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Taehyung woke up to knocking on the door. He groaned when the knocking didn't stop. After a while of just laying there he got up to go answer the door, and was met with disappointment when he saw jungkook. "Thanks for the wake up call but also fuck you," jungkook laughed when Taehyung shouted at him.

Jungkook walked in and Taehyung walked back to his bedroom.

He walked up to Jimin and softly shook him awake. "Get some clothes on we're gonna take off in a bit," Jimin nodded and slowly stood up.

"God you're so beautiful," Taehyung whispered, jimin smiled and pecked his lips.  Taehyung left the room to go get dongmin dressed. 

When everyone was done getting dressed they all sat in the living room and waited for Taehyung. When the aforementioned walked in the living room all eyes were on him.

"Okay we're ready to go," he said grabbing some bags. Jungkook grabbed some as well as jimin, who also picked up dong-min. "I'll come back for everything else," taehyung said closing the door behind him.

They all walked to jungkooks car and started to put everything in the trunk. "Da-daddy im cold," dong-min said clinging on to jimin more.

"I kn-know baby ju-just put on your hood, for right and le-let me get the keys."  Dong-min just nodded and sniffled "koo, i need the keys," jungkook patted his pockets then threw it to jimin, who luckily caught it, when he found them.

Jimin walked to drivers seat and turned on the car. Jimin softly put dong-min on the drivers seat "jump to the back baby, i-i'll be back," dong-min nodded his head and did what he was asked. Jimin walked back to jungkook and helped sort everything out. "G-go to our truck and get his seat please," Jungkook nodded taking the keys from Jimin.  Once he left Taehyung came back with the things he left in the house yeontan.

He pecked Jimins lips then his cheek. "Where's he going," he asked holding him with one arm. "He's gonna get th-the car seat," Taehyung nodded then put yeontan in the car "tannie," they heard dong-min yell. Taehyung smiled then walked back to jimin "just go-gotta wait for kook," taehyung nodded and grabbed jimin by the waist and pulled him into a kiss.

"Gu-guys i got the se-seat holy shit its cold," jungkook stuttered walking back with the seat in his hand. Both boys looked at him and nodded, taehyung went to help jungkook while jimin closed the trunk and walked to the passengers seat. Once everyone was in and had their seatbelts on Taehyung took off. After pulling out of the parking lot taehyung put one hand on the wheel and the other on Jimins thigh.

"Baby what time is it," taehyung asked looking at jimin then quickly looked back at the road. "Exactly 7," he said Taehyung nodded. "Can you call my brother for me, please and thank you," Jimin nodded and rung him up after a couple of rings namjoon answered. 

"Put him on speaker," Taehyung said, jimin nodded putting it on speaker then putting it closer to Taehyung. "Is everything alright," they heard namjoon say.

"Yeah just wanted to know if you guys needed anything," Taehyung said, stopping at a red light and turned around to check on dong-min. "We need new lights, and some stuff to make cookies."

"That's all," taehyung asked. "Yeah," namjoon answered and with that they all bid their goodbyes and hung up the phone. "Papa im hungry," Taehyung let out a sigh before he said anything.

"I know baby we're gonna get some snacks in a bit," taehyung answered then put his focus on driving. "Is ev-everything alright baby," jimin whispered, loud enough so only taehyung can hear him. Taehyung just nodded focused on the road.

"Okay," taehyung said once they parked "get a snack, a drink, and use the restroom even if you don't need to go just go," jimin noticed the tone in his voice, he told jungkook to take dong-min and told him to wait for them. "Seriously jimin-"

"Whats wrong taehyung, don't keep this shit b-bottled in," Jimin said interrupting him. "Baby im fine seriously lets not worry about it," taehyung said turning towards jimin. The aforementioned sighed then got off the car.

Taehyung quickly got off, locking the door, and grabbed jimin. "Im okay baby, I'm just in a mood because i haven't ate yet I'll be okay once i eat," with a pout jimin nodded his head and walked with him in to the store, where they met jungkook. Jimin took dong-min away from jungkook and allowed him to be by himself.

Jimin separated himself from taehyung to go take dong-min to the restroom. While Taehyung just got the snacks for the three of them. Taehyung walked to the isle where they kept the christmas light at. Looking around he saw an small lady trying to reach the lights, he quickly walked over to help her reach them.

"Oh thank you," her eyes widen when she noticed it was Taehyung. "You're welcome ma'am," he said with a small smile jisoo just chuckled and pat his shoulder.

"Taehyung did you get- oh hi ma'am," jimin said with a small smile. The small lady opened her mouth in shock when she saw the small boy Jimin was holding. "Who's this," she asked quietly. "Kim Dong-min," taehyung said moving out of the way so she could see him better.

"Daddy im scared," he whispered to jimin, the aforementioned just rubbed his back to reassure him. "Hi dong-min," she said patting his head then squeezing his cheeks. "Gosh, such a cutie," she said to him.  

They stopped to have a small conversation after dong-min started to complain that he was bored was when they said their goodbyes and separated. Taehyung walked to the pharmacy isle and stopped in front of the pregnancy test. Jimin just gave him a confused look, Taehyung turned towards him with a concerned look.

"You've been showing the symptoms and if this does come out positive i'm taking you to hospital," with a sad look Jimin silently agreed the walked away from him. Taehyung quietly walked behind him and rubbed his shoulder.

"daddy you okay," dong-min asked when he heard Jimin sniffle, the aforementioned just nodded and rubbed his head. "Yes baby, daddy's fine," dong-min looked back at Taehyung and stuck out his tongue. Taehyung just smiled a little then looked down, they made their way to the self paying register, Jimin just kept his down the whole time. 

Walking out of the store Jimin had a tight grip on Dong-min, Taehyung quietly followed behind them, not wanting upset Jimin anymore he didn't touch him. Once they got in the car Taehyung noticed Jimins watery eyes. He quickly wiped his eyes and kissed his cheek, "baby im sorry, i just need to make sure you're okay," he whispered to him quietly. Jimin just nodded and pecked Taehyungs lips, Taehyung sat back correctly then began to drive off.

A/N im almost off for break but im v tired and sick but i also have an essay to write about which for some reason im having a really hard time writing :).

I want death :). 

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