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Taehyung leaned on the counter watching Dongmin in the corner, it been about two minuets and Taehyung wanted him out already. But he was going to stick by his word and go through with his punishment. Even though it was hurting him more then it was for Dongmin.

Jimin walked in the kitchen and kissed Taehyungs cheek. "H-how are you holding up," Jimin said jokingly. Taehyung rolled his eyes and pecked his lips.

"He said he wa-was sorry," Jimin said rubbing Taehyungs arm, the aforementioned shook his head, licking his lips. "He has to learn Jimin," Taehyung said.

Jimin sighed but nodded. Jimin took a seat and rubbed his stomach, taking deep breaths he signaled Taehyung to give him the trash can.

Once he got it he started to throw up harshly. Taehyung turned around and allowed him to continue. Once he was done Taehyung took the trash out to throw out the bag and clean the trash can.

Jimin sighed and walked to the restroom to brush his teeth. Walking back in the living room he took a seat on the couch. "Daddy," Dongmin called out, Jimin turned around and looked at him.

"Yes flower," Jimin said.

"Can-Can i get out please," he said turning towards Jimin. The aforementioned sighed and shook his head, dongmin pouted but turned to face the corner. "Ju-just wai-wait til papa comes back," Jimin said. He saw Dongmin and his shoulders shake. Jimin frowned at the sight.

When Taehyung walked in Jimin nodded towards Dongmin, Taehyung picked up his phone showing Jimin that the timer went off already.

Taehyung walked to Dongmin and crouched in front of him. "Hey flower," Taehyung said. Dongmin turned around and looked at Taehyung and wiped his eyes.

"Yes papa," he said quietly. Taehyung wiped his eyes and kissed his forehead, Dongmin smiled a bit at him.

"You know what you did wrong," Dongmin nodded. "I hitted daddy betause he said no," Jimin said. Taehyung nodded and rubbed Dongmins head.

"An- hitting people is ba'"

Taehyung nodded sometimes he thought to himself. "Good job flower," he said giving him a kiss on the cheek. Dongmin smiled and hugged Taehyung.

"Go to your room and go get your jacket and stuff," Dongmin nodded and ran off to his room. Taehyung stood back up and walked to the couch.

"Im gonna take him back to the park for a bit and might stop by Jae's to give him sketches," Taehyung said to Jimin. The aforementioned nodded and stood up "i'll go too," he said walking to his shoes. Taehyung nodded.

Dongmin came running in the room with a smile, "here you go papa," he said handing him his stuff. Taehyung smiled and kissed his cheek, he put his jacket and beanie on then sat him on the couch so he could put on his shoes.

"Papa, is tannie coming too," he asked quietly, Taehyung nodded and continued to tie his shoes. Dongmin smiled and clapped his hands.

"Papa can you push me on the swings peas," Dongmin asked pointing at the swing set. Taehyung nodded and walked him to the set, after sitting them down on the swing and slowly started to push him. They've been at the park for about an hour and Dongmin has been waiting for the swing set to be open so he could swing, he promised that after he could do that they could go home.

After a while of swinging Dongmin declared that they could go home. Jimin laughed at his word choice as buckled him in. Taehyung smiled and began to drive towards Jaeho's house.

When they got there Dongmin gave Taehyung a confused look "papa, this isn't home," he said. Taehyung chuckled and nodded "we're gonna do something real quick baby," he said unbuckling himself, then dongmin.

Walking to the front door Taehyung knocked about three times before someone opened it. "TaeTae," a little girl yelled, Taehyung crouched down and rubbed her hair.

"Where's your crazy brother jaehee," Taehyung said standing back up. The little girl giggled and pointed inside, Taehyung walked in the house and was greeted with about two other kids running around. One boy and another girl, Taehyung smiled at the sight of them.

"Yoona and Jihyun," Taehyung said loudly, both kids stopped running to look at the familiar voice. Both smiled and ran in to his arms, "TaeTae," they both shouted.

"Where's jinsoo at guys," he asked.

"Oh he's in the kitchen making us pizza rolls," the other little girl said. Taehyung nodded and walked to the kitchen, Jimin and Dongmin following behind.

Yeontan was busy soaking up the attention from the other kids.

Walking in the kitchen Taehyung yelled and covered his and dongmins eyes. Dongmin covered Jimins eyes not knowing what was happening, but if he couldn't look neither could Jimin.

"I thought you were making pizza rolls," Taehyung said, his eyes were still covered.

"You're good to look now," Jaeho said walking away from Jinsoo. "And i was making pizza rolls they just need to cool down," Jinsoo said trying to defend himself. Jimin giggled and removed Dongmins hand from his face.

Dongmin looked around and smiled when he saw jaeho, Dongmin waved at him with a wide smile. "Hi jae jae," Dongmin said excitedly, Jaeho smiled and took him from Jimin.

"What's up mini min" He said. Dongmin giggled and hid himself in the nape of his neck. Getting tired Jimin found a spot to sit down, take a deep breath he rubbed his stomach and started to count to ten.

"Where's your re-restroom at," he asked, Jaeho walked out, with Jimin following, and led him to they restroom that they had.

"Daddy's been really sick," Dongmin told Jaeho, the aforementioned nodded and caressed his cheek. Walking back in the kitchen Jaeho saw the three kids sitting at the table.

In the kitchen was Taehyung and Jinsoo talking about Jimins pregnancy. Jaeho shook his head at the mention of the argument they had a while back.

When Jimin walked in the room Taehyung handed him a water bottle, jimin declined it though. "You guys ha-have mint or so-something," he asked, Jaeho nodded and pulled out a pack of gum and handed him one.

"Daddy you okay," Dongmin asked, Jimin just smiled and nodded. "Hyung im done can i have ice cream please."

Jinsoo nodded and walked to the freezer and pulled out a popsicle. "Papa, can i have one please," Dongmin said to Taehyung. The aforementioned gave him a nod then motioned over to Jinsoo.

"Soo can i have an ice cream please." Jinsoo nodded and got one for him. Dongmin said thank you and happily began to eat it.

A/N i keep sleeping in class and it sucks :(

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