F I F T Y- T H R E E

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Both boys walked back in the house and saw Jimin laying on the couch scrolling through Netflix. His eyes lit up when he saw the boys with food in their hands. His eyes lit up when he saw the muffins and coffee from Taehyungs work place, he always had the morning shifts so Jimin knew he was there. He made grabby hands towards the food and smiled. "Is h-he okay," both boys looked up and shrugged.

"He wo-works morning sh-shift, so he sho-should've been there."

"Yeah he was there, um he looks...I don't know tired." Jimin nodded his head while taking a bite of his muffin. He sighed and ate silently, jungkook and jinsoo kept an eye on him. They both saw the tears in his eyes, they both sat on opposite sides of each other and silently ate. "You wanna just stay home today," Jimin took another bite of his muffin and shook his head, "wanna clear my head, staying home won't." both nodded and continued to eat their food.

Once they finished eating Jimin decided to get dress and clean up a bit. Sighing Jimin dusted off his hands and smiled, "im ready to go." he said with a sweet voice.

They took the bus to the mall, then they began to go window shopping. "Window shopping?" Jungkook asked Jinsoo tsked then giggled. "Oh yeah I forgot you're spoiled" Jimin started "wi-window shopping is looking at the clothes and go 'that's cute' th-then leaving."

"Im not spoiled," Jungkook whined.  Jinsoo laughed and continued laughing.

After a couple of hours of shopping they took a seat at the bench near a place. Jinsoo and Jungkook decided to use the restroom before they went home. He was on his phone until he felt a little bit of pressure on his thigh. He saw a little boy may be four or five years old. "Hey," Jimin said with a wide smiled, the little boys smiled and made grabby hands towards Jimin. The aforementioned smiled and picked the boy up and placed him on his lap "what's your name."

"Yoon Sanha," Jimin smiled and gave him a high five, they talked for a while and played with the small ball that Sanha had. Jimin had a bright smiled on his face the whole time, the little boy was so adorable and he couldn't get over it. "Hi, sorry but we need to get him home before his mom starts calling like crazy." a guy said reaching out for Sanha, with a frown Jimin took Sanha off his lap and handed him over to the male. "Bye bye sir," he waved at Jimin with a smiled.

"Bye Sanha." the two males that had sanha smiled and left, one of them turned back and walked to Jimin. "Here's my number, text me so we can become friends yeah? Plus I think you'd like to see Sanha more." Jimin handed over his phone to him and he put his number in. He smiled and waved goodbye. When he sat back on the bench Jungkook and Jinsoo came back "wh-what took you guys so long."

"I needed to poop, and I didn't walk back alone," Jimin shook his head when he heard that but stood up. They continued to walk around the mall and buy somethings.

They stopped in front of a baby store he sighed looking inside the store. "Lets go." jimin said quietly, both boys followed and they left the mall. 

Taehyung threw his apron and hat on the couch the he walked into Jae's kitchen and saw him cooking. "So Jinsoo and Jungkook came by my work and got Jimin a muffin, and well they said he was okay but I know they're lying."

"He texted me last night, his voice was rough I could tell that he was crying." Jae nodded his head along to what he was saying "are you going to go back." Taehyung sighed but shook his head.

"We still need time away, or i still need it."

"Alrighty then...movies."

About a week passed Taehyung still hadn't talked to Jimin and it was taking a toll on both. Taehyung looked like he hadn't slept in a while and Jimins eyes were always puffy. Jimin sat at his desk and looked through the mail he smiled when he saw a package he was waiting for. He sent Taehyung a message and hope that he would respond.

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