabbed his shoulders "baby th-the co-cops Ta-taehyung the co-cops," he said. Taehyung broke away seeing the the cops pull up, when they were turning around the man pulled Jimins hair causing him to fall on his butt. He stood up before Taehyung could do anything and punched the man in the jaw, causing him to fall back.

The cops quickly put the man in handcuffs and read his rights while another pair went to talk to Jaeho and Jinsoo, who walked out once he heard the sirens. Taehyung grabbed Jimin in to a hug and sighed, him silently cried as Taehyung held him. "I'm okay baby," taehyung whispered and kissed his head, jimin nodded and kissed his chest. "My hand hurts," he whispered, taehyung chuckled and brought his hand up to kiss it.

"Boys, can you both follow me," one of the officers said, Jimin gulp and Taehyung smirked as they followed him. "Sir can you take a seat," he said towards jimin. The aforementioned took a seat and the officer put the thing to check heart beats on Jimin stomach (i forgot what its called EYE-) he smiled when he heard the beating.

"We don't have everything to clean up the cuts but we can tak-"

"Its fine we'll do it at home."

The officer nodded and put everything up, jimin and Taehyung walked back to jaeho and jinsoo. "How are you guys doing," Taehyung said. Jinsoo shrugged, jaeho was holding him and his head was pressed against Jaeho's chest.

His eyes and nose were red, seeing him in that state broke Taehyungs heart. The jinsoo he new was strong and rarely cried. This wasn't the Jinsoo that was strong, this was a new jinsoo who let his feelings show.

As bad as it might seem Taehyung still loved Jinsoo, he wasn't in love with him anymore but, he still loved him. Jinsoo noticed the look Taehyung had and broke away from Jaeho and went to Taehyung. As he hugged him Jimin stepped away and went to jaeho, who just embraced him into a hug.

"You're okay min," Jaeho asked, jimin nodded and laid his head on Jae's chest. The aforementioned nodded and let out a happy sigh. "I th-think you guys sh-should stay with us for a bi-bit," Jimin said.

"Me and soo," Jaeho asked, Jimin nodded. "Maybe the ki-kids too if th-they can't find anywhere to st-stay," Jaeho nodded and rubbed his head.

"How are you," Jinsoo said to Taehyung, taehyung just nodded. "How are you," Taehyung asked. Jinsoo shrugged.

"My moms pressing charges for threatening the kids, for hitting her and for putting Jimin in danger," Jinsoo said, Taehyung nodded with a smile. When they broke apart taehyung pecked Jinsoos head and ruffled his hair.

Both boys walked back to their partners and traded. Jinsoo going back to Jaeho and jimin back to Taehyung. While the cops left Jinsoo's mom walked to jae and jinsoo and apologized to him. Jinsoo shook his head and waved her off "its fine just--be careful," he said. They hugged then went inside to go get her kids then left.

A/N sorry for the lack of updates i had my phone taken away and i just found out i have the flu :(.

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