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A/N not proof read.

Hoseok and Yoongi were standing by the grill, hoseok was holding Yoongi tightly. It was still light outside, so Yoongi was happy about that. "We need to talk," hoseok said.

Yoongi nodded, "i just don't like having to pretend to be something I'm not," hoseok said. "Trust me every now and then i enjoy it but, i just don't like embarrassing you," he continued.

"It's not that, it's just that before we met everyone used to always tell me when i was going to get with someone or bring a date. I know you don't like it but i just like seeing their faces when you walk in with me. I love showing you off."

Hoseok smiled, he bent down and kissed Yoongi. "You're hot and i think one of the girls like you."

"Oh i know one of them do, why do you think i kiss you at random times."

Yoongi smiled and his his head in Hoseoks chest. The aforementioned picked up his head and kissed him deeply.

"Hobi stop eating him," dongmin yelled, hoseok laughed as he broke away from. Yoongi laughed too, just a bit louder.

Jimin had finally got in pool, he swam towards Taehyung and Dongmin. Taehyung pulled him closer and kissed his neck "hi beautiful," he whispered. Jimin blushed and hid his face in the nape of Taehyungs neck.

"Watch the hands," seokjin said. "We're basically married at this point i can put my hands where i want," taehyung said to himself.

"What was that," seokjin yelled, Taehyung let out a sigh "nothing," he said. Dongmin giggled at Taehyung reaction, the aforementioned turned around with dongmin still in his arms.

"Jungkook," he called, jungkook looked towards him. Taehyung lifted Dongmin and told Jungkook to catch him, both boys were about three feet apart.

Taehyung lifted him up and tossed him to jungkook, who exaggerated his catch.  Dongmin squealed and held on to jungkook tightly. "Not again," he said sadly. Jungkook laughed and kissed his cheek "alright min, i won't do it again," jungkook said holding him closer.

"Come on, im gonna take you from your papa," jungkook said as he swam towards Yugyeom, who was very happy to see Dongmin.

"Hey kiddo," yugyeom happily said. "Hi yuggie," dongmin said waving at him. Jungkook leaned against the wall and picked up his leg so he can place dongmin down. Yugyeom sat closer to jungkook and rested his head on jungkooks shoulder.

"How you feeling buba," jungkook asked brushing his hair out of his face. Dongmin shrugged "im okay," he said giving them a smile.

Jungkook smiled at him and rubbed his head. "I got some stuff that we can play with, we just gotta ask uncle yoongi," jungkook said turning around. "Hyung can we bring floats in here," he yelled towards him.

"Yeah come eat first though," he said. Jungkook picked up Dongmin and placed him on the surface then pulled himself up. He offered to help yugyeom up but he decided to take the steps instead.

Taehyung, who had already been out of the pool, grabbed a towel and wrapped it around dongmin. "Jae can you help hoseok with serving and everything," taehyung asked as he finished drying dongmin.

"You want a shirt or no," dongmin shook his head. "Wanna stay in the soft towel," he said rubbing his cheek with the towel. After getting him fully dry he sat him down on floor, placing his bear next to him.

"You gonna sit with me papa," dongmin asked, taehyung nodded "let me just get everything fixed and I'll be back," he said as he walked away.

Jaeho stood next to Taehyung as they served their plates. "You changed," he said, Hoseok stood on the other side of him. "Big time," hoseok said.

"A certain stuttering boy decided to show up at my door step one day. Then that stuttering boy decided we wanted kids so now i have a small loving baby boy and two more kids on the way."

Both hoseok and Jaeho smiled and pat his back. "I wanna marry him guys," he said honestly.

"It's not legal here yet, you know that," hoseok said hating that he had to burst his bubble like that. "I know asshole," taehyung joked, he let out a sigh grabbing both plates he walked back to dongmin and sat next to him.

Hoseok and Jaeho let out a sigh, "there's these watches that same sex couple wear and they're like rings--it's hard for me to explain but I'll just send you it," hoseok said then walked away to yoongi. Jaeho sighed and walked to Jinsoo.

"Papa, the foods really good," he said with his mouth full. Taehyung nodded "make sure you say thank you to uncle hobi and yoongi okay," he said taking a bite out of his food.

Taehyung saw Jimin getting up so he got up quickly. "Do you need anything baby," he asked standing next to him.

"Wa-was getting a so-soda," he said his cheeks burning up from embarrassment. "Which kind i can get it," he asked.

"Just a coke," he said with a small smile "daddy can i get a juice please," dongmin yelled from where he was sitting. Jimin nodded so taehyung decided to get all three of them drinks.

After eating, and waiting the thirty minutes, everyone was back in the pool playing with everything. Namjoon and seokjin were on one side of the pool while everyone else was playing the floaties.

"Hyung is that diving board safe," jungkook asked grabbing everyone's attention. Hoseok nodded giving him a thumbs up, jungkook broke away from yugyeom and got out of the pool. Jungkook walked over to the diving board and waited for everyone to move out of the way before he jumped in.

When he came dongmin started to clap for him. "Yay kookie," Dongmin yelled jungkook smiled at him and winked. Yugyeom swam to jungkook and wrapped his legs and arms around his waist.

"Sexy boy," yugyeom whispered jungkook smiled and kissed one of the many hickeys on his neck. "Only for yo--" he was cut off by a smack on the head. It was Taehyung.

"My kid is listening to you so keep it appropriate both of you," Taehyung said swimming to Dongmin and Jimin.

"Papa i wanna try it," Dongmin said, Taehyung looked at it and nodded, it wasn't that high up so taehyung said it was okay. 

He walked over to the side of the pool and placed Dongmin on the side. "Just walk up the board and then jump," Taehyung instructed.

"Will you catch me papa," he asked suddenly scared, taehyung nodded. "Always flower," he said then swam back to the diving board. When dongmin got on he looked down and took a couple step backs.

"You're okay flower," taehyung said picking up his arms signaling that he would catch him. Dongmin shook his head "don't wanna do it anymore papa," dongmin said.

"Flower, you just have to jump. I promise I'll always catch you," Taehyung said, dongmin took a couple steps forward looking down. He nodded to himself then to Taehyung. Then he jumped, taehyung quickly caught him before he could completely went under water.

"Papa, i did it," he said happily.

"Yes you did, im proud of you baby."

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