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"Jung Hoseok I do not care if you have a date today you are going to apologise to him today I expect you at my house by yesterday"

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"Jung Hoseok I do not care if you have a date today you are going to apologise to him today I expect you at my house by yesterday"

"I would've apologized yesterday but you didn't give me his number."

"Bitch you're doing it in person"

"But I have a date today"

"I don't care, jimin has a session today I expect you to be at my house when it's done"

"Well then when is it over"

"I don't know"

"Ah Taehyung you're giving me gray hairs"

"Listen we can have a double date just meet up at the building I'll send you the address" Taehyung said this in a whisper. "You're paying by the way" Taehyung heard a groan before he hung up the call. "Min are you ready" Taehyung yelled "ye-yeah give me a sec-second" he yelled back and then soon came down the stairs.


"I'll be waiting here till the session is over" Taehyung said looking around trying to find a spot to sit in the lobby filled with parents waiting for their kids. "Th-the session us-usually ta-takes a wh-while" jimin whispered to Taehyung suddenly very shy with the amount of people in the room. "I don't mind min I'll wait as long as I have to...look there's a seat" Taehyung whispered back taking jimin to the chair he found "take a seat and wait till they call you" Taehyung said slightly pushing jimin down. Jimin was going to protest but Taehyung gave him that look so he didn't bother. "Park Jimin Mr.Min is ready for you" the lady at the desk said looking up at the computer giving him and Taehyung a warm smile. "I'll be waiting right here for you minnie" Taehyung whispered giving jimin a hug when he stood up. "I'll be o-okay ta-tae" jimin said "I know you will I just like hugging you...now hurry up so we can go eat" jimin chuckled and made his way to his counselors office. Taehyung took the seat that jimin was sitting in when he noticed a old lady looking more like staring at him Taehyung had to look some where else to avoid the women's gaze but when he looked back he saw her whisper something to her husband then making her way to Taehyung. When she got there Taehyung gave her a smile then stood up and offered her his seat but she declined "is that your boyfriend" she asked him and Taehyung gulped looking "sadly no ma'am" he responded waiting for her to scold him "why not it's quite obvious that you like him and he likes you know how I know" Taehyung shook his head "the look you give him is the same look my husband gives me" Taehyung looked up at her "I'm not here to scold you about this kid if you like him then like him I am in no place what so ever to tell you what to do...I saw the way you stared at him and the way he smiles when he's with you... you take care of him...here's my number if you need anything don't hesitate to use it" Taehyung nodded his head "thank you ma'am" he said grabbing the paper. "Now I have to go my grandson is ready to leave" she said leaving Taehyung giving him a quick hug.

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