F I F T Y- S E V E N

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Taehyung threw himself on the bed, he wanted to attempt to get some rest. Well it worked because he was woken up by Jimin shaking him. "Mo-move over i wanna sleep too," unknowingly who he was talking to Taehyung moved over and allowed Jimin to lay with him.

A couple hours later both boys were woken up by Hoseok and Jaeho, Jimin saw them and waved with a friendly smile. Meanwhile taehyung growled at them and hid himself between Jimins shoulders. "You guys should get up already, before y'all can't sleep later," jimin nodded his head and began to sit up, taehyung followed two but just hugged Jimins waist. "We'll drop off some breakfast in a bit, see ya" jaeho said with a light chuckle. Taehyung buried his fave between Jimins neck and lightly kissed it lightly. Jimin turned to make him stop "how a-are you doing ta-taehyung." taehyung nodded his head and kissed his head. "I uh apologized to him, um yeah. Hoseok and Jaeho came and check on me...and so did Yoongi." Jimin nodded his head and rubbed Taehyungs.

"I'll ge-get the ma-mail and yo-you clean up okay," Taehyung nodded his head and began to clean up, he started to put Jimins clothes in the washer.

He walked in the living room and cleaned up there for a bit then Jimin came barging in. He jumped on top of Taehyung, catching him, taehyung chuckled and kissed his cheeks. "We got approval Taehyung! I guess they put in a good word for us and Taehyung were gonna have kids-" he was cut off by Taehyung kissing him. Jimin gladly returned the kiss, Taehyung walked him over to the kitchen stool and sat him there as they kissed. "We're gonna have kids baby oh my god jimin its gonna happen," jimin nodded and kissed Taehyung.

"Should we celebrate," Taehyung asked raising his eyebrow, Jimin shook his head and pouted. "No you go-gotta cl-clean, and i go-gotta talk to your old boss."

"How'd did you know-"

"Seokie," Jimin said cutely then walked to his office, Taehyung stared at him as he left looking at his ass then snapping his head up when Jimin slammed the door. Sighing Taehyung started to clean up again.

Jimin sighed as he filled out the email, after pressing send he prayed that they'd give Taehyung another Job. He sighed as he looked around the room, standing up he walked out of the office and down the hall to the extra room they had. He looked around the room and sighed, it was always just there but the author never mentioned it before.

Leaning against the wall jimin noticed that this was going to be the kids home. They were clearly going to need some things for the room. Jimin walked out of the room then down the hall to find Taehyung sitting, on his phone, at least the house is clean now. Taehyung smiled and waved him over, jimin shook his head but walked closer. "So um, boy or girl...," taehyung asked bringing Jimin closer. Sighing jimin shrugged his shoulders and laid his head on Taehyungs shoulder. "What's wrong baby...are you um having second thoughts...," jimin shook his head and let out a deep breath.

Taehyung pulled him up so he could look at his face. Jimin offered a smile, Taehyung smiled back and kissed his head. "You want to tell your parents, or maybe your brother huh?" Jimin nodded. Taehyung smiled and kissed Jimins head, "lets call your parents yeah?"

Jimin shook his head, "in like a week, lets enjoy th-this fo-for ourselves," Taehyung smiled and held Jimin tighter. They both decided to lay on the couch and just watch netflix. Taehyung laid down first then pulled Jimin on top of him, turning on netflix they relaxed for what felt like the first time in a while. Jimin smiled in content as Taehyung held him. Jimin traced over his new Tattoo, humming softly he read the tattoo again. His Tattoo read 'badbye' he frowned knowing what it meant. He brought his hand up and kissed it. "N-no badbyes ok-okay," Taehyung looked at the tattoo, he let out a deep sigh but nodded his head. "So like Jaeho asked he if i wanted to help him out at work...like do some Tattoos. I'd get the same pay and all that-like i know they get paid a lot so-"

"Yo-you should go fo-for it, if yo-you're good at it i mean," Taehyung smiled then nodded his head. "I'll talk to Jaeho later, let stop being worried and relax more."  Jimin nodded hid head, he sat up real quick and grabbed the blanket that was on the floor. Laying back down he covered himself and Taehyung. Taehyung held jimin tightly, then kissed his head. "I love you minnie," Jimin returned the 'I love you' and kissed his jaw. Taehyung rubbed his back in a attempt to help him sleep, he knew Jimin needed it. He himself needed it.

Jimin let out a deep breath as he started to relax, Taehyung smirked and kissed his head again. "I'm st-still cold Tae," Taehyung nodded and patted Jimins butt. "Sit up I'll go get our blanket from the room," Jimin sat up and got off of Taehyungs lap, Jimin gave him a kiss before Taehyung left to the room. He came back with the blanket and some pillows, Jimin giggled at how small Taehyung looked. Jimin grabbed the pillows and laid it on the couch, Taehyung laid down first then Jimin. Then he threw the blanket on both of their bodies and got comfortable. " 'm gonna take a nap minnie," Taehyung said, Jimin nodded his agreeing quietly. Slowly both boys fell asleep.

A/N boring ass chapter sorry guys.

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