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Dongmin happily swung his legs back and forth as he ate his soup, he was feeling a bit better. You could tell he was still sick but it looked like he was improving. Taehyung walked in the kitchen with a sleepy Jimin following behind, dongmin smiled brightly and waved at the two of them.

"Daddy you're awake now," dongmin yelled, jimin smiled and nodded, he brought his finger to his mouth to signal dongmin to be quiet. He smiled cutely and zipped his mouth.

Jimin smiled at his actions, he followed behind Taehyung, he had a grip on his shirt. Taehyung stopped in front of the oven, causing Jimin to bump in to him.

"Here try some of the soup...tell me how it taste," Taehyung said removing the lid, he took the spoon and dipped it in the pot. When he took it out he turn towards Jimin and put the spoon up to his lips.

Jimin slurped up the soup and smiled when he finished. He gave Taehyung a nod, he also happily hummed. "It's good, you did good b-baby," Jimin said then puckered his lips so taehyung could kiss him. The aforementioned smiled and pecked his lips multiple times before they heard Dongmin whine. Both boys looked back at him and saw him with a pout "i want kisses too," he said cutely.

Both of his parents walked up to each side of him and pecked his cheeks. Dongmin giggled then turned his head to peck Jimins lips then did the same to Taehyung.

"I feels better now daddy," dongmin said turning to him. Jimin smiled and nodded. "That's go-good flo-flower," Jimin said rubbing his head to mess up his hair.

"Daddy," he whinnied with a pout. Jimin giggled then pecked his head. "I don' like when you do that daddy," dongmin said patting his hair down. Jimin giggled and just messed up his hair again--which caused Dongmin to whine.

"Leave him alone Jimin."

Time skip

Okay so dongmin wasn't feeling better like he thought he was. Jimin was rubbing his back as he threw up in the toilet. "We should call your mom maybe she can help us out," Taehyung said walking in. Jimin shook his head "i ca-can do this, besides i still haven't told them about me."

"Well it's not like we can ask my parents."

Taehyung walked out of the room leaving the two, after Dongmin finished throwing up Jimin handed him a mint.

"Go watch t-the mo-movie," Jimin said patting his back. Jimin walked to the office--he assumed that he'd be there. And he was right.

Taehyung was sitting in the chair drawing the new tattoos. Jimin sat on the couch next to him. "I'm so-sorry," jimin said rubbing his back.

"I know I just hate seeing him sick and your parents have more experience then both of us."

Jimin nodded and caressed his check. "I love you baby," jimin said. Taehyung nodded and kissed his head. "I love you more," Taehyung said kissing his lips.

"Now ca-call my parents while i check on dongmin," jimin said handing him his phone.

Time skip

"Daddy someone is at the door," Dongmin said walking in the kitchen. Jimin nodded and walked to the living room and opened the door to reveal Jimins parents.

Jimins bump was far from unnoticeable, so jimin was just waiting for them to say something. "Hey kiddo, where's dongmin," his dad said.

"In the ki-kitchen," he said.

Jimins mom stepped in the house with a smile. "You gained weight," she had her hands on her hips.

"Im bimale mom--im pregnant," he said then walked to the kitchen. She closed the door then followed behind, dongmin and jimins dad (who's name i haven't made up yet) playing in the kitchen.

"Hi grandma," he giggled out, "hi Dongmin, hi Taehyung."

Taehyung smiled and waved at her. "Hi mom--oh i mean--"

"It's fine sweetie," she said going up and hugging him. Taehyung smiled and held her tightly. Jimin smiled at the sight of him and his mom, his dad was the only one giving a disapproving look.

"Dad, can i talk to you," jimin spoke up. His dad nodded and walked out of the room with jimin beside him, they kept walking till they got to the hallway.

"Is ev-everything ok-okay dad," Jimin asked, his dad nodded--jimin could tell it was fake.

"Yo-you don't li-like him do you," jimin said feeling his heart break a little. His dad shook his head "it's not that--it's just i don't like the idea of you growing up so quickly."

A smile fell on Jimins lips, now the sudden harshness towards Taehyung made sense.

When he first met Jimin, he was always so scared and shy about everything--at first that's why jimin had the stutter is what he thought. So he always protected him from everything--even after getting bullied for the first time he made the decision to home school him.

But he soon learned--after awhile of homeschooling--that this was way he talk. But he wasn't going to risk him getting hurt, at all. So yes he always thought of Jimin as a baby, he still thinks of Jimin as a baby.

He regrets all the business trip he took, he regrets hiding him from everything but it seemed that Taehyung was helping him experience those things.

"Taehyung keeps making you grow up and i don't approve of that," he jokingly said.

"I-it was gonna ha-happen either way."

"He even helped your stutter," he said going to hug Jimin. "And you're pregnant too."

Jimin didn't question how he knew but he just nodded.

They both walked back to the kitchen. Taehyung was cooking and dongmin and his mom were playing with some car dongmin had.

"I was gonna ask does he cough a lot," she asked, jimin shook his head.

"Only here and there but it's just bad coughing," Taehyung said. "Well i have that machine you used to use as a kid."

Jimin nodded as his dad went to go grab it, it was silent. "So who knows about the pregnancy," jimins mom asked.

Jimin shrugged "seokjin, na-namjoon, yoongi, hoseok, Jinsoo, jungkook and jaeho," jimin listed. Jimins mom just nodded, then sighed.

"So everyone but your own parents," she said. Jimin nodded , taehyung could feel the tension between them. "I'm your mom how come you didn't tell me," jimin just shrugged.

"Cause seokjin is th-the closest thing i ha-have to a parent that was there for me."

"We had to work-"

"One o-of you co-could ha-have stayed home, or at least put me in sc-school--you guys ha-have no ri-right to complain abo-about this."

"I did it to pro-"

"You waisted my life."

A/N :)))

I already have the genders picked out.

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