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It was a week later and jimin was at home doing his math homework that he forgot to do the day before so he was rushing it so he could submit the work and take a nap

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It was a week later and jimin was at home doing his math homework that he forgot to do the day before so he was rushing it so he could submit the work and take a nap. His phone rang making him stop his homework and pick up the phone "hello?"

"Hey min I was wondering if you were busy, Lisa wants to meet you and I miss hanging out with my best friend"

"I'm ac-actually quite bu-busy but when I'm f-free I'll let you know"

"You alright min, you don't sound like yourself"

" 'm fine just sl-sleepy"

"Alright well you get that homework done then take a nap jimin don't stress yourself" jimin replied with an okay and said his goodbyes continuing with his work. Why do I always wait last minute he thought to himself just wanting to get them done and take that nap he's been talking about."Taehyung is here jimin-ah" Jin said jimin didn't reply to busy focusing on the work. Jimin heard the door closed and sighed it's not that math was hard for him it's just that he waited till last minute and particular subject in math was hard for him.

Jimin heard the door open but paid no attention to it. "Hey min Jin said you were having some trouble" it was namjoon he had his voice in a low and quiet not knowing if jimin had a headache or not. Said boy didn't look at him he just nodded his head and continued to work "I can help out if you like" jimin nodded his head and so namjoon made his way over to him and began to help out.


"Th-thank you so much namjoon hyung, I was re-really stressed out about it" jimin said rubbing his eye and yawning. "It was nothing jimin, just take a nap Jin told me you haven't been sleeping well" jimin nodded his head and made his way to his bed "is tae-taehyung still he-here" jimin asked half asleep but wanting to cuddle with Taehyung "I'll call him in here" and with that namjoon walked out of the door.
Soon enough Taehyung came rushing in happy to finally be with jimin, but when he walked in he was met with a already sleeping jimin so he decided to cuddle with him till he falls asleep. "To-took forever" jimin mumbled snuggling more in to Taehyungs chest. Taehyung kissed jimins head "nap right now jimin" he whispered knowing that jimin was stressing out about his homework.

Both boys were laying down still sleeping when Seokjin knocked on jimins door waking the two up. "The food is done it'll be there when you're ready" jimin sat up messy hair and a confused face Taehyung sat up and laughed at Jimins reaction. "You know an old friend of mine is having a party today do you want to come" Taehyung asked raspy voice still jimin shrugged his shoulders he's never been to an actual party, the only parties he's been to always involved a candy bag and maybe a jumping castle. "It's up to you okay" jimin nodded his head still thinking about it not knowing if it was safe or not.


It was currently eight pm and jimin was looking at himself in the mirror at the moment he was getting ready for the party after fighting with himself he had finally accepted Taehyungs offer. Jimin kept going over his outfit having second thoughts, at the moment he was wearing a white shirt, blue jeans rolled up at the end a bit, black boots, and a blue jacket just in case it got cold. "Jimin-ah Taehyung is waiting for you outside" jimin nodded his head and made his way outside to see Taehyung leaning on his car looking absolutely stunning in jimins eyes. He was wearing a plain white shirt, black ripped skinny jeans, pumas, and had his hair in a snapback. Jimin finally got to the car and Taehyung opened the door for jimin said boy said a quiet thank you and got in to the car.

Taehyung pulled up across the street from where the party was held and when jimin saw how many people were there he started getting nervous wanting to go home. Taehyung was already off the car going to open jimins door, once opened jimin didn't get out "we can go to the movies instead if you want" jimin shook his head and got out of the car he wants Taehyung to have a good time and not worry about himself (jimin) for once because ever since the two met Taehyung always worried about jimin.

The two boys made their way inside the house and immediately Taehyung was greeted by different people. "Hey! Kim Taehyung long time no see how've you been hoe" Taehyung and jimin looked for where the voice came from "Jackson Wang! I've been good bro, yourself?" Taehyung said letting go of jimins hand to give "jackson" a bro hug (?) The two were having a conversation when Jackson finally noticed jimin standing very close to Taehyung. "Tae who's this" Jackson motioned to jimin "hey why don't you introduce yourself min" jimin gulped.

"I-im ji-ji-jimin, ni-nice to meet yo-you" jimin sighed but stuck his hand out so he can shake Jacksons hand. "He's my boyfriend! I've been wanting to introduce him to you guys but he's been busy!" Taehyung shouted jimin blushed at the mention of being Taehyungs boyfriend. "He's cute take care of him man" Taehyung nodded his head then suddenly a boy came next to Jackson. "Jackson where did you go I was looking all over for you" Jackson smiled at the boy "Taehyung and jimin this is Mark, Mark this is Taehyung and Jimin" Jackson said motioning to the couple "Taehyung nice to meet you" said boy reaching out to shake Marks hand then nudging jimin to do the same. Jimin didn't introduce himself he just stuck his hand out for Mark to shake "um give me a minute I need to talk to min for a bit" the two boys nodded their heads and Taehyung grabbed jimins arm taking him upstairs in to a random room so they could talk in private. "Minnie are you okay" Taehyung asked in a calm voice but jimin didn't say anything he was scared that he got Taehyung mad. "I'm not mad at you Minnie, I'm worried if you want to go home just tell me and we can got my house or yours and watch a movie" jimin shook his head "im-im fine ju-just al-alot of people"

"Jimin I won't be mad if you want to go home okay, the moment you feel uncomfortable just let me know okay" jimin nodded and stood up he just didn't want to get Taehyung mad, he just wanted him to have fun. The two boys exited the room and made their way back to the party. As soon as they got out there jimin kept his grip tight not wanting to lose him.


Jimin was in the restroom currently washing his face trying to get away for a bit. Suddenly a loud knock was heard causing jimin to jump "hurry up in there" jimin finished doing what he was doing and left the room looking for Taehyung but was stopped when he was pushed into another room. "I've never seen you who are you pretty boy" the unknown male said to jimin pushing him more against the wall. Jimin didn't answer scared for his life not knowing what to do " it's rude to ignore people you know" jimin still didn't say anything he wanted Taehyung to take him home. The unknown boy started to grind against jimin and kissing his neck "pl-please st-stop" jimin whispered scared to make him mad " oh so it can speak"

"Tae-taehyung! T-taehyung!" Jimin started to shout for him so he could take him out of the room and take him home "he isn't coming for you pretty boy" the boy whispered into jimins ear making him shift uncomfortably "pl-please st-stop, Ta-taehyung!" Jimin yelled one last time with a bit of hope. Jimins prayers were answered when he saw the door fly open but was disappointed to only see mark and Jackson, Jackson quickly pushed the guy off jimin pushing him against the wall. Mark grabbed jimin and dragged him to an empty room so he could breathe and not worry about anything happening to himself "I'll be back okay, I'm going to get Taehyung" mark said quietly and left the room locking it first.
Jimin just sat there crying to himself he wanted no he needed to go home he didn't want to be in that house anymore. Hearing a knock on the door jimin snapped his head up scared to go up to the door "Minnie its me please open the door" it was Taehyung jimin hesitated before going up to the door "Minnie I need you to open the door for me" Taehyung yelled. Jimin made his way to the door and unlocking it, then opening it to see Taehyung leaning on the door a look of fear on his face. Taehyung rushed in the room closing the door quickly than hugging jimin like he hasn't seen him in years. "I'm so so so so sorry min I should've stayed at the door and waited this wouldn't have happened to you I'm so sorry" jimin didn't react to Taehyung, he didn't react to the hug, he just didn't move. "H-home" was all he said Taehyung nodded his head and dragged jimin outside to his car.

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