S E V E N T Y- E I G H T

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Once everyone was actually awake they all decided to go out to eat instead.

Taehyung was getting on Dongmins clothes, much to his dismay. He whinnied and stomped his feet as Taehyung tried to remove his pajama shirt.

"Dongmin please just for a little bit," Taehyung said trying to reason with him. "No papa i wanna stay in this," dongmin said as he stomped his foot in.

"Okay fine but we're leaving you here by yourself," Taehyung said trying to scare him.

"I won't be by myself cause i gots tannie-"

"We're taking tannie too," Taehyung said. Dongmin just crossed his arms and pouted.

Taehyung stood up and walked to the living room where everyone was at. "Okay since dongmin doesn't want to listen we should go now," Taehyung said loudly so dongmin could here him.

Everyone figured out what he was doing so they got up and left the house. Taehyung walked outside and waited by the door.

After about five minutes a very panicked dongmin ran out of the house. He had his shirt on backwards and his jacket in his hand. He didn't have any shoes on and his small beanie (?) was almost covering his eyes.

"Papa don't leave please-" dongmin yelled but was cut off. "Alright flower i won't leave," Taehyung said as he led them inside. Since no one was in the living room Taehyung decided to finish getting him dress in there.

After quickly getting dressed and fixing his clothes they both walked out of the house. Taehyung locked the door then quickly went back to the car.

Once he was buckled in Taehyung walked to his side of the car and began to drive out.

Time skip

Once taehyung parked the car, dongmin excitedly bounced in his seat. "Can i get oatmeal daddy," dongmin yelled.

"Ye-yes flower just please be qu-quiet okay," Jimin said, dongmin nodded his head and pretend to zip up his lips and pretended to look it. He handed Jimin his "key" Jimin giggled and put the key in his pocket.

Once they got out of the car they all met up in the front to see what table they wanted.

"Okay dongmin you have to be on your best behavior," Taehyung said as he adjusted his small beanie. Dongmin smiled and gave him a thumbs up.

After they found a table big enough for all of them they got comfortable and waited patiently for their waiter.

The seating was Seokjin, Namjoon, and Jungkook and on the opposite side was Jimin, Dongmin, and Taehyung.

Dongmin tapped Jimins arm to grab his attention. When he looked at him he pointed to his lips and pouted.

Jimin reached in his pocket he grabbed the "key" and handed it to him. "Daddy can i get hot choco please," he asked jimin nodded his head.

"Does he want whip cream with it," the guy asked looking at dongmin, Jimin looked at him and he shook his head. "A candy cane," he asked.

Jimin looked at dongmin and he gave a nod as a response. "Yes please," Jimin continued off with his drink.

"Flower, do you know what you want to eat," Taehyung asked. Dongmin nodded and pointed at the picture of oatmeal that had fruit in it.

"Babe you know what you want," Taehyung asked as he looked up at Jimin.

"Th-the same as min," he said quickly, Taehyung nodded.

"Okay did you guys figure out what you guys wanted," the waiter said when he came back. Everyone shared an awkward nod at each other.

"Uh I'll ge-get the oa-oatmeal and he-h-he-" Jimin stopped talking and looked at Taehyung so he could finish for him.

"He'll get the kids oatmeal," Taehyung finished off then gave his order. After everyone finished ordering the guy left giving them a smile.

"Daddy are you okay," dongmin whispered to Jimin, the aforementioned just nodded his head, taehyung reached over Dongmin and grabbed his hand.

"Are you sure love," taehyung said, and once again Jimin nodded. "I'm ok-okay."

"So i was wondering if a friend could come by here and maybe the cabin...I'll pay for his meal and stuff," Jungkook asked looking at everybody.

"Sure," Taehyung said. Jungkook smiled and immediately started to text on his phone. Jimin smiled at him, looking over at Taehyung he saw him already staring his way.

I love you he mouthed to Jimin.

I love you more Jimin mouthed back.

Dongmin kept switching between the two, he was trying to see what they were talking about but unfortunately he couldn't read lips.

When jungkook stood up all eyes started to follow him. "Daddy who dat," Dongmin said as he pulled on Jimins sleeve.

"I think that's uncle kookies friend," Jimin said softly.

"Ucle kookie has friends?" Dongmin asked in complete shock.

"Surprisingly yes," Taehyung said, which caused Dongmin to smile. 

When Jungkook came back everyone went back to a normal conversation. "Guys this is Yugyeom"

Everyone waved at said boy and welcomed him to sit. Dongmin stood up to shake Yugyeoms hand.

"Hi im dongmin," he said proudly, Yugyeom  just smiled at him. "Im Yugyeom, nice to meet you min."

"Yug yum?" dongmin repeated, Yugyeom just smiled and nodded his head. "Yuggie," dongmin repeated.

When the waiter came back he handed everyone their meals and left the check in the middle of the table.

"You sure you don't want anything cause i can get you something real quic-"

"It's fine kook, i ate before i came."

Jungkook just nodded and ate his food. Jimin would look up every now and then just to check on Jungkook. Taehyung nudged Jimin and mouthed lets mess with him jimin gave him that look and shook his head.

"Daddy...i really got to go."

"Okay lets go-"

"I want ucle kookie to take me," dongmin said, Jimin shook his head but Dongmin just pouted. "I can take him min... I don't mind."

Jimin just slowly nodded his head and began to eat his food. Taehyung cut a piece of his food and gave some to Jimin. When they came back Dongmin climbed over Taehyung to sit between him and Jimin.

"He's cute," Yugyeom said to jungkook, the aforementioned smiled and gave Yugyeom a wink.

"I'm cute," Jungkook responded. "No you're not," Taehyung said loudly. 

"Behave," Jimin said hitting Taehyungs shoulder. The aforementioned smiled at him and blew a kiss at him. "Papa kisses," Dongmin said puckering his lips.

"Taehyung you're a jerk," Jimin said once they got out of the restaurant. Taehyung laughed walked to the drivers side.

"Wheres koo," Dongmin asked looking around.

"He's going with his friend flower."

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