N I N E T Y-S E V E N.

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"Is it decent enough to come in," Taehyung yelled as he opened the door. Jaeho rolled his eyes but shouted yes. Taehyung laughed and handed him a coke.

"Who told you that was okay," Taehyung said taking a seat next to Jaeho. The aforementioned pointed at himself "me...because i own this place. And besides i thought you left to see the boys," Jaeho said. Taehyung shook his head.

"Where is Jinsoo," Taehyung asked looking around, Jaeho pointed to the back of him, it was his office and mumbled asleep loud enough for Taehyung to hear. The aforementioned nodded and continued to eat his food. It was jimins first time cooking and it came out good.

Jaeho took a pieced of his food and nodded at the taste of it. "Jimin made this," he asked taking another piece. Taehyung nodded and stuffed his face. Hearing the door bell jingle Taehyung and Jaeho both stood up.

A teenager walked in, he was maybe sixteen or seventeen, Taehyung walked towards him with an intimidating look. "How old are you kid," Taehyung asked.

"Um 16 but i have the consent form," he said taking the paper from his back pocket. Taehyung took it then threw it to Jaeho. The aforementioned nodded and checked the book, jaeho waved him to the first curtain so he can start.

Taehyung sat down and continued to eat. Opening his phone he smiled seeing the picture Jimin had sent him. "Yo Taehyung," Jaeho called snapping Taehyung from his thoughts, he walked in the room and smiled "what's up," he said.

"Get me the red ink from the drawer," he said still focused on the tattoo. Taehyung did what he said and placed the ink on the table.

"You're first tattoo," Taehyung asked, the boy nodded and looked up at Taehyung. "After about two it doesn't hurt as much," he said before leaving the room.

"Hey babe, I'm gonna go home. I'll see you later," Jinsoo said sticking his head through the curtain. Jaeho stopped and looked at jinsoo "be careful, I love you," he said standing up to give him a kiss. Jinsoo smiled and kissed him back "i will and i love you too," Jinsoo said kissing Jaeho back.

The aforementioned walked back to his chair. Taehyung sighed and checked his watch and sighed, he still had about two hours left. Hearing the door jingle one again Taehyung walked to the front "i had an appointment Taehyung," it was Jaehyun. Taehyung nodded and told him to wait.

"Yo Jaeho, jaehyun is here," he said walking back to Jaeho's room. The aforementioned just told him to wait.

Jaehyun was leaning against the counter and smiled at Taehyung. "I heard you have a kid now," he said to break the silence, Taehyung just nodded and went back to drawing.

"Just wanted to say congrats, i know how much you wanted kids," Taehyung looked up at him.

"Thanks," he said quietly. "Speaking of kids where's the ho at," Jaehyun asked. Taehyung laughed and pointed at the small room.

"Um i uh...just wanted to apologize for how i acted at the get together, i shouldn't have touched your boyfriend and i shouldn't have provoked you," Jaehyun said. Taehyung looked up and nodded "you shouldn't apologize to me," he said.

"If you let me I'll apologize to him," Jaehyun said, Taehyung nodded.

"You're the last person for an appointment either way, after work we can go."

Jaehyun nodded and smiled.

Hearing the his phone ring, he took it out of his pocket and answered it once he found out it was Jimin.

"Dongmin keeps crying...h-he wan-wants you home already," Jimin said

"Give him the phone please," Taehyung said shortly. He could here shuffling in the background then sniffles.


"Yeah it's me flower, why are you crying."

"I mi-miss you papa, want you to go home already," he said while sniffling. Taehyung frowned.

"Do you think you can wait a little while longer flower," he asked as he played with a pen. He stood up when he saw the previous person to collect his money and give him change.

Jaeho and Jaehyun just watched Taehyung on the phone. "No papa i want you home right now," Dongmin said. Taehyung sighed.

"It's just a bit longer flower and I promise I'll be back with some ice cream and-"

"I just want you papa," Dongmin said.

"Okay baby, just a bit more and I'll be there as soon as possible okay. Just be good and listen to daddy and I'll be there real quick."

"Okay papa, i love you lots."

"I love you a lot more flower." 

Taehyung asked for him to give the phone to Jimin and they talked for a while before Taehyung hung up. "I can get it tomorrow," Jaehyun said.

All three boys nodded and Jaeho went to change the sign to close then came back to start cleaning up. Jaehyun decided to help out. 

Time Skip

When they all arrived Taehyung quickly made it back to the apartment and knocked happily. He smiled when Jimin opened the door and kissed his cheek. "Where's Dongmin," Taehyung asked.

"In hi-his room, he's been trying to sleep so you wo-would come home faster," Jimin said sadly, he was confused when the familiar face walked in and waved at him, Jaeho following behind. Jimin waited for jinsoo to walk in but frowned when he didn't. "He should be coming in a bit," Jaeho said and Jimin just nodded.

Taehyung walked in Dongmins room and snuck behind him, grabbing him by his waist. "Papa," he yelled happily. Taehyung smiled and kissed his cheek. "You missed me that much huh," Taehyung said. Dongmin just nodded and held on to Taehyung tighter.

They both walked back in the living room, Jaeho and Jaehyun were just talking and Jimin just standing in the kitchen, looking a bit uncomfortable. Taehyung called Jimins name and waved him over.

Jaehyun sighed and followed behind Jimin. When Jimin turned around he was confused when he saw Jaehyun on his knees and arms in front of him.

Jimin looked at Taehyung, he was smiling at the sight. Jimin just rolled his eyes. "Im sorry Jimin-shi," he shouted, Jimin flinched and took a step back. Jaehyun shouted the same thing and Jimin just bent down and started to pick up Jaehyun.

"I fo-forgive you but please stop," Jimin said with a fake smile. Jaehyun nodded and bowed, Jimin just left back to the kitchen to serve himself ice cream.

Jaehyun stood back up and smiled at Dongmin, who just hid himself in the nape of Taehyungs neck. "This is him," He asked and Taehyung just nodded.

"Hey kid," Jaehyun said. Taehyung rubbed Dongmins back in way if telling him to look at him. Slowly dongmin turned towards him and gave him a small smile. Jaehyun smiled back and ruffled his hair causing Dongmin to frown.

"Did you bring ice cream," Dongmin asked quietly, Taehyung nodded and brought to the kitchen, Jimin was also eating some of the ice cream. Taehyung served Dongmin some then sent him off the play with his toys.

Taehyung walked behind Jimin and wrapped his arms around his waist and started to kiss his lips. "As muc-much as i don't mi-mind please let me kn-know when yo-you invite people so i ca-can clean up a bit."

Taehyung nodded and kissed Jimins cheek.

A/N im going to be focusing on "Restart" for a while so please go and support that book.

Thank you and good night.

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