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A/N ignore grammar mistakes

Eventually Dongmins high came back down and he went back to laying on the couch and quiet cries. Jimin stroked his head and sighed, he also played with his hand.

"Daddy, can i some more drink," dongmin asked, Jimin nodded and stood up and walked to the kitchen. He poured the tea in the cup and went back to the living room.

He smiled a bit seeing Jinsoo and Dongmin talking to each other. "Don't like being icky, cause then i can't play with tannie and you and jae," dongmin said quietly.

"Well all you got to do is get lots of rest so you can fight the germs in your body," jinsoo said rubbing his stomach.

"Like a super hero and bad guy," dongmin whispered, jinsoo giggled but nodded. "Yeah just like that," jinsoo said.

Dongmin giggled and nodded, jinsoo stood up and walked towards their office where jaeho and taehyung were at. Jimin took a seat next to dongmin and handed him his cup.

"Daddy," dongmin called, jimin looked at him. Dongmin just waved a blew a kiss to him, Jimin giggled and returned the actions. "Soosoo said that i have to rest so my body can fight off the bad guys that are making me icky," he said quietly--his voice a bit raspy.

Jimin once again nodded "how about we take a nap--so your b-body can r-rest a lot more," he said. Dongmin nodded and faced the tv to help him sleep.

Eventually he did, so jimin took it upon himself to take a nap too.

Taehyung walked in the living room, he smiled seeing both boys a sleep. He thought they looked so adorable so he decided to snap a quick picture before walking to the kitchen. He got out the ingredients to make the soup for Dongmin, jaeho walked in the kitchen as well and grabbed stuff to cook food for everyone else.

They cooked side by side with little conversation. "Jinsoo is....whew," jaeho said. Taehyung chuckled as he shook his head "I really love him Taehyung, I really-"

"Would you look at that, daddy jae is in love," Taehyung said teasing him a bit. "Fuck off," jaeho said with a smile.

"So how's the baby," Jaeho asked looking at Taehyung. "You didn't see the picture," he asked, Jaeho shook his head. "I'll show you later, but good. We're having twins," he said mixing the soup. Jaeho smiled "are guys going to get a bigger apartment," taehyung nodded.

"They said they'll look for one that's empty."

"Is it gonna cost more."

Taehyung shook his head "same price as this one," he said.

"Papa," a small voice called out, Taehyung turned around and saw Dongmin holding the small beard. Taehyung walked up to him and picked him up. "Daddy is still asleep," he said laying his head on Taehyungs shoulder.

"Well hang out with me for a bit, daddy's just tired," taehyung said and dongmin happily nodded. "Watcha doin," he asked peaking over his shoulder.

"'M cooking some soup," he said quietly. "For me papa," he asked looking at him. Taehyung nodded and rubbed his head messing up his hair. Dongmin smiled cutely, "what's jaejae doin," he asked.

"He's making food for the big people."

"Oh. What do you think kookie is doing."

Probably getting dic- "i don't know how about we call him," Taehyung taking out his phone he went on to his contacts. He tapped on Jungkooks contact, he tapped the facetime button and handed it to Dongmin smiled when Jungkook answered his phone.

"Kookie," he shouted excitedly then breaking in to coughing fit. "Hey there dongmin, what's up," he said, dongmin saw jungkook prop himself on his elbow(?). "Just bored, 'm feeling icky and well yeah," dongmin said looking up at Taehyung and point at the grapes next to him. Taehyung nodded and dongmin began to eat them.

"How long have you been feeling icky," Jungkook asked.

"Dis mornin, i threw up but daddy was already there to help me," dongmin said.

"Can you come over," dongmin asked. Jungkook shook his head and dongmin frowned. "Yuggie is on his way here and plus you didn't ask your papa or daddy."

Dongmin sighed but nodded, "you should probably ask papa right now," jungkook whispered, dongmin snapped his head up at Taehyung with pleading eyes. The aforementioned nodded and smiled seeing his eyes light up.

"My papa sai-"

"Hey kook your mom let me in." a voice said, dongmin saw jungkook smile and wave, he then saw yugyeoms head on top of Jungkooks chest. Yugyeom happily waved at him "hi Dongmin. I haven't seen you in forever i miss you," yugyeom said taking the phone away from Jungkook. Dongmin giggled at him and waved.

"You look sick dongmin, are you doing okay," Yugyeom asked turning around a sitting up, obviously sitting on Jungkooks lap.

"Yeah i have the ickys," dongmin saidly quietly. "I don't like it cause i to tired to play," he sadly.

Yugyeom cooed at the way dongmin was talking. "Well when i feel icky i like cuddle and eat ice cream."

"Papa can i have some ice cream please," dongmin asked Taehyung immediately. The aforementioned shook his head and dongmin pouted. He sighed quietly and shook his head towards the screen "he said no," dongmin said sadly.

"Maybe when you feel better," yugyeom said.

Dongmin looked up at Taehyung with pleading eyes, luckily he said yes and allowed it. Dongmin mentally yessed and thanked yugyeom. They all continued to talk till it was time for dongmin to eat.

"Kay kay bye kookie and yuggie," dongmin said waving, he waited till they said bye back before he gave the phone back to Taehyung.

He hung up for dongmin and slid it in to his pocket, he turned back around and served Dongmin his food. He happily grabbed the food and began to eat it.

Taehyung walked in the living room to check on Jimin, he saw him peacefully awake on the couch. His eyes were barely opened but he had a smile on his face when he saw Taehyung.

"Hi b-baby."

Taehyung smiled, he walked to the couch he was on and crouched down. "Flower is eating right now love, jae is making food for everyone else." jimin just nodded.

"I can grab something for you if you're hungr-"

"I ca-can wait like ev-everyone else," jimin said quietly. Taehyung leaned forward to give jimin a quick peck. Jimin smiled and asked for another one "'m another one," he said cutely. Taehyung smiled and pecked his lips again and multiple times after that.

"God i love you so much."

"I lo-love more."

A/N i met cruzito today.

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