S I X T Y- F I V E

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"Holy shit that's a child Tae," Jaeho said standing up quickly, Jinsoo followed behind him eager to see him. By now dong-min was hiding again scared by all the sudden noise. Jimin took him from Taehyung and calmed him down, "whats his name?" yoongi asked standing next to Seokjin getting the hint that he was scared. "Dong-min, we adopted him today," Taehyung answered making funny faces at dong-min to cheer him up. Jungkook left the group and walked to the front door. "Wher-where are you going koo," jimin asked peeking over everyone.

"Im going to spoil my nephew I'll be back," he shouted then left the apartment. Jimin chuckled then placed dong-min on the floor with his toy. "Baby, that's your uncle hoseok, yoongi, jaeho, jinsoo and the one that left is poopy pants," taehyung said pointing to everyone then laughing at the end of sentence, but soon came to a stop when he saw Jimins and yoongis face. He made a grumpy face and began to play with dong-min, "papa...im thirsty." Taehyung nodded and called Jimin over, he repeated what dong-min said to him, Jimin rolled his eyes at Taehyungs laziness but went to get him so apple juice. He came back and handed it to Dong-min, "tank you daddy," Jimin smiled and pecked his cheek.

"Okay im back and i got him a few toys and clothes..." everyone jumped at the sudden outburst from Jungkook as he walked in. "Ucle poo'y face," dong-min shouted making grabby hands towards him, Taehyung bursted out laughing as well as everybody else. Jungkook just sighed and picked up dong-min, "it's jungkook not poopy face baby," he corrected him. Dong-min pouted and pointed at Taehyung, "but papa said-"

"Well your papa is a big dummy min," jungkook interrupted his nephew. "What's name," he asked Jungkook with big doe eyes, Jungkook smiled and told him his name again. "Kookie," he repeated and jungkook nodded his head, jimin smiled at them. He sat on the couch with him on his lap and went the through the bag with toys. "You can p-play with them later, he needs to eat," mrs.park said turning off the stove. Jungkook carried him to Jimin and went to serve himself, jimin smiled and held him tightly. He went and sat him on the couch and told him to stay still and for jinsoo to watch him. Jimin came back with a plate in his hand with some extra rice. He fed Dong-min then himself and repeated the process. "Daddy...full," Jimin nodded his head and stopped feeding him, Jinsoo smiled and rubbed his back. Dong-min smiled at him and leaned his head on his arm.

Jimin stood up and went to put his plate away, He saw jungkook and Taehyung talking. He decided to let it be and walked away. He walked to dong-min and picked him up, "le-lets Go get cleaned up." He walked to his room and got out a spider man themed onesie, not puting up much of a fight get him dressed was quite easy.  They walked out of the bedroom, dong-min holding on to Jimins finger. Everyone awed at the sight, by then Taehyung and jungkook were done talking and on were on the couch. Dong-min detached himself from Jimin and ran to Taehyung, the aforementioned smiled and picked him up. "Wow look at my hero," Dong-min responded with a giggle and kissed Taehyungs cheek. Jimin walked to the two and smiled, he kiss dong-min on the cheek and pecked Taehyungs lips. "Let me see him, we weren't finish looking at the stuff i bought him," Taehyung rolled his eyes and slowly handed dong-min to Jungkook. Taehyung pulled Jimin closer to him and back hugged him. Jimin smiled and held on to taehyungs arms, everyone smiled at them including dong-min.

Soon the night came to an end and everybody was parting ways and leaving to their homes. Taehyung was already showering dong-min and jimin was washing the dishes. Soon enough Dong-min came into the kitchen with a wide smile and wet hair. "Boo," dong-min yelled jumping from behind the counter, jimin looked at him and pretended to get scared. "Ah you scared me min," Jimin said putting his hand on his heart, dong-min laughed and went to hug jimin. "Sowwy daddy, didn't mean to scare you," he said mispronouncing his r sounds. Jimin giggled and picked up dong-min, he kissed his cheek. "Where's papa, you're hair is still wet-"

"Yeah i know i know he ran off before i could dry it," Taehyung said coming out with the towel, jimin smiled and handed Dong-min over to taehyung so he could dry his hair. Once jimin finished with the dishes he made his way to the couch and took a seat, taehyung followed behind and took a seat next to Jimin. Taehyung turned on the tv switching it on Netflix, he began to play some childrens movies. Coming across the movie sing he smiled and looked at Jimin, the aforementioned smiled and kissed Taehyung. "Yes i re-remember," Taehyung smiled again and clicked it again, dong-min got off Taehyungs lap and sat on the floor to see the tv more.

"He got comfortable so quickly," jimin smiled, nodding his head he looked at Taehyung and kissed him, taehyung gladly returned the kiss. "Why don't we go to the room min? We have a tv there so you can finish watching it," dong-min smiled and stood up he walked to his parents and waited for the to stand up. He grabbed Taehyungs hand and began to walk to their room. Jimin walked behind them making sure to lock the door and turn off the lights. "Daddy huwwy," he heard dong-min call out from his room, Jimin smiled then walked to his room and saw the laying down on the bed. Rolling his eyes he walked to the closet then grabbed a shirt of Taehyungs and a pair of pants he could wear. Jimin walked back to the bed then laid down, he laid behind dong-min and in front of Taehyung.

Before they knew it dong-min fell asleep so it was just Taehyung and Jimin awake.

"I love you," Taehyung said kissing his lips. Jimin kissed him back more passionately, when they broke away Jimin had a red blush on his face. "I love you more."

Taehyung smiled and kissed him again. "We weren't really planning on taking him home and here he is...hogging up half the bed," Jimin laughed and hit his arm. "Do-don't be mean you ass," Taehyung had a face of shock. "Did park jimin just cuss..." Jimin smiled, hitting Taehyungs shoulder he hid himself underneath the pillow. "Last time im heard you cuss was when we were-"

"Ta-tae stop," he whinnied. Taehyung laughed and hugged Jimin tightly "im playing baby, now let's sleep baby we had a long day."

A/N i probably had the shittiest week of my life :))))))

Hopefully it gets better cause ya girl is finna drop out of school 

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